Thursday, April 25, 2024

PARTISAN: Embrace the opportunity

| November 18, 2020 1:00 AM

A recent Coeur d’Alene Press editorial questioned the growing involvement by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (“KCRCC”) in nonpartisan elections. The editorial pulled no punches criticizing the KCRCC and their participation in the recently completed North Idaho College Board of Trustees election and then sounded the alarm for upcoming public school trustee elections. The editorial raises an excellent question: should partisan organizations be participating in nonpartisan elections?

I strongly believe a candidate for any elected office should be willing, if not eager, to engage with partisan organizations. I can think of no better vetting process than a candidate facing, with courage and conviction, partisan organizations that may not share the same political views. Yes, facing partisan organizations can be biased, unfair, one-sided and extremely uncomfortable. Welcome to public service!

I have personally addressed many partisan organizations including both the KCRCC and the Kootenai County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC). Questions from partisan organizations can be probing, challenging and insightful. I have struggled through some questions, refused to answer others and was humbled by the privilege extended to me by organizations not sharing my same political beliefs.

Any candidate for a nonpartisan position is asking to represent the entire community and not just those within a carefully constructed echo chamber of similarly minded individuals. Future candidates for a nonpartisan public school trustee position should welcome the opportunity to address any organization having a motivated, hardworking, informed membership. Two excellent examples are the KCRCC and the KCDCC.


Kootenai County Treasurer