Wednesday, April 24, 2024

PROTESTS: Ban them, schools

| March 21, 2018 1:19 PM

I’m troubled that the liberal left is allowed to use our public school system and students to influence state and federal politicians. Some school administrators and districts even allowed or encouraged the distribution of the left’s gun control literature on campus during these student rallies. Schools are a place for learning all sides of any issue, not political indoctrination and rallies.

Whether liberal or conservative, we should be concerned about the negative impact these political events have on student relationships. Since the rally, students say they have lost friends and strained relationships over this gun control issue. Student division is not healthy and can lead to increased bullying and student isolation.

Administrators and school boards failed their fiduciary duty by allowing students to be used as pawns for political division and discourse during school hours. These politically polarizing rallies are creating an atmosphere not conducive to learning and should be prohibited.


Coeur d’Alene