Wednesday, April 24, 2024

GROWTH: Follow the money

| May 7, 2021 1:00 AM

I am writing this in response to April 28 editorial “Poison is a poor cure for growth anxiety.” We elected and appointed these officials. Basically, to preserve our way of life as it was when we elected them.

The easiest way to get to the bottom of this is to look for the motives of the city, county and state representatives, including the planning and zoning commission. There has to be a reason they sold us out. A reason 13 people on Pleasant View Road in Post Falls wells have gone dry, and planning and zoning was worried about putting an apartment complex on that road because they were worried about having enough water in the aquifer. (Which I read in the Coeur d’Alene Press.)

Then turn around and sell 1,000-plus acres from Seltice Way to Poleline Road, and agree to have 2,000-plus more houses built there. Where is the common sense, when you are already pumping too much waste into the Spokane River in Post Falls and ruining the river, yet someone decides to let Rathdrum run all their waste through Post Falls also? The smell of the treatment plant is already horrific and the river can’t sustain any more pollution.

I say follow the money. Look at their portfolios then and now. If they have nothing to hide, that is what investigative research will show. They can prove to the people that they aren’t getting rich while the rest of us get run out of town.


Post Falls