Thursday, April 18, 2024

GRIPES: Here’s a list

| January 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Police are mocked and defunded resulting in increased crime.

To avoid offending some people, historical statues are removed, schools, parks, streets, athletic teams and landmarks are renamed.

Schools are using books like It’s Perfectly Normal to teach not only anatomy but also how to explore and experiment.

Christian morality is ignored or mocked.

America’s Christian heritage is ignored or distorted.

America’s military is disintegrating due to lack of funding. Chaplains are not allowed to express the beliefs of their sponsoring denominations.

Conversational vocabulary is in the gutter.

Our southern border is hardly a border. America used to be a melting pot; now it’s a salad bowl.

Our economy is a disaster with a national debt of about $30 trillion. That’s about $88,500 per citizen. How long is it until America goes bankrupt?

More recently, Democrats and others have done immense damage to American social and economic life by their pseudo-scientific and illogical response to COVID-19. Look at the newspaper daily graph report of cases starting with March 2020. A headline today reads, “New Covid Cases in U.S. soar to highest levels in history.” After two years of government attempts to control it with foolish regulations, what is the result?

Scrap the protocols. Let people with major symptoms isolate themselves until the symptoms are gone (most will recover). We should go back to the treatment of communicable diseases to the way society did it before “science” and the media politicized it.


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