Wednesday, April 24, 2024

DOGS: Problem is humans

| February 23, 2018 12:00 AM

Thanks for the article on dog flu. Coeur d’Alene loves dogs. I wonder if anyone can explain the thinking behind not picking up your dog’s bm’s?

We live in Riverstone. The Centennial Trail and the Spokane River is our backyard. Paradise for dogs and their people. My dog and I walk the trail and around the lake in Riverstone Park most days. It’s disappointing to see the huge amount of feces left along the trail. Who do these owners think will deal with it? Also, what’s with the people who bag it up but leave it? Nope, they’re not gonna pick it up on their way back. These people give good dog owners a bad name. It’s disgusting, rude and a possible health risk.

The same is true for dog parks. There’s no respect and gratitude for what we have here. To borrow from the quote, “Help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.” Be good humans. Imagine a world where people acted from that perspective.


Coeur d’Alene