SCHOOLS: Live within your means
I just finished reading the article "Bauman: Levy is essential." Ms. Bauman, my limited income is also "essential." I feel your pain, but I am starting to think that you don't feel the pain of the everyday taxpayer in the school district.
For those of us on "fixed incomes" there will be no "COLA's" again this year. We will have to deal with the ever-increasing cost of living that we see in our bills/groceries and prescriptions. We will not be able to absorb an increase in our rent or mortgage payments.
Again my suggestion to the school district is to dig further and deeper, make do with the $7.8 million levy that we most all would vote for again, which would make you just like the rest of us - we deal with an ever-increasing cost of living and reduction in our incomes.
In my humble opinion if you attempt to increase people's property taxes they will send you a "resounding NO" at the polls. Most people are really fed up with taxes as it is. Your continually asking for more is really getting old. Do us all a favor and cut where you have to; we will live with the results, and when times are better you can ask us to vote for an increase in our property taxes. Until then you should quit while you are ahead.