Wednesday, April 24, 2024

REJECTS HATE: Will continue to wear shirt

| December 2, 2022 1:00 AM

A Coeur d’Alene politician suggested Rejects Hate shirt wearers are one way and of limited reasoning power.

However, depending on the issue, this shirt is for Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce goals and pro-union goals. Defend Aryan Nation First Amendment rights and signed affidavit to stop compound being put in trust. Support Indian Treaty Rights while rejecting their propaganda film at NIC. Supported City Council religious prayers of all willing Coeur d’Alene churches, religious clubs and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. For equal justice of communists, socialists, liberals, us moderates, conservatives and fascists.

I’m pro-gun while oppose shooting of school children. I’m pro Coeur d’Alene police, yet oppose police beating of peaceful marchers.

You are legally entitled to your stereotyping, to incitements, to anger, to scapegoating, to grooming fantasies, to putdowns and to name calling.

I will continue to wear the “rejects hate” shirt until it falls apart from wear and tear, and then I will buy a new one from HREI.


Coeur d’Alene