Monday, October 14, 2024

PARADE: Tea Party extends invitations

| July 1, 2010 2:28 PM

I would appreciate the opportunity to clear up a misconception that some have regarding the Tea Party. Nationwide, the groups are truly grassroots. Having said that, now I speak only for the Tea Party Patriots of North Idaho.

We are NOT associated or guided by a political party, nor by ANY politician. Though we have had several politicians in attendance at the rallies, they do not serve on our committees and we do not seek their advice. Those citizens who have attended rallies represent all political parties.  WE ARE  UNITED ONLY BY OUR LOVE OF AMERICA,  not by political party, race, gender or religion!  ALL patriotic Americans are always welcomed.

On this 4th of July we will again participate in the Coeur d’Alene parade. COME ONE, COME ALL!

If you love America and want to Celebrate in a Big Way, come march with us to show your appreciation for our Freedom and for our veterans who have protected that Freedom.

The parade begins at 11. Our staging area is at Sherman and 19th St. Arrive around 9:30 if you’d like to help decorate our float. You may bring signs with patriotic quotes of famous Americans.  However, remember that parade regulations prohibit sticks or poles. (No protest signs. This is a time to celebrate, not lament!)


Post Falls