Friday, February 14, 2025

PRIVATE SCHOOLS: A double burden

| January 31, 2025 1:00 AM

I agree with Mr. Erwin’s three points about school choice, that it is the parents choice to send their children to private school, we don’t need to spend more, and that it is our own taxpayer dollars that fund public schools. The point he misses however, is that our current method of funding public schools is unwise.

Parents who send their children to private schools are shouldering a double burden of taxation and tuition. Yes, it is my choice, but when I pass a brand new 40 passenger $120,000 school bus occupied by one child, in my vehicle with 10 kids squeezed in, kinda makes me grit my teeth a bit. Waste is only a small part though.

One of the biggest reasons we saw a huge influx of people to North Idaho in recent years was parents who didn’t want their children indoctrinated by Marxists. At my kids school, they start each day with prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and the pledge of allegiance. No trans/pansexual/lgbtqwrsxyz deviancy is celebrated there. There’s also the fact that more kids in private school means less of a burden on the public schools. I went to private, public and homeschool, and can say definitively that private schools are the best investment.


Post Falls