Calendar Feb. 3, 2010
TODAY Post Falls City Council: budget workshop, 7 a.m., police station, 1717 E. Polston Ave. MOMS Club Monthly Meeting: 10 a.m. Mountain View Bible Church in Post Falls. More info contact Tracy at 762-4967 Knit Wits: 1-3 p.m. Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive Lake City Senior Center: SHIBA Representative, 1916 Lakewood Drive Log Cabin Spinners meeting: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Master in Schmidt Hall. Corner of Ramsey and Kathleen roads. Contact Karen, 689-3109 or Cindy, 773-4250 Alzheimer's Association: Support group for caregivers, noon, lunch included. Guardian Angel Homes, 1070 E. Mullan Ave., Post Falls. 777-7797, 666-2296 Al-Anon: For family and friends of alcoholics, 5 p.m., St. Pius X Church, Room 2, 625 Haycraft Ave. Cd'A. 666-4032, 651-5490 American Red Cross: Infant/child CPR course, 5:30 p.m. 411 N. 15th St. Cd'A. (800) 853-2570, Ext. 103 "North Idaho: Connections to the Past": "The Missionary Connection,"7 p.m. Coeur d'Alene Library, 702 E. Front, historian Robert Singletary. Free. 667-2588 Panhandle Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m. Breakfast and community service. Lake City Senior Center, 1616 Lakewood Dr. Cd'A. Cd'A Business Referral Group: 7 a.m. Calypsos Coffee on Lakeside. Elsie, 292-1351 Power Partners Chapter of Business Network International: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Calypso's, 116 E. Lakeside Ave., Cd'A. Ben, 651-2624 Post Falls Rotary Club: Noon, Red Lion Templin's, 414 E. 1st Ave. Post Falls. Loretta 661-1880 Cd'A Kiwanis: Noon, Michael D's, 203 Cd'A Lake Drive Lake City Toastmasters: 12-1 p.m. Lake City Senior Center, 1916 N. Lakewood Dr., Cd'A. Sharon, 666-0722 Parents Reaching Out to Parents: Weekly Support Group for parents of children with disabilities. Lunch provided, child care available. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Early Head Start, 411 N. 15th Street, Cd'A. Call Kathy at 769-1409 Networking Association: Noon, Cd'A Elmer's, Neider Ave and Hwy 95. Business Builders: Tyler, 765-1600 Cd'A Metro Chapter Business Network International Meeting: 7 a.m. Cd'A Inn on Highway 95 & Appleway, Contact Rose at 762-6772 Depression and Bipolar Support Group: 7-9 p.m. KMC classrooms 691-9674, 437-0629 Grief Support Group: 7-8:30 p.m. Kootenai Medical Center, open group for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Check signage for room. Facilitated by Chaplain Jennifer L. James, MA, Med Overeaters Anonymous: 5 p.m. Ft. Sherman Church, across from NIC. 755-0089, 512-1128 Alcoholics Anonymous: 8 p.m. St. Pius X Church, 625 Haycraft Ave, Room 2. 772-5003 Cancer Support Group: 1-2:30 p.m. Kootenai Medical Center. Check classroom signs for room assignment. 666-2684 Gamblers Anonymous: 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Hotline: (509) 251-6997 New Treasures Clothing Closet: Open 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. New Life Community Church, 6068 W. Ave. Clothing, shoes, toys available to anyone in community in need. No appointment necessary. 687-3606 Clothing Giveaway: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 521 Lakeside Ave. Coeur d'Alene. Primarily children and youth clothes. Please call ahead for an appointment. 667-8446 55+ Singles Friendship Group: 5:30 p.m. Elmer's on Neider and Hwy 95. Linda, 676-8456 or Walt, 818-4948 3Cs Chorus-The Coeur d'Aleers: Practices 9 a.m. to noon, Lutheran Church of the Master, corner of Ramsey and Kathleen. Singing popular show tunes, old favorites, religious songs and more. Eula, 661-3228 see CALENDAR, C4 CALENDAR from C3 TOPS #ID 340 Post Falls: Weigh-in 5:15 p.m. Meeting 6-6:45 p.m. St. George Catholic Church, 2010 N. Lucas St. Thomas Straight Pinochle: 1 p.m. 11th and Indiana. Cd'A. Wade, 667-8083 Lake City Senior Center: China Painters 9-11:30 a.m.; Blood Pressure Clinic 11 a.m.; Canasta 12:45 p.m.; Cloggers 11:30 a.m. Steel Bridge Photography class 1916 Lakewood Drive Hayden Senior Gems: Race Horse Pinochle 12:30-3:30 p.m. $1 donation. Super One bakery goodies and blood pressure/pulse equipment available. 9428 N. Govt Way. 762-7052, 772-1795 PF Post 143 American Legion Bingo: 6:30 p.m. open to the public at the Post, 1138 E. Poleline Ave. Non-smoking facility Lake City Striders Exercise Program: 8 a.m. Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley, Cd'A. Joyce 772-3417 $1 per class. Starts Sept. 14 Clubhouse Bingo: Early birds 11:30 a.m. Regular session at noon, Greyhound Park, 5100 Riverbend Ave., Post Falls. 773-0545 THURSDAY Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization: Board meeting 1:30 p.m. at the Post Falls City Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, 408 N. Spokane St., Kootenai County Republican Women: Shore Lounge in The Cd'A Resort at noon. Featured speaker State Representative Raul Labrador. Kootenai County Reagan Republicans: 7 p.m., Life Care Center, 2800 E. Mullan Ave, Post Falls. Speaker, Raul Labrador. North Idaho Christian Cowboy Balladeers: 7-8:30 p.m., Rathdrum Grange, Hwy. 41/Boekel Road. Everybody welcome. Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group: 7-9 p.m. Kootenai Medical Center. Check classroom signs for room assignment. 666-2684 Lake City Senior Center: Line Dancing, 9-11 a.m. 1916 Lakewood Drive FRIDAY Autism: An Overview: Presented by Chris Curry of Families Together for People with Disabilties. 1323 E. Sherman Ave. Suite E, Cd'A, 6-8 p.m. 704-3698 or Valentine's Day Dance put on by Specialized Needs Recreation: 6 p.m., Prairie View Elementary School, 2478 E. Poleline. $5 per person. Snacks, prizes, DJ. Information: Angie, 755-6781. Panhandle Pachyderm Club: Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for sign-in, self-serve soup /salad /beverage bar, meeting starts at noon. G.W. Hunters Conference Room at 615 N. Spokane St., Post Falls. Sons of Norway Lodge #11, Dist. 2 Meeting: 7 p.m., IOOF Hall, 200 Railroad Ave, Post Falls. All members are encouraged to attend. (Exclude June, July, August) Panhandle Pachyderm Club: Noon G.W. Hunters Conference Room, 615 N. Spokane St. Post Falls. Parkinson's Support Group: 1-3 p.m. Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive Lake City Senior Center: The Happy Notes perform 10:30 a.m. Mica Flats Grange Business Meeting: 7:30 p.m. 7465 W. Kidd Island Bay Road, Cd'A Arts Buzz: 9 a.m. Chamber building on Lakeside. Networking for artists, local arts organizations. Everyone welcome. POWERTIPPS: business networking, 7 a.m. Iron Horse, 407 Sherman Ave. Information: Calendar initial notices must be submitted in writing five business days prior to event. E-mail or mail to The Press, 201 North Second St. Coeur d'Alene 83814, or fax to 664-0212.