Friday, April 19, 2024

OBAMA: Fights by 'winging them'

| August 24, 2014 9:00 PM

Sir, it occurred to me that now we are having beheadings because Obama fights wars by “winging them” or “giving them a warning shot” instead of taking care of business.

A woman said recently in the comment section of your paper that her husband had said (regarding police shootings) that you don’t just wing them for the same reason that you don’t just wing a bear.

Now Obama has our troops over there just winging them, stinging them, giving them warning shots and Isis is retaliating with more force, with beheadings. Obama should use enough force to show the terrorists that it will not be to their advantage to continue this — and then FOLLOW THROUGH.

Our law-enforcement officers know better than this. I wish some of them could advise Obama!.

Thank you,

