Monday, October 14, 2024

Jodie Lori Wolfenbarger, 41

| July 9, 2010 5:00 AM

Jodie Lori Wolfenbarger, 41, was taken from us May 16, 2010, she was born May 20, 1968. She is leaving behind family, nephew Dakota Lanore of Coeur d’Alene, sister Colleen Emmick of Coeur d’Alene, and a long time friend/brother of heart, David Sonner of Nashville, Tenn. Anyone who ever knew her, loved her. She always brought a ray of sunshine in our lives. Her laugh would just put a smile on our faces. She was beautiful on the inside as well on the outside. Jodie never judged anyone, and always had an open heart to anyone.

You will be missed my sweet sister. Your laughter will never be forgotten. Your eyes brightened our darkest days, and your smile was always gleaming. We love you dear sister of ours. We love you Jodie! And God Bless Sweet Girl!

And for all who knew her, please listen to the song I have dedicated in her honor, “If I Die Young” artists ... Band Perry. I love you my sweet sister, you are gone, but not forgotten.

At the family’s request, no services were held.