Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chiropractic myths and facts

by Dr. Amy Spoelstra
| August 4, 2010 9:00 PM

On a recent shopping trip I was reminded that even very intelligent, well-educated people don't fully understand much about my chosen profession...chiropractic. Times have definitely changed for the better and more and more people are enjoying the benefits of chiropractic and are living testimonials to the healthy lifestyle that chiropractic can help you live. The fact is that many people still do not understand what chiropractors do. Let's talk about a few of the more common myths about chiropractic.

Myth #1 - Chiropractors are not real doctors.

A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Eight years of college is the standard time frame for obtaining this degree. Chiropractors are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries around the world. The chiropractic and medical school curricula are extremely rigorous and virtually identical. In fact, chiropractors have more hours of classroom education than their medical counterparts.

As part of their education, chiropractic students also complete a residency working with patients in a clinical setting, supervised by licensed doctors of chiropractic. Not only is graduation from a chiropractic college required but four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams are necessary to become licensed. Like medical doctors, chiropractors are professionals that are subject to the same type of testing procedures, licensing and monitoring by state and national peer-reviewed boards.

One of the biggest differences between chiropractors and medical doctors lies not in their level of education, but in their preferred method of caring for their patients. Medical doctors are trained in the use of medicines (chemicals that affect your internal biochemistry) and surgery. Of course there are times when intervention by medicines and surgeries are necessary. We all know there is a proper time and place for the use of these medical interventions that could include medications and surgeries.

We also would probably all agree that if possible, why not treat the problem with a natural, less invasive approach first. Allow your body to heal itself whenever possible. This is where chiropractic medicine comes into play. If your spine is mis-aligned or you have soft tissue damage causing pain, there is no medication in existence that can fix it. You need a physical solution to correct a physical problem. Chiropractic provides this physical solution and can provide correction to the problems that are causing the symptoms in the first place.

The physical solution to so many painful and debilitating diseases and symptoms lies in the hands of your chiropractor. We, after careful examination and X-rays when necessary, determine if there is a physical cause that is creating your symptoms. We treat the spine by adjusting it which will then allow the nerves attached to your spinal cord to do their job and send the important messages to all other parts of your body. If the spine is not in proper alignment, many symptoms including pain and disease are present because these nerves attached to the spinal column are not being allowed to work as necessary to live a healthy and vibrant life.

Myth #2 - Medical doctors and chiropractors don't get along.

Yes, that used to be true. There was a time in history when many medical doctors were opposed to chiropractic care. Fortunately this has changed and many chiropractors and medical doctors work well together. There was even a lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court of Illinois in the 1980s that found the American Medical Association guilty of conspiracy and was ordered to pay restitution to the chiropractic profession. Thankfully in the 20 years since, the opinion of most medical doctors has changed. Several major studies have shown the superiority of chiropractic in helping people with a host of conditions, and medical doctors have developed a better

understanding as to what chiropractors actually do. Chiropractors and medical doctors are now much more comfortable working together in cases where medical care is necessary as an adjunct to chiropractic care.

Myth #3 - Once you start going to a chiropractor, you have to keep going for the rest of your life.

This statement comes up frequently when the topic of chiropractic is discussed. It is only partially true. You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. And obviously we know the importance of caring for this system.

If the nerves can't function properly, there will be health problems and symptoms will eventually occur. Going to the chiropractor... like eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting regular dental check-ups, will continue to be beneficial for you if you keep it up. If your spine does return to its mis-aligned state (and it will due to the rigors of daily life), chiropractic care is needed to place the spinal bones back into their healthy, proper position thus allowing your body to function at its best.

Although you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care even if you receive care for a short time, the real benefits come into play when you make chiropractic care a part of your wellness lifestyle.

If you would like to learn more about the facts and myths of chiropractic, wellness care or chiropractic, you can reach us at (208) 762-1414. You can also find us at or Twitter and Facebook by searching "Spoelstra Family Chiropractic."