RESPONSE: $2 million from URA not a gift
As a former Commissioner of Post Falls Urban Renewal, I am disappointed in Mr. Crosby’s article “Roads to Nowhere.” His words are misleading and lack fact concerning Post Falls Urban Renewal and their process. Allow me to explain.
First, Post Falls Urban Renewal has not gifted Post Falls Landing $2,000,000. The Urban Renewal Agency’s policies do not work in that way and Mr. Crosby knows this. Any infrastructure improvements at The Landing will require that I construct them up front and then be reimbursed from available tax increment. Second, any infrastructure improvements that are made need to be deeded to the City of Post Falls and accepted before any reimbursement is made.
Prior to any work beginning, Post Falls Urban Renewal and City of Post Falls had to approve the project, scope of work, specifications, Engineers estimate, and permit construction documents.
Construction of this infrastructure will provide needed jobs and expansion during a most urgent time. The agreement with the Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency will provide much needed capacity for The Landing, City, and future District expansion.
The Point at Post Falls