Friday, January 24, 2025

LEGISLATORS: They work for us

| January 10, 2025 1:00 AM

When we elect officials, we pay them for a job they haven’t done yet. We believe they will serve the voters. Like any one we hire, we must consistently observe legislators’ work to ensure they are meeting OUR expectations.  

As the Idaho legislative session nears, voters must be observant. 

Most of our state tax cuts since 2021 flowed to the wealthiest corporations and households while our working class received the least. Cuts reduced available funding for public services like police and fire departments. They need equipment, facilities and a fentanyl team. Tax cuts reduced the general fund by billions leaving Idaho without important services and vulnerable in another economic crisis.  

Citizens’ initiative pressure pushed the governor to allocate two education funds last year. School buildings continue to be a safety concern due to critical underfunding. Repairs were already 10 years and 1 billion dollars behind. General school funding was also years and millions of dollars behind. The citizens’ initiative pushed some needed funding through.  

Legislative topics for consideration include: 

1) School Vouchers give funds to the monied, already paying for private school while stripping funds from the public education budget. Arizona’s VOUCHER program was $267 million OVER budget last year. Is this what Idahoans want? 

2) Medicaid Expansion reductions are likely to return. Idahoans passed Medicaid Expansion with a 61% majority. We didn’t vote for Medicaid reductions that could deny 85,000 people health care.  

3) The Idaho Constitution guarantees voter initiatives giving citizens power in politics. Citizens initiatives (like education) tell our elected officials when they aren’t serving the people. Legislators want to diminish or remove that power. 

Legislators work for US. Observe! Take action!  


Coeur d’Alene