Thursday, April 25, 2024

TWO VIEWS: On unrelated subjects

| July 6, 2022 1:00 AM

Since life begins at conception, I am against elective abortions which is by definition the killing of an unborn innocent human being. To call it a health issue is a smoke screen since almost all abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. They are because she doesn't want to be a mother as it would inconvenience her in some way no matter how small a reason. I believe that that the mother's right to choose should be to not get pregnant if she doesn’t want a baby. Many different safe products exist for this purpose. I have mixed feelings about cases involving rape and incest. But one thing all firm believers in elective abortions should consider is that if their mothers believed as they do they would have ended as a bloody piece of tissue rotting in some garbage can.

The next issue is of less controversy, it is electric cars or rather batteries in electric cars. My concern is with the manufacture of the batteries. They use very scarce rare earth elements which are by definition rare. It requires the removal of a great deal of earth to get a very minute amount of these required elements. Consider the vast amount of destruction to the environment, such as water table, flora and fauna. Where are the Sierra Club types? Since most of these exist in impoverished foreign and Utah and unfortunately California, you would think they would have a voice about the the environment destruction. Another problem what do you do when the earth is depleted of these rare elements.

