Wednesday, April 24, 2024

GOP: Just look at DOW

| July 11, 2014 9:00 PM

Wow! Looks like I stirred up some bitter tea. All you have to do is look at the front page of the July 4 free Press “Bow to the Dow.” Sure looks like a big improvement since the GOP left office in January 2009. As for the GOP, they can’t even organize their own party, let alone organize the state or country. Even our governor is smart enough to stay out of that mess.

It’s finally come out. “Our first black president.” Isn’t that what it is all about? “Black president.” I guess racism and bigotry are still alive and strong. In my entire life, I have never seen a more obstructive congress than what I’ve seen since President Obama was elected. The republican majority has consistently been the party of “no.” Didn’t Mitch McConnell predict that the Republicans would not allow one small victory for President Obama as long as he was president?

Then there is the VA (Veteran’s Administration). If Bush knew about all these negative things then why didn’t he do something when he was president? I have been going to the VA since 2010 and have had no problems with them. I have always been treated with respect and have had no problems getting appointments and great treatment. But then that’s a government run health care and I guess I’m just one of those “takers.”

Comparing the stimulus to the Iraq war is way off. The stimulus wouldn’t cost us 4,000+ lives and trillions of dollars. As far as pulling out too soon, when is the right time: 10, 20, 30 years? Look at Vietnam. As soon as we pulled out, the North took over. If we stayed longer in Iraq, the same thing would have happened when we did pull out (we still didn’t get their oil).

Goebbel’s quote is about lies. I agree. Remember the Iraq WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)? Then turn on FOX News, which is a perfect example of lies being told every day.

Now for Mr. Kavanagh. What’s your solution to the border crisis? Send Bundy’s militia down there, and put the women and children on the front lines when the shooting starts? Running guns to Mexico? Sounds familiar (Reagan trading weapons for hostages). Greatest health care in the world? You must work for an insurance company.

You are right about the dew in my eyes. Back in the ‘60s, I was gung-ho about stopping communism. Then I went to Vietnam and the dew in my eyes cleared up real fast. So, if you have not been in the military, especially in a war zone, then your opinions about deserters, Iraq, the border and the VA don’t hold much water in my opinion.

