Friday, April 19, 2024

CRAPO: Check out his activities

| March 17, 2010 6:52 AM

Sen. Crapo seems to be acting as a block to keep shareholders from having a say in Corporate Executive compensation. This is the area that as a Senate Banking Committee member is his responsibility, along with Democratic Sen. Schumer.

From Reuters:   

Two senators, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer and Republican Senator Mike Crapo, assigned by Dodd to work out a bipartisan compromise on these issues (EXECUTIVE PAY AND

SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS) have failed to do so.

They are in a deadlock, the details of which are unclear.

The dispute threatens proposals that would give shareholders more say on executive pay, more clout in electing directors and more compensation committee independence.

Unless a compromise can be reached, analysts expect these provisions may be dropped from the Dodd bill.

The House bill called for letting shareholders cast annual, non-binding votes on executive pay.

The House also endorsed empowering the Securities and Exchange Commission to write rules giving shareholders access to proxy statements for nominating corporate directors.


In addition Crapo has been fighting to make sure that any financial consumer protection agency will not be independent and autonomous.

Crapo’s constituents might be interested in his activities.... on their behalf?

