Friday, April 19, 2024

LETTER: You asked for it

| April 8, 2018 1:00 AM

Since the cda press picks and chooses which letters to the editors columns they will authorize we must emphasize, do they know the wording of the first amendment, it does not state that since we are Anti Christie Woods (Liberal Agenda) or since we are pro-gun or pro-Trump we are too be excluded!! Since Mr. Kirkpatrick wouldn’t return our calls when we wrote a letter against the hypocrisy of the Kootenai County Gay right commission, (he didn’t have the decency to return 3 calls) we feel he doesn’t understand that this is America and we love guns, god and John Wayne here in N Idaho and you won’t catch me ever taking seriously a bunch of spoiled brats when I see Christie Woods (self motivational speaker a.k.a. opportunist), manipulating the public again with children. Youre gun agenda is about control and I’m not alone when I say, “Take them from my cold dead hands,” you first.


Coeur d’Alene