Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wagner named Kootenai County Fire and Rescue commissioner

| December 17, 2010 8:00 PM

POST FALLS - Paul Wagner has been named a new commissioner for Kootenai County Fire and Rescue.

Wagner replaces the late Jack Knox in sub-district 4, which is south of Interstate 90 in Post Falls. Wagner, a forester for Inland Empire Paper Co. in Spokane, will serve for the next three years to fill out the four-year term.

"I've always liked being involved in the community," Wagner said.

Wagner is president of the Post Falls Lions Club and was previously a youth sports coach and on school committees that spearheaded funding efforts.

Wagner is among five commissioners on the board. KCFR covers Post Falls, Dalton Gardens, Wolf Lodge, Fernan Village, Huetter and Stateline.

Wagner's wife, Sharon, is a teacher at Ponderosa Elementary in Post Falls.