Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A fair price for $#!% name-calling

| June 16, 2021 1:00 AM

Editor’s note: This editorial contains language that will offend some readers. Come to think of it, most editorials probably contain language that offends somebody. But this one clearly has some bad words.

In the quest to communicate, calling elected officials spineless bastards and chicken shits in a public forum probably is not the wisest course.

It’s not the way to get what you want. It does not reflect well upon the curser’s cause.

Yet the pottymouth playground known as social media continues to sprout weeds from the over-manured brains of locals who give vent to their frustrations about growth.

One sad sack called Hayden Mayor Steve Griffitts a spineless bastard (to tone it down, we'll refer to the term instead as "spotless leopard.") Another twisted soul labeled Post Falls City Council Member Alan Wolfe a chicken shit (let's make it "lickety split").

To anyone who knows the first thing about Griffitts and Wolfe, the labels do not fit. One cannot be a spotless leopard or a lickety split and put up with the nonsense that makes their part-time jobs as community leaders darn near untenable. It takes more guts to work every day trying to improve quality of life for your neighbors than it does to lob grenades from Facebook bunkers.

Quick disclaimer: The writer of this editorial claims no moral high ground in the language department. Once upon a time, his family produced a cuss jar. The writer was fined 25 cents every time he cursed within hearing distance of his kids. The queen mother of all cusswords cost a buck. The jar, alas, filled commensurate with political commentaries and Cubs losing streaks. As the writer’s wallet withered, the children tasted affluence. And it tasted good.

In the case of lickety splits and spotless leopards, though, someone endowed with an actual conscience came up with a suggestion. “I think anyone who calls [Griffitts] a ‘spineless bastard’ on Facebook should spend a day volunteering in the community," the person wrote. "Then maybe they’ve earned an opinion.”

That proposal sounds sweetly like quarters clinking in a cuss jar.

Knowing the volunteer spirit that beats in the hearts of men like Griffitts and Wolfe, we propose on their behalf that any resident may call them bad names on social media in exchange for one (1) day of volunteer work every time they sling profane mud at them.

Now, let’s see who are the real spotless leopards and lickety splits.