Monday, February 17, 2025

BROOKS: One of the best

| February 5, 2025 1:00 AM

I would like to thank and congratulate Commissioner Bill Brooks for a very excellent six years as Kootenai County Commissioner. I would rate him as one of the best we have had in years alongside of Dan Green and former Post Falls Mayor, Frank Henderson. Brooks has introduced and passed a number of innovations including transparency.

1. Video of all meetings and archived.

2. Requiring building codes be re-established in county.

3. Keep fairgrounds where they are now.

4. Requiring Tax Assessor to follow the law

Brooks had weekly meetings at IHOP when first elected and with the morning breakfast he invited citizens and politicians all come and talk about issues that was important to Kootenai County.

When Brooks first took office six years ago he walked and later went to a wheel chair and then had left leg amputated all because of Agent Orange and his time in Vietnam. I doubt we will find a better commissioner who represented the citizens of Kootenai County. Thank you Commissioner Brooks for your service and for your time helping the citizens of Kootenai County.


Coeur d’Alene