Saturday, April 20, 2024

TRUMP: Handling Putin wisely

| July 18, 2018 1:00 AM

A man, Alex, gets out of prison after serving a decade for severe family abuse. The whole community is condemning him and shunning him. The community leader decides to meet with Alex to discuss his and the community’s future. His goal is to see if rehabilitation for Alex is possible, and make him a part of the community again. The outcries from some of the community toward the leader are vicious. The leader of decides to meet with Alex, regardless of the protests, because he thinks possibly — just possibly — Alex can become a productive member of the community.

They meet in private for a discussion, and emerge to talk to the community. Some members of the community ask pointed questions. “Do you condemn Alex for his abuses!” The leader does not condemn Alex, but instead is wise enough to continue praising Alex for taking the time to discuss his and the community’s future, knowing that if he did condemn him in public, future talks and rehabilitation would be negatively affected, if not impossible. He assumed correctly that insulting Alex might result in Alex committing more abuses, rather than becoming a productive member of the community.

Not skilled in counseling, the community, in their shortsighted ignorance, continue to denigrate the leader, apparently wanting him to fail, and Alex to continue his abusive behavior.

Does this sound familiar?

The leader of our country is using an olive branch, not a slap in the face to negotiate with the leader of Russia. Support him and hope he succeeds. To do otherwise is foolish.


Coeur d’Alene