Thursday, January 02, 2025

Lakeland Junior Miss program is Saturday

| April 30, 2010 9:00 PM

The Lakeland Junior Miss Program Scholarship Program is 7 p.m., Saturday at Lakeland High School. There will be 20 participants. Tickets at the door are $8 for general admission, students are $5. The theme is "Saturday Nite Jazz."

The Lakeland Junior Miss Program Scholarship Program is 7 p.m., Saturday at Lakeland High School.

There will be 20 participants.

Tickets at the door are $8 for general admission, students are $5.

The theme is "Saturday Nite Jazz."

Participants are:

Jessica Dettmann

Career goals: Dance, theater, performing arts

Activities/honors: Dance; Drama 1 & 2; a cappella choir; varsity cheerleading; teacher's assistant

Talent: Lyrical dance

Savanna Noel Dingman

Career goals: To work in a field I enjoy

Activities/honors: A cappella Choir; cheerleading

Talent: Cheer dance

Natalie Ann Dobkins

Activities/honors: National Honor Society; vice-president of

IDFY; cheerleader; track; vice-president of Lakeland Photography club; creator of the Lakeland Book Club

Talent: Vocal

Samantha Lynn Douglas

Career goals: Veterinarian

Activities/honors: National Honors Society; Idaho Drug Free

Youth; Cheerleading; band; track

Talent: Instrumental

Caitlin Angela Marie Essary-Brisendine

Career goals: Major: education and theatre; minor: history

Activities/honors: Cheerleading; drama; IDFY

Talent: Acting

Sarah Danielle Gewecke

Career goals: Psychology

Activities/honors: Volleyball; tennis; cheerleading; youth group

Talent: Flag twirling

Jordan Nicole Golz

Career goals: High school history teacher

Activities/honors: Choir; Resort Academy

Talent: Napkin folding

Alexandria Rose Haney

Career goals: Chef or massage therapist

Activities/honors: Volleyball managing boys basketball

Talent: Entertainment

Latecia R Howell

Career goals: Sports journalist, English teacher, track coach

Activities/honors: Track and field; cross country; wrestling; Idaho Drug Free Youth co-president; DARE role model; dual enrollment

Talent: Vocal

Sarah Ann Jacobsen

Career goals: Master of fine arts

Activities/honors: Cheerleading, track; drama; National Honor Society; 4-H

Kelly Michele McKanna

Career goals: Degree in communications, lawyer.

Activities/honors: Renaissance honors; IDFY; volleyball; track; band; choir

Talent: Poem recitation

Hailey Kathleen Miller

Career goals: Hospitality management/photography

Activities/honors: a cappella choir; track; soccer

Talent: Vocal

Taylor Lynn Patik

Career goals: Forensic anthropologist or in medical field

Activities/honors: IDFY; Resort Academy; tennis; BPA; cheerleading; National Honor Society

Talent: Instrumental

Samantha Jean Riggs

Career goals: Music professor

Activities/honors: Guitar Club; youth group leader; IDFY; leadership; tennis

Talent: Instrumental

Samantha Charlene Russo

Career goals: Accounting

Activities/honors: Cheerleader, volunteer at junior high; American Legion

Talent: Cheerleading dance

Chloe Thompson

Career goals: Model/performer

Activities/honors: Varsity soccer; a cappella choir; school musical; choir; violin

Messiah Ruth Wallace

Career goals: Photographer

Activities/honors: Photography; concert band; pep band

Talent: Instrumental

Alexandra Paige Winslow

Career goals: Political affairs, international correspondent

Activities/honors: Basketball; soccer; track; tennis; Idaho Drug-Free Youth president

Talent: Speech

Michaela Elizabeth Woempner

Career goals: teacher

Activities/honors: Dance; 4-H; a cappella choir;

Talent: Vocal

Alyssa Dayma Wright

Career goals: Medical field (X-Ray Tech)

Activities/honors: A cappella concert choir; choir 1 and 2; cheerleading; tennis; IDFY

Talent: Vocal and instrumental