Wednesday, April 24, 2024

REGAN: We’ve heard enough

| August 4, 2021 1:00 AM

Good grief. Another Brent Regan column. You guys paying him by the inch? ‘Cuz I’ll start writing in more myself.

He reminds me of another implant political blowhard who moved here near 60 years ago. The guy who, after living in Idaho less than two years, started a move to oust one of Idaho’s greatest state senators. Hadn’t lived here two whole years but knew what was best for the state of Idaho. And it goes on.

Regan’s recent column made me laugh. He doesn’t want the current KootCo government system questioned. It works for him. Of course it does. Here in the reddest of red counties (not on account of the natives) in the reddest state.

The system works because it works for the Republicans. They’ve jacked our state to control the power. Wonder why Idaho’s Primary system is so skewed? Because they set it that way. Then they whine about all the RINOs.

Hell, I’m a RINO. It’s the only way I can have a voice in our state. And I encourage all Idahoans to claim the GOP for the same reason.

It’s obvious Mr. Regan isn’t interested in what’s right; he’s interested in political power.

If Regan lived in the reddest of red counties in the reddest state and this same issue came up, he would flip a 180 on his column faster than you can say baloney. He would denounce every point in his column. He would say it’s all lies.

We don’t need more politics, we need less. Natives and longtimers don’t hate people moving here. We hate people like Regan moving here.


Coeur d’Alene Lifer