Wednesday, April 24, 2024

LEVY: Read voters’ lips

| March 24, 2021 1:00 AM

An article last week indicates the Post Falls School District is unhappy with the results of their bond issue failing. Surprise! The bond issue failed. Hurray! The district seems to think the voters are stupid. Can’t they realize that the public is tired of schools and their whinny teachers who always want more money?

Read the article folks. It says the money is to go to staffing (read teachers raises), hiring more personnel (teachers). It must be nice for the district (teachers) who want more money to be able to try and gouge us taxpayers for more money. If they don’t like the results of the election, they will just keep asking so eventually it may pass. Stop this new election!

I have a novel suggestion for the district board, live within your existing budget. Make cuts where necessary, just like the rest of us have to do. I am retired, and haven’t had a raise for several years. Maybe when the voting public sees that you can do that, more people will approve a bond issue.

Another suggestion. With all the new subdivisions destroying the small town we love, why not make the new homebuyers finance the bond when they buy their houses. Add $1,200 or more to the purchase price of the home, plus an amount for each child brought into the district.

I will not vote to approve any bond issue until the board starts to inform the public how they are spending OUR money.


Post Falls