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Coeur d'Alene kennel shut down after dog’s death

Staff Writer | July 30, 2024 1:07 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — Authorities shut down a dog boarding and training facility following a dog's death from apparent heat exhaustion. 

Animal control officers responded July 24 to a report that a dog had died the previous weekend after being boarded at Faithful K9 Trainer in Coeur d’Alene. Founded in 2021, the kennel offered training, boarding, day care and grooming services for dogs. 

Officers noticed deficiencies at the kennel, including high temperatures and lack of food and water, according to the Coeur d’Alene Police Department. 

Police said that because the deficiencies weren’t resolved by the time animal control officers returned the next day, they shut the place down. The city of Coeur d’Alene has revoked Faithful K9 Trainer’s kennel license, according to police. 

Law enforcement coordinated with the facility and Companions Animal Center to house all dogs that had been boarded there until their owners could retrieve them. 

Hayden resident Tiffany Price-Eddington said her family boarded their three dogs, including 13-year-old golden retriever mix Bellatrix, July 18 before leaving town to see a dying relative. She said they had boarded the dogs at Faithful K9 Trainer in the past without problems. 

But when the family returned the night of July 20, something was wrong. Price-Eddington said an employee noted that one of the dogs was “really old and really hot” before bringing the pets out. The dogs were panting, their tongues lolling, according to Price-Eddington, who said Bellatrix struggled to walk and had to be carried to the car. 

“I knew then she was going,” Price-Eddington said Monday, her voice wavering. “She could hardly lift her head.” 

A few hours later, Bellatrix died. 

Though she was getting on in years, Bellatrix was healthy and active before she went to stay at Faithful K9 Trainer, Price-Eddington said. 

“She was still very vibrant,” she said. 

Price-Eddington said she’s frustrated that no one at the kennel contacted her when it became clear Bellatrix was in distress. 

“If they had called sooner, I could’ve found someone to pick her up and take her to the vet before it was too late,” she said. “They just didn’t call. It makes me mad because she was too far gone. I don’t understand what they were thinking.” 

More than a week after Bellatrix’s death, Price-Eddington said no one from Faithful K9 Trainer has reached out. 

A note posted on the door of Faithful K9 Trainer indicated the facility is closed.

The loss of Bellatrix has devastated the family, who rescued her as a puppy. 

“My kids lost their grandma Friday morning, then we picked up our dog and she was actively dying,” Price-Eddington said. “My youngest son, that was his dog. Bellatrix was absolutely his world. It knocked him off his feet. He didn’t get out of bed for two days straight.” 

At the advice of her veterinarian, Price-Eddington reported what happened to Coeur d’Alene Animal Control. The agency took up the investigation that led to the kennel being shut down. 

An investigation into conditions at the kennel is ongoing. When police finish investigating, they will forward their findings to the Coeur d’Alene city prosecutor’s office. 

Price-Eddington said she hopes Bellatrix’s death drives home the importance of keeping pets cool. 

“When there’s super hot weather, you’ve got to be careful,” she said.