Wednesday, April 24, 2024

REFLECTING: And feeling grateful

| May 23, 2021 1:00 AM

I am going on 83 years old and enjoying good health. But in reflection, I realize that this does not just happen.

After a shaky start as a youth, I had lost a couple of teeth by the time that I had graduated and also quite myopic.

But over 40 years, Dr. Edward Lowry has given me excellent dental care, and I haven’t had a serious problem for these 40-plus years. My wife Betty has also been a patient of Dr. Lowry for 13 years. She finds his skills amazing. So it is with much gratitude we thank you Dr. Lowry for making these senior years very good.

I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Wayne Ellenbecker, who has given me excellent eye care for more than 25 years. I see as well now as I have seen most of my life. My wife has some special eye problems he has addressed so well. So much gratitude as well, Dr. Ellenbecker, for your excellent care that has helped us both live enjoyable lives in our advanced ages.

