Thursday, January 02, 2025

PURSE: Honest soul in parking lot

| December 24, 2010 3:26 AM

I would like to thank the honest lady who kindly turned my purse into Customer Service at Post Falls Walmart last Thursday, December 16th. After placing my groceries in my car, I became distracted when I placed the cart in a cart stall, leaving my purse in the child seat, and did not miss it until I returned home.

As any woman knows, a lost or stolen purse causes major inconvenience and anxiety, and could possibly ruin more than a Christmas holiday. You, kind lady, saved me from experiencing all of those. I thank God you were the one who saw it and did the right thing.

I hope you read this and accept my gratitude and that your Christmas and New Year are very blessed. I'm glad I live here where most people practice the Golden Rule. The Walmart employees said you didn't leave your name, otherwise I would thank you personally and offer a reward. I will pay more attention in the future and will certainly "pay it forward."


Post Falls