IB: Condemn the name-calling
After reading Robyn A. Hitchcock’s tirade on the District 271 School Board meeting, I was amazed at her name calling and obvious out of control rants! Robyn Hitchcock M.D., I can understand your misguided understanding of the “radical faction” that attended the meeting on Monday. The name calling is really U.N.becoming of a person of your stature.
You’re a M.D. for God’s sake! I am sure you are a highly educated person, but your bedside manner needs some work!
Your gushing of how wonderful the teachers were in their presentations in support of the IB/PYP was entertaining. You failed to recognize that using the “children” as pawns in their scheme to promote the “programmes” is just wrong! Shame is what you should be feeling, using those 3rd/4th grade “children” like that. The brainwashing of the innocent children should be the crime!
You said that you took “copious notes” and that the opponents made “horrific accusations”! Apparently you fell asleep. Your notes didn’t indicate that the graduating student from CHS didn’t have a high regard for the programs! Even he could recognize the propaganda being taught in the classroom.
A rational being, like you claim to be, should be able to recognize that we live in a Republic, not in places like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. The U.N. Adopted IB/PYP programs should be enough of a RED FLAG (so to speak) for you to comprehend that those countries still blatantly violate individual rights. You should be condemning them, not American citizens for their concerns about how our children, grandchildren are being educated.
Instead of teaching our children how to be “World Citizens,” let’s teach more about being a proud and knowledgeable U.S. citizen who can support the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.