Thursday, March 06, 2025

Post Falls man in final two on 'The Apprentice'

by Brian Walker
| December 3, 2010 8:00 PM

POST FALLS - Clint Robertson has a 50-50 chance of being Donald Trump's next apprentice.

The 40-year-old, who is living in Post Falls, survived Week 12 of "The Apprentice" business competition series on NBC on Thursday night, advancing to the top two.

Robertson and Brandy Kuentzel, 30, were spared from getting fired.

Liza Macheru-Wisner, also 30, was the latest to get the ax.

The winner, who will land a $250,000-a-year job as Trump's next CEO, will be determined on Thursday at 8 p.m.

For the finale, Robertson chose to plan a Liza Minelli concert. Kuentzel runs a golf tournament featuring Kathy Griffin.

"I wanted to show that I could think outside of the box," Robertson said on Thursday night of his choice. "Everyone expected me to run the golf tournament. I wanted to show that this mule has more than one trick."

Robertson, a Christian, said he believes he had a strong finish on the show.

"It was a tough challenge, but I'm proud of the effort I gave," he said.

Robertson said he trusted in the Lord that he would make the final two.

"From March 28 (when the casting call was announced), I knew that this was where I was going to be," he said. "I don't mean that as being over-confident, but my whole point is that it has been a great deliverance."

Robertson said no one on the show will know who the next Apprentice will be until the finale.

The 16 candidates in Season 10 of the show have been hit hard by the recession and are trying to rebuild their careers or have recently graduated from college with no job prospects.

Robertson, wife Sandy, and their sons Jake, 14, Eli, 12, and Daniel, 10, have been leasing a home in Post Falls for the past year. Some of that time has been spent relaxing from the taping of the show from April to mid-summer in which Robertson wasn't allowed to see his family and he has been doing public relations work for the show.

Robertson sold his Texas home last year, lived off the equity, downsized his business and held an estate sale before moving his family to Post Falls. They had been paying the lease and planned to use it as a vacation home, but because of the economy, it became their permanent home.

Regardless of what happens on the show, Robertson said his schedule will force the family to move in January. He said, if he doesn't become the next Apprentice, he has had several job offers and invitations to be a guest speaker. Robertson's real estate title business in Weatherford, Texas, which has struggled due to the economy, has also gotten enough business from Robertson being on the show to stave off bankruptcy.

Robertson said he has met several nice families in the area and he plans to maintain roots here.

Fans can learn more about Robertson at He's also on Facebook.