Thursday, February 06, 2025

Controlled hunt tag application starts May 1

| April 16, 2020 1:00 AM

Beginning next month, Idaho hunters can apply for elk, deer, pronghorn and bear controlled hunt tags.

The application period is from May 1 to June 5 and includes a nonrefundable fee of $6.25 for residents and $14.75 for nonresidents.

Winners are announced in July, and hunters who are drawn must purchase their controlled hunt tag by Aug. 1, or they will be sold. A second application period for deer, elk, pronghorn and fall bear is between Aug. 5 and Aug. 15.

A five-day waiting period to buy capped elk zone tags was adopted this year by IDFG for any resident who applies for a controlled elk hunt regardless of whether the person draws the controlled hunt tag. - Ralph Bartholdt