Saturday, October 12, 2024

Lawn care with Living Water

by Mike Fairburn Living Water LawnTree Service
| July 9, 2010 9:00 PM

Wow it really rained a lot this spring didn't it? OK that was easy to agree on. Ever notice these days how many things people seem to disagree on? Well here are a few things people usually agree on: Puppies are pretty cute but dog poop has a real down side. By the way when your female dog goes No. 1... well I can't say the other thing in a newspaper. I guess I can since I just said poop.

We are breaking new ground here folks... female dog urine will kill the grass where it is "applied." Actually urine is fertilizer but the concentration is just strong. Pet stores offer products to add to dog food that are supposed to neutralize the urine and stop the killing...Hey that sounds too good to be true.

Has anyone tried any of these products? If so did they work? If you have tried a product like this could you e-mail me and let me know your results?

Well, it is summer and it is time to actually water your lawn and landscape. It has been great to get all the free water. Thanks God. Now it's our turn. At 80 degrees, water four to five times a week unless you have amazing soil. If it gets into the 90s, you may want to water daily - I do.

Mowing longer helps when it is hot. Mowing your lawn 3 inches high is not extreme. By mowing grass longer, you keep weeds and crab grass to a minimum and conserve water since taller turf is more draught tolerant. Your lawn endures hot weather much better.

Lisa and I have been planting like crazy around our house. We got a late start this year because of weather. If you are planting late yourself this year, add a little vitamin B to the soil when you initially plant. Just mix it with water and water in the new plant. Make sure the roots are wet initially and keep them wet for a couple of weeks.

When we minimize planting stress, the survival rate for new plants really improves. This is a great year to landscape. Last year was tough on many landscapers, so now they are all pretty aggressive in pricing and the value for your dollar is excellent. If you have been waiting to install that new water feature or that new patio this is a great time.

Installing a patio with a water feature, including water plants or plants that "fit" around water, is a wonderful addition to almost any landscape. I am about 80 percent done on project at our house like this. I believe it will be a great space for our family and friends.

Sometimes we forget how healing a wonderful outside space can be. If you work a lot or deal with stress in life, few things in life are better than a cup of coffee outside with a loved one or just you and God enjoying a summer morning. When I start my day like this, it's no guarantee tough things won't come up that day but I am given the wisdom to handle them much better.

Until next time enjoy your yard... blessings Mike. E-mail