Monday, December 09, 2024

Calendar Feb. 8, 2010

| February 7, 2010 8:00 PM

Kootenai County Fire and Rescue District Board of Commissioners Mtg: 6 p.m. Station 1, 404 N. Idaho St, Post Falls. 676-8739Kootenai Amateur Radio Society: 7-9 p.m. Club Mtg at KC Search and Rescue Building, 10865 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden. 457-0354

Post Falls School Board Mtg: 6 p.m. at City HallParkinsons Telehealth: present Dr. Lindy Wood, WSU College of Pharmacy, on medications at KMC, 2-3:30. See room directory. 765-5813.

Horticulture workshop series: Each Monday through April 5, 6-8 p.m., University of Idaho Kootenai County Extension Office, 1808 N. Third St. Cd'A. Cost for each session is $5 and is open to the public. Preregistration and prepayment are requested, payable to UI Extension Program Fund and can be sent to the address above. Re-register in order to assure availability. Information: 446-1680 or stop by the extension office.Kootenai-Shoshone Friends of the Libraries: 1 p.m. Hayden Library meeting room, 8385 Gov't. Way. New members welcome.

American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED course, February 9, 2010, 9 a.m., 411 N. 15th Street, Coeur d'Alene, to register 1-800-853-2570, Ext. 103.Submarine Veterans of Eastern Wash. and North Idaho: 6:30 p.m. at VFW Hall in Post Falls. More info: 665-1392

Soroptimist International of Cd'A Program Mtg: Noon, Elmer's Restaurant, 300 W. Neider Ave. Agnes 664-8485Democratic Central Committee Mtg: 6 p.m. Kootenai County Administration Building, 451 Government Way, CDA

ALS Support Group Mtg: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Meeting room at Hospice of North Idaho, 9493 N. Govt Way, Hayden.Carnation Rebekah NO. 95: Lunch at noon, Mtg at 1 p.m. 200 Railroad Ave. PF

Cd'A Garden Club: 1 p.m. Dalton City Hall. Verlene, 699-1175

Rathdrum City Council: 6 p.m. City Hall

Women's Cancer Wellness Group: 12-1 p.m. Kootenai Cancer Center in Post Falls, 1440 E. Mullan Ave. Jessica, 619-4138

Team Survivor Yoga/Pilates Class: 5:45 p.m. The Pilates Pathway, 602 E. Garden Ave. Support women in all phases of cancer treatment. Call (509) 939-7491 or e-mail for more info

Al-Anon (Families/Friends of Alcoholics): Noon, Room 1 St. Pius Church, 625 Haycraft Ave. Babysitting available. Cecilia, 762-8763 or Lori, 676-8802TOPS #ID 164 Cd'A: Weigh-in 8:30 a.m. Mtg 9:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church, Fifth and Reed, Cd'A

Sweet Adelines International: 7 p.m. Coeur d'Alene Assembly of God, 2200 N. Seventh Street. Call 777-8554 for more info. www.cdachorus.comLake City Harmonizers: Meets and rehearses Mondays 7-10 p.m. at Heart of the City Church, 105 E. Indiana in CdA. Male singers are invited. Bob, 699-0220

Prospective Majestic Mountain Chorus: 6:30 p.m. Post Falls American Legion on Poleline, New members encouraged. Jean, 773-7311, Bianca (509) 994-2428Mindshifters Group: 7-9 p.m. Unity Center 4465 N. 15th St. 664-1125

Duplicate Bridge: Noon, St. Mark's/Faith Pres. Church, 9485 N. Maple Street, Hayden. Call 664-3555

Take Off Pounds Sensibly Blanchard Chapter: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Blanchard Community Church, Hwy 41. Gloria, 263-8277

Lake City Senior Center: Bridge 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lake City Tappers 1:30-3 p.m. (699-4842), Bingo 5:30-8:30 p.m. 1916 Lakewood Dr.

Hayden Senior Gems: Clubhouse Bingo 12-3:30 p.m Anasurea Yoga 4:15 p.m. $20 for 4-5 weeks. 9428 N. Govt Way. 762-7052, 772-1795

Lake City Striders Exercise Program: 8 a.m. Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley, Cd'A. Joyce 772-3417 $1 per class. Starts Sept. 14

Jewett House: Grandparents raising grandchildren support group, noon; Tai Chi, 1 p.m. Marla, 667-5194


American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED course: 9 a.m., 411 N. 15th St., Cd'A, to register (800) 853-2570, Ext. 103.Cd'A Eagles: Auxiliary meeting, 7 p.m.

Audubon Society: Mica Bay survey, 9 a.m. Fairmont Loop/Hwy. 95. 664-5318Submarine Veterans of Eastern Wash. and North Idaho: 6:30 p.m. at VFW Hall in Post Falls. More info: 665-1392

Soroptimist International of Cd'A Program Mtg: Noon, Elmer's Restaurant, 300 W. Neider Ave. Agnes 664-8485Democratic Central Committee Mtg: 6 p.m. Kootenai County Administration Building, 451 Government Way, CDA

ALS Support Group Mtg: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Meeting room at Hospice of North Idaho, 9493 N. Govt Way, Hayden.Carnation Rebekah No. 95: Lunch at noon, Mtg at 1 p.m. 200 Railroad Ave. PF

Cd'A Garden Club: 1 p.m. Dalton City Hall. Verlene, 699-1175Rathdrum City Council: 6 p.m. City Hall

Calendar initial notices must be submitted in writing five business days prior to event. E-mail or mail to The Press, 201 North Second St. Coeur d'Alene 83814, or fax to 664-0212