Sunday, October 06, 2024

Muslim agenda requires a response

by Fred Hamelrath
| August 27, 2010 9:00 PM

This article is submitted as a proposition for review and consideration by all persons of voting age who take the time to read it.

Our nation is being constantly assailed physically as well as ideologically and religiously. Our borders are but a sieve for illegal immigrants, our social structure is being undermined by widespread drug use, our political structure has strayed from true representation to a special interest agenda. The list can go on, but there has to be a stand taken somewhere to mend this national degradation.

I am sure there are many who are aware of this decline in our nation's stature and in their own way try to counter it. Many do not; they either do not know about what is happening, they think subtle change is not taking place, they do not view what is happening as important and real, are blatantly apathetic, or frankly they just don't give a damn.

Recently there has been strong opposition to the building of an Islamic Mosque in the immediate site of the World Trade Center disaster. This poses a new line of thought as to the real purpose of this action. The president's approval of this construction presents another question, was it considered appropriate because of the provisions of the First Amendment to the Constitution or because of the president's religion, which is Muslim.

In view of this one particular act I offer the following hypothetical assumption, "the founders of our Constitution had definite beliefs on what constituted protection of religion."

At the time of our Declaration of Independence, the religious structure of this country was based on the Christian Faith as it was brought to our shores from the countries of Europe. There were different denominations of this Christian belief, and this belief was accepted and integrated into the founding of our nation. The different denominations in their own diversity supported our nation and government.

The Christian Faith was implemented in The Oath of Allegiance we take, in our Pledge of Allegiance, it is printed on our currency and further displayed in many factions of our government. There were no Buddha or Shinto or other factions; there was only the Christian Faith. Many of the Founders of the Constitution certainly had European ancestors who down through the ages over a period of 300 years had defended the cause of Christianity by their participation in the Crusades against the Muslims.

Nowhere have I read or heard through the news media that what we are confronted with is, in essence, a Crusade for the survival of Christianity. I will leave it up to the readers of this article to form their own conclusions. My point is that I do not assume our Founders of the Constitution intended to draw up a document that would protect a religion that could or would pursue a doctrine that would lead to the destruction of the nation they were trying to build.

Is it time, based on the aforementioned assumption, that the First Amendment of the Constitution be reviewed by the highest court of this nation, the U.S. Supreme Court. The purpose of such a review would be to decide the real intent of the First Amendment as it was originally drafted, and the beliefs and conditions that existed at the time, and to amend the Constitution accordingly.

The Muslim movement in this country is increasing every day. The ultimate goal is to destroy this country through the annihilation of the Gentiles. The moderates of the religion, who maintain this is not the case, will be over run by the radicals, who are determined to destroy us. One only needs to refer to the basis of the religion. If a religious sect entered this country and believed in human sacrifice we would rebel in an instant and abolish it. What is the true purpose of the Muslim religion as directed at our country.

In conclusion there is another real danger to this creeping invasion. The one area which dictates to a great deal what transpires in the field of government, and that is the voters. When numbers of any group - be they Democrats, Republicans, Independents or other factions - increase, a voting block can develop. Deep within the Muslim faith is embedded the Sharia Law, which dates back to Tribal Law in the seventh century; implementation of this set of laws is another of their goals.

There is no doubt that my mention of a Constitutional Amendment will bring outcries from all directions. In answer to these outbursts I offer this: the Constitution is and has been the insurance policy of our nation. It has persisted for over 200 years, and served the Nation well.

Like all insurance policies, whether they be for business or personal purposes, they require reviewing and updating from time to time as to their adequacy for our protection. The Constitution requires the same attention. There have been numerous amendments for improvement to this great document, and the nation has survived. Based on my hypothetical assumption is it now time for such action.

This writer supports any person's form of religion as long as it supports the cause of this great nation. I would enjoin all readers who would like to enlighten themselves to a bit of Sharia Law to read Nonie Darwish's Book, "Joys of Muslim Women." I have read a few excerpts and it is very chilling.

Fred Hamelrath is a Hayden resident.