Friday, April 19, 2024

SHOOTERS: Execution ultimatum

| March 16, 2018 1:00 AM

We live in a time when our nation is in love with perpetual immaturity and the world of make-believe. The school mass shootings illuminate the issue, not only that they happen, but in the solutions or “laws” presented to “fix it.” The schools teach that there is no God or accountability for man’s actions, that nothing matters: except the promoting the lie that there are no absolutes. These dark lies attempt to “shield” men from the consequences of their actions, while the truth is brightly illuminated in the light of the funerals of those murdered.

Government does have a proper role and that is to do Justice — to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. Law emanates from God, not the opinions of man. No amount of “gun Laws or regulations” will ever bring justice.

Those people who are clearly guilty of these crimes need to be speedily and publicly executed, so others will see and fear. It matters not what kind of upbringing they have had or what age they are or any other foolish excuse. I do not believe any of these “shooters” have been executed and they all should already be in the grave.

To allow injustice to continue makes us culpable for these heinous crimes. I think it appropriate to concur with Jefferson who said: “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”


Bonners Ferry