Chip Shots April 20, 2010
Ladies 18-hole
April 14
GROSS - Gerry Lenihan 84.
NET - 1, Nell Spaulding 74. 2, Gertie Gessner 76 (carded). 3, P.K. Kelly, 76 (carded).
GROSS - Char Foss, 91.
NET - 1, Bonnie Hulstrand, 73 (carded). 2, Diane Adams, 77 (carded). 3, Pat Frank, 78.
GROSS - Elaine Timmerman, 98.
NET - 1, Linda Black 74. 2, Trisha Kelly, 76 (carded). 3, Maryls Rodgers, 76 (carded).
GROSS - Sharon Edelblute, 106.
NET - 1, Dora Williamson, 72. 2, Peggy Olson, 81.
Ladies 9 hole
April 6
Hole 1A - GROSS - Char Conley 54. NET -Peggy Olsen 39.
Hole 1B - GROSS - Carol Goodman 61. NET - Rita Brewer 41.
April 13
Hole 10 - GROSS - Elizabeth Morey 49. NET - Rita Brewer 39.
Hole 11 - GROSS - Peggy Olson 59. NET -Donna Cofield 40.
Hole 12 - GROSS - Gail Jensen 61. NET - Lynne Prokop 43.
Ladies 18-hole
First - Pam Gross, 66. Second - Karen Kruh, 67. Third - Yvonne Titus, 68.
First - Annie Whipple, 65. Second - Kandi Walters, 66. Third - Linda Sodoma, 71.
First - Monika Krapfl 66. Second, (tie) - Norma Lindsey, 67, Mary Anderson, 67.
Men's Club
Opening Day
April 17
T-1, Doug Dero, Roy Anderson, Gary Reber, Gary Arrasmith and Tom Titus Mike Ruscio and Jason Schneider, 63. T-3, Eric Titus, Dana Vucinich, Mark Berglund and Kyler Gable; Steve Rinker, Kevin Bassett, Dan Vorhies and Ken Brickey; Howard Sevdy, Kelvin Harper and Jim Dean, 64. T-6, Chuck McGee, Tom Haney, Tim Jank and Tom Evans; Jim Foote, Warren Brown, Steve Wilson and Jim Shipman; Dan Flannery, Todd Chapman, Will Perry and Bob Harwood; Scott Wemple, Dick Colburn, Bill Kling and Bill Cope, 65.
Closest to pins - Hole No. 3: Jim Foote. Hole No. 5: Todd Chapman. Hole No. 11: Darren Titus. Hole No. 16: Doug Jaworski.
The Ponderosa Thursday Ladies Golf League will have a sign up meeting on Thursday, April 29 at the clubhouse at 1 p.m.
New members are welcome to come and join us for a summer full of games, tournaments and great ladies to golf with.
First day of golf will be Thursday, May 6 at 9 a.m. with sign in at 8:30 a.m.
For more information, please call Julie at 772-3049
• Chip Shots is a weekly feature of The Press. Golf courses and local golf organizations may submit items by noon Mondays for publication Tuesdays. Fax information to 664-0212, e-mail information to, or submit information to the Coeur d'Alene Press, Sports Department, 201 N. 2nd Street, Coeur d'Alene 83814.