Who's to say what's moral?
In the Jan. 30, 2010, edition of the newspaper, local section, Bob Holliday expressed his views on the Roe v Wade decision. I would just like to respond to his "opinion."
I have the opposite opinion of Roe v Wade as Mr. Hoilliday. I believe that Roe v Wade was a watershed in American jurisprudence. This decision did something that needed to be done for many years. It decriminalized something that often is an absolutely necessary function. Making abortion illegal only has one provable consequence: It makes perfectly normal people into "criminals." The Roe v Wade decision may or may not have had ANY affect on abortion rates in this country. Any comparison of abortion rates before and after Roe v Wade are ridiculous because no real data exists on pre decision abortion rates as abortions were then illegal. Making abortion illegal did result in many unnecessary deaths. Women were forced to allow some hack to use a coat hanger or some other such instrument to abort the fetus.
Which life is more important anyway, the mother or the fetus? This leaves only one issue unresolved with regards to abortion, whether it is morally right or wrong. This also is a moot discussion because none of us has the right (as per the Bible) to judge anything or anyone. Prove to me that you have never comitted a sin and your "moral" opinion in this regard (or any other) may have some weight. However, as only one man has ever lived who was without sin, and you are not him, you have sinned, as have all of us. So your moral opinion is without worth, as is everyone's, including mine. I do not know if abortion is moral, as I am not God. By the way, the meaning of the word moral is about as definable as the word love.
I also do not know the statistical data on how many abortions occur as the result of any specific reason. I also suggest that you do not have any such data as medical information is confidential by law. None of us has the legal right to know that about anyone else. Thus, suggesting that abortion is used as birth control is a ridiculous premise because none of us has that data available to us, from any reliable source. I cannot say you are wrong but I also cannot say if you are right. I cannot judge the truth of what you say. However, I can say your point is moot as it is based on undefinable meanings. You do, of course have the First Amendment right to say what you have (I fought for that right for 20 years). However, everyone seems to forget the responsibility that comes with that (as rational, thinking adults) is to not say things which have no basis in fact, basically unsubstantiated opinion. If you ask, I can give about two-dozen sources for that statement, including Thomas Paine, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. Please, if you are going to state something, at least provide a source of facts so we may accurately determine if any real value is attached to what you say. Or, are you a certified "expert" on the subject of abortion?
Bill Laffen is a Coeur d'Alene resident.