Thursday, April 18, 2024

BLOWHARDS: Takes one…

| December 16, 2018 12:00 AM

Bob Ridout’s “Blowhards” letter is interesting. He probably doesn’t even realize that he too is a self-described Blowhard. Spouting rhetoric and presuming to know what everyone outside New York City thinks of our president is pretty much a trait of a Blowhard.

Really, Bob? If EVERYONE outside New York City doesn’t like him, how did he get elected? Republican, Democrat, Independent… I couldn’t care less about someone’s party affiliation or their opinions about our president or any other politician for that matter. But how does one presume to know what everyone in our country thinks about anything?

Here’s my standard reply to people who tend to blow things out of proportion or embellish stories: “I told you a million times; don’t exaggerate!”

Bob, your unqualified assessment of our country’s entire population has just been… wait for it… Rid-out of town!


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