SCHOOLS: Support all that's good
Dear fellow Kootenai County taxpayers,
As a father of three children in Coeur d'Alene, I would like to personally thank you for your steady support. You have voted yes on school levies rather than sentence them to a woefully inadequate education. Thanks to you, I have three healthy successful children who are changing our world for the better.
As a father, I happily offer a couple of hundred dollars per year in property taxes to see the amazing things from which my kids benefit. For this, I can watch in awe as a crazy good seventh-grade basketball coach imparts smart basic skills to wonderful, eager-eyed young ladies. For this, thousands of kids have access to superior orchestra programs, talented art instructors, and world history teachers to help them connect all of that information. For this, children can enjoy four years of German instruction, or wrestle, or make a robot. I have seen them compete in spelling bees, "math counts," advanced placement classes, PSAT merit scholarships, state football championships, economic summits, invention conventions, drum lines, jazz festivals, special chorus, DECA and debate. And, if you haven't noticed, test scores are through the roof.
Do not believe the angry voices who deny your impact on our world; we are not waiting for Superman here in Coeur d'Alene. You, my fellow taxpayers and voters, ARE the superheroes. May the positive effects of your dedication ripple across our schools and over our nation for many years to come.
Coeur d'Alene