Saturday, April 20, 2024

TRUMP: Chisel to his legacy

| July 11, 2018 1:00 AM

Response: Letter to the editor, July 4, entitled “TRUMP: What a rush.” The author states, “I can fill an entire page with all of his accomplishments that are Making America Great Again.”

It is important to note that the author failed to substantiate his claim by offering a single example. Before Mr. Trump ever entered politics, he left a long track record of shady dealings; multiple suits for failure to pay his bills, citations for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, claims that a sitting president was not an American citizen, accusations that a political opponent’s father assisted in JFK’s assassination… The list goes on.

These we overlooked as our nation elected him president. From the office of the presidency, Mr. Trump has castigated, bullied and resorted to name-calling those with whom he disagrees, with special emphasis on the courts, FBI, the press, Congress, and even members within his own cabinet and party. Such behavior is reprimanded in our schools and workplaces, yet here we have this behavior emanating from the highest office of our nation.

“Make America Great Again.” I would submit that America never stopped being Great as we strived to align our actions with our ideals. Sorry, in my opinion, there is no room on Mount Rushmore for Mr. Trump’s likeness as you suggest. It is reserved for those who laid the foundation for our democracy, freed the oppressed and preserved the treasures of our country.


Coeur d’Alene