Time running out for Cd'A Press Extra
Print subscribers, start your online engines. To access your Press premium Web site, cdapressEXTRA.com, you'll need your print subscription account number. To get your account number, call The Press between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 664-0220 or e-mail circulation@cdapress.com.
Print subscribers, start your online engines.
To access your Press premium Web site, cdapressEXTRA.com, you'll need your print subscription account number. To get your account number, call The Press between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 664-0220 or e-mail circulation@cdapress.com.
Starting Monday, May 3, only Press print subscribers with their account numbers will have free access to cdapressEXTRA.com, which contains the newspaper's complete news content daily. Others will need to take one of the following steps:
• If you're a print subscriber who did not get your account number earlier, you may be charged a $2.50 activation fee.
• If you wish to subscribe only to cdapressEXTRA.com, call 664-0220. An online-only subscription costs $30 for three months.