Embezzlement Case Update
Sergeant Christie Wood, Public Information Officer for the Coeur d'Alene Police Department, released the following press release this morning regarding the investigation of suspected embezzlement the Kootenai County Clerk's office.
On December 7, 2010 Coeur d'Alene Police Detectives received a report from County Clerk Dan English of possible employee embezzlement in the Kootenai County
Clerks Office. Financial records from the Clerk's Office dating back to January of 2000 to October 31st of
2010 were obtained by detectives for review. It has been determined there is $138,905 in missing Kootenai County
funds during this time frame. The Kootenai County Commissioners and Dan English held a press conference
on December 28th 2010 and provided the name to the public of Chief Deputy Clerk Sandy Martinson as a possible suspect in the embezzlement. The Police Department has completed the investigation and forwarded the results to the Bonner County Prosecutors office for review and possible charges. No further information will be released from our office at this time.