Friday, April 19, 2024

CORE: GOP eager to stunt education

| August 1, 2014 9:00 PM

It appears the Republican National Committee has convinced those with their head in the sand, that our level of primary/high school education is a-okay. They are apparently content with our youth graduating from high school, should they be so lucky, working at minimum wage jobs, then drawing government assistance and food bank supplies to support their families. Yes, I said government assistance.

The recent Coeur d’Alene Press article about food banks becoming depleted and in serious need of donations will continue to be status quo with each graduating class. Those politicians who are satisfied with our educational failure have a motive. They have and will continue to groom their children in the best private schools so they will be primed to continue in their parents’ footsteps; more money to fight wars, less money to education, more money for big business.

It’s obvious Glenn Beck is satisfied with his position in life, considering he merely has a high school diploma. Of course “entertainers” need little education in order to sway those uninformed masses. Hey, there’s a career for the high school dropouts and those unable to attend college due to their inability to pass the college entrance exam! The gift of gab and the ability to sway the uninformed might be the ticket.

Are these the people who will be running our country when we’re dead and gone? Not likely. A select group of wealthy kids will fill the gap. The sad thing about this picture is there are many young people with brilliant minds who are losing out due to our inadequate educational system. It is broken. It is time to fix it. What do we have to lose? We need to set standards to prepare our kids for our job-competitive markets.

Republicans know this and are using Glenn Beck as a tool to block Common Core’s success. That is the reason they have put the word out that Common Core is a communist plot. The old standby, fear tactic, works with those who have their heads buried in the sand. Only a desperate political party will take more than 700 movie theaters nationwide to induct an army of Common Core fighters. I was disappointed to learn the Kroc Center is showing Glenn Beck’s movie. I guess they want to be assured of a large pool of minimum-wage earners to keep the center afloat.


Coeur d’Alene