Friday, April 26, 2024

Declaration of Independence, Constitution should be required reading for us all

by G.W. Rodkey
| August 21, 2010 9:00 PM

From time immemorial the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as a God-given right, has been a given. This belief reached its zenith on July 4, 1776, in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. "Whenever a despot gives no consideration to the people's wishes, it is their right and duty to alter the government or, in some cases, abolish it!"

The action of a despot is highlighted by abuses and usurpations of accepted law. The people complained, for example, that:

1. He has refused____

2. He has forbidden his Governors______

3. He has refused to______

4. He has called together______

5. He has dissolved our ______

6. He has obstructed justice ______

7. He made Judges dependent on his will alone._______

8. He has erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people. _______

9. He has protected mock trials._______

The list goes on and on - ruling stubbornly against the will of the people (citizens), establishing multiple new offices to monitor every aspect of ones life with legal powers attached. (Czars!)?

As you read the above you should be concerned. Probably every person who reads this will have a different person come to his/her mind. Some would say that the description fits our president. The truth is the first part is abstracted from the Declaration of Independence and it is obviously referring to King George, the leader of England in the 1770s. If you have never read the Declaration or if you have forgotten it, may I suggest that you get a copy of it and read it and have it handy for frequent reference. If you really know what it says and how exceptional it is, you will surely appreciate the freedom that we in America have had in the past!

Regardless of your political beliefs, if you have the capacity to think and see what is happening to America, you must be concerned that we are being led into slavery. Will you be content to vote for those who are rushing us into this continued destruction of America, our liberty, and the Constitution, or will you investigate all candidates and vote wisely?

Your liberty, freedom and economic health depends on it! Be informed. Don't be like concrete - that is, that your mind is all mixed up and set, never to be changed. "Don't confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up and since I have always voted for the party that gives me everything, I will never change!"

Someone wiser than I has said that "we are welcome to have our own opinion, but we are not allowed to determine our own facts."

Incidentally, to respond to one of my detractors, black slavery was not good - but slavery of all of our 300 million people to a tyrant government is not much different! No one will be left to free us! My other detractor doesn't deserve a response.


G. W. Rodkey is a Post Falls resident.