Stories for February 2019


Thursday, February 28

St. Maries locks down West Side
February 28, 2019 10:09 p.m.

St. Maries locks down West Side

BOISE — For a fifth-straight year, the St. Maries is just 32 minutes from a berth in the 2A title game.

'Tough on tough'
February 28, 2019 10:08 p.m.

'Tough on tough'

NAMPA — The sophomore-laden Post Falls Trojans grew up under the bright lights Thursday afternoon.

February 28, 2019 10:07 p.m.

Hillman out, but Genesis Prep wins opener

CALDWELL — If Genesis Prep is to win a third straight state championship, it appears the Jaguars will have to do it without their leading scorer, a four-year starter and the 2017 All-Idaho Player of the Year in his division.

Genesis Prep's Hillman grows on, off court
February 28, 2019 midnight

Genesis Prep's Hillman grows on, off court

Normally quick with a thoughtful reply, Genesis Prep boys basketball coach Marsell Colbert paused for several seconds as he pondered a reporter’s inquiry the other night.

February 28, 2019 midnight

Embezzler destined for prison; stole $700K

COEUR d’ALENE — A 63-year-old Coeur d’Alene woman could spend 20 years in federal prison for stealing almost $700,000 from the Coeur d’Alene cabinet business where she worked.

February 28, 2019 midnight

ISP seeks road rage witnesses

The Idaho State Police is investigating an incident of road rage that occurred on Interstate 90 Wednesday around 4 or 4:15 p.m.

No headline
February 28, 2019 midnight

No headline

James Richard Perrin Jr., 88

February 28, 2019 midnight

8 scientists you don't know - but should

History is written by those in power. When that power is out of balance for centuries, it takes extra effort — and multiple generations — to learn and appreciate what was left out, whether by intention, bias, or simple ignorance. This is why society celebrates its historically underrepresented segments.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 28, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

If Apple ever decides to build a car, do you think it will have Windows?

February 28, 2019 midnight

All Cardinal eyes on Iowa, NJCAA success

In the second week of the season, members of the North Idaho College wrestling team traveled to Iowa to get a look at some of the best teams in the NJCAA in preparation for the NJCAA tournament.

Fish & Game offers cash for walleye
February 28, 2019 midnight

Fish & Game offers cash for walleye

In an effort to bolster the Lake Pend Oreille kamloops fishery, in part by limiting predatory species that feed on kokanee, Idaho Fish and Game is giving anglers an incentive to target walleye.

February 28, 2019 midnight

Homeowners may qualify for property tax reduction

Idaho homeowners could qualify for some relief from their property taxes. Idaho’s Property Tax Reduction program reduces property taxes on an eligible homeowner’s primary Idaho residence and up to one acre of land by as much as $1,320.

February 28, 2019 midnight

No headline

Nicole Rozier

Montana man faces heroin, meth charges
February 28, 2019 midnight

Montana man faces heroin, meth charges

COEUR d’ALENE — A Kalispell, Mont., man who carried a stolen firearm when he was arrested Monday in Coeur d’Alene has been charged with trafficking heroin and methamphetamine, which carries a mandatory 15-year prison sentence.

Mining icon, business titan  Dennis Wheeler remembered
February 28, 2019 midnight

Mining icon, business titan Dennis Wheeler remembered


Anglin' with Anglen – March 1973
February 28, 2019 midnight

Anglin' with Anglen – March 1973

February 28, 2019 midnight

No headline

Few, Fortier named late

Please, go light on walleye suppression
February 28, 2019 midnight

Please, go light on walleye suppression

I have fished Lake Pend Oreille (LPO) for over 50 years and I’ve experienced the highs and lows regarding the LPO fishery. Personally, I am part of the group of anglers that likes to catch and consume a variety of fish, which makes where we live such a very special place.

No headline
February 28, 2019 midnight

No headline

Joanne Frank Meyer, 82

Fed bill keeps Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management lands open
February 28, 2019 midnight

Fed bill keeps Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management lands open

A giant public lands bill that would leave federal lands open to hunting, fishing and trapping was passed by Congress this week.

Walmart bringing doorstep  delivery to Kootenai County
February 28, 2019 midnight

Walmart bringing doorstep delivery to Kootenai County

Whether it’s a dozen eggs, a 50-pound bag of dog food or a roll of fluorescent duct tape, local shoppers will soon have the luxury of doorstep delivery from Walmart stores in Hayden, Post Falls and Stateline.

February 28, 2019 midnight

Cardinal men cap unbeaten conference slate


February 28, 2019 midnight

No, there's nothing friendly about fraud

Facebook defines “friendly fraud” as knowingly tricking kids into game charges that end up on a parent’s bank card. As a result, Facebook’s public image continues to take a beating into 2019 — maybe with good reason.

No headline
February 28, 2019 midnight

No headline

Relentless snowfall has plowers, shovelers  at odds
February 28, 2019 midnight

Relentless snowfall has plowers, shovelers at odds


February 28, 2019 midnight

Today last day to register for Idaho Nonprofit Center's 2019 Regional Forums

On March 7, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., nonprofit leaders will come together to increase their skills and knowledge, network with colleagues and find ways to collaborate to increase the impact of their organization and community.

Different, but same expectations
February 28, 2019 midnight

Different, but same expectations

Last year’s Genesis Prep boys basketball team was experienced and deep.

Equity, economics and education
February 28, 2019 midnight

Equity, economics and education


February 28, 2019 midnight



Wednesday, February 27

Brannon ill; Locke acting county clerk
February 27, 2019 5:13 p.m.

Brannon ill; Locke acting county clerk

COEUR d’ALENE - Kootenai County Clerk Jim Brannon had a medical issue on Monday afternoon that required hospitalization. He is currently under the care of a physician and recovering at Kootenai Medical Center, said a news release issued late Wednesday by the clerk’s office.

February 27, 2019 12:40 a.m.

Legals February 27, 2019

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estates of: PAUL M. KAUFFMAN, and BETTY P. KAUFFMAN Deceased. CASE NO.: CV28-19-461 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mellisa Ann Bariel has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedent or their estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claim(s) will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the attorney for the estate at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 7th day of February, 2019. /s/ Cameron Phillips CAMERON PHILLIPS, ISB No. 2364 Attorney for Personal Representative 924 Sherman Ave Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Telephone: 208-667-5437 Fax: 208-664-2114 CDA LEGAL 1147 AD# 268013 FEBRUARY 13, 20, 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 midnight

Stay with it, or you'll truly hate stopping

Good advice comes from everywhere.

Following the (lack of) money
February 27, 2019 midnight

Following the (lack of) money


February 27, 2019 midnight

CHART: Bias and blindness

I read with interest your front-page feature article on Sunday, Feb. 17 proposing to instruct your readers which media sources were “safe and accurate” (Green Box) and those with bias (Red Box).

February 27, 2019 midnight

CHART: Antidotes for lemmings

Last week’s opinion pages contained nearly unanimous content regarding Vanessa Otero’s previously published “chart.” Agree or disagree with it, may it serve as a tipping point for us all to observe our own search for the truth. Are we using the same sources (or single source) and never questioning content or possible bias?

Wrestling, bowling, basketball and more
February 27, 2019 midnight

Wrestling, bowling, basketball and more


February 27, 2019 midnight

Brace for more snow, forecasters say

More white is on the way for the Coeur d’Alene area in what has already been the snowiest February on record for the Lake City.

February 27, 2019 midnight

NEWS: Challenging beliefs is good

I select my news sources using the following criteria: Do they validate my beliefs or challenge them?

Retirement open house for fire spokesman Lyon on Friday
February 27, 2019 midnight

Retirement open house for fire spokesman Lyon on Friday

RATHDRUM — A retirement open house for Northern Lakes Fire District spokesman Jim Lyon will be held on Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The public is invited.

Conroy resigns as St. Vincent de Paul director
February 27, 2019 midnight

Conroy resigns as St. Vincent de Paul director


February 27, 2019 midnight

Vote 'yes' for Lakeland levy

Let’s pretend that your household income is $65,000, which is right at the state’s median.

February 27, 2019 midnight

Tremendous partnership bites into crime rate

When I was in the process of being selected for police chief in 2014, I was surprised to learn that Coeur d’Alene had the highest violent crime rate and Part 1 (UCR) crime rate in the state of Idaho. For those of you who are not crime-stat nerds like me, the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a national standard used to categorize crime and is largely regarded as a key societal indicator of community safety. Part 1 (UCR) crime is comprised of the crimes of homicide, aggravated assault, arson, auto burglary, residential burglary, commercial burglary, rape, robbery, theft and vehicle theft.

February 27, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

June Merina (Beckman) Green

No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Vandal football player Sather

February 27, 2019 midnight

LAKELAND: Invest in 'Yes'

Is the investment on an education worth the money? This question is often debated. As an educator, I can understand both sides.

February 27, 2019 midnight

GROWTH: Sharing the pain

To Uyless Black,

February 27, 2019 midnight

COLUMN: The deal with Kaepernick

Several weeks ago Steve Cameron wrote an article swearing off the NFL because Colin Kaepernick had not been signed with any NFL team since he took it upon himself to diss (by kneeling during the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner”) the U.S. military, the nation’s various police officers, firefighters and all the rest of us who truly believe that the U.S., guided by its Constitution and Bill of Rights, is the fairest and most successful form of government in the history of the world.

No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Inga Laura (Evenson) Hammeren, 99

'Special since  Day 1'
February 27, 2019 midnight

'Special since Day 1'

Two years ago, when the rest of the Post Falls High boys basketball team headed for home after its Saturday afternoon third-place game at the state 5A tournament in Nampa, Trojans coach Mike McLean and his wife Jessica remained in the Treasure Valley.

No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Lindsey Gayle Arnold

Hayden, residents put plow problems in the past
February 27, 2019 midnight

Hayden, residents put plow problems in the past

Since the city of Hayden began earlier this snow season to urge residents move their cars off city streets during snow events, its plow truck drivers have been happier.

No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Sam Edelblute

February 27, 2019 midnight

Hearing on 520-acre Rathdrum annex request Thursday

RATHDRUM — The Rathdrum Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the city's largest annexation request in recent history on Thursday at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

February 27, 2019 midnight

CHART: A healthy exercise

Thank you for the great article about media bias, chart and your editorial on the subject. What a wonderful country we live in. All this expression of feeling and opinion that we have access to. Of course, as the article states, getting our “facts” from many sources, as well represented on this chart, is important. To try to make sure that our opinions are well-informed by the fact/truth, we should be careful about what we read and believe.

February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline


No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Thomas Lee Osborn Sr., 77

February 27, 2019 midnight

GERD goes uncured

Seems like everyone I talk to these days have complaints of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, hiatal hernia and other digestive complaints. They pop antacid and acid reducing pills like candy, thinking they are curing their disease. The truth is, the drugs are not cures. They suppress stomach acid (stomach enzymes) to give relief. And while symptomatically helpful, in the long-haul they cause more problems than they help.

February 27, 2019 midnight

Little makes 'being governor' look easy

There’s something about a person who likes his job. You can tell by the way he walks, talks and interacts with people.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 27, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

A waiter returned to one of his tables as his customers were finishing their meal.

February 27, 2019 midnight

Ask Hayden Health

Dear Dr. Wendy,

Medieval times at Sorensen
February 27, 2019 midnight

Medieval times at Sorensen


February 27, 2019 midnight

A lesson in life from an unexpected teacher

“If you are at home and you’re sitting on your couch and you are watching this right now, all I have to say is this is hard work. I’ve worked hard for a long time and it’s not about winning. What it’s about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There’s a discipline for passion and it’s not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you’re beaten up, it’s about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going.” Lady Gaga, 2019 Oscar acceptance speech.

February 27, 2019 midnight

The important of presentation

For most wine consumers, the beverage stirs passions and engenders great affection. Most of us who really like wine have memories going back many years to a certain bottle or glass of wine on a specific occasion, special or not. At our wine dinner just this past week, one of the folks at our table asked: “what was the first wine when you drank it, you really got the whole thing?”

No headline
February 27, 2019 midnight

No headline

Donald Lee Wright Jr., 54

Fast Five: Scott Rozell
February 27, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Scott Rozell

Tell us about yourself:

February 27, 2019 midnight

Orange sticker does the trick

COEUR d’ALENE — Many of the snowbound vehicles tagged last week for a possible tow in Coeur d’Alene were removed before being hauled off, city officials said.

February 27, 2019 midnight

PLOWED: Gouging for Jesus

It was very interesting to read about the young entrepreneur David Holston and his accumulation of $35,000 for snow removal in Seattle, charging $500-750/hour. It’s wonderful to see an 18-year-old being so motivated and having his own company at such a young age. It would be great to support him in his effort, but it seemed more than a little greedy to overcharge by such a large percentage. It made me think of those who take advantage of victims of floods, fires, earthquakes and other calamities across the nation.

February 27, 2019 midnight

SCHOOLS: Support Cd'A requests

On Tuesday, March 12, voters in Coeur d’Alene have an opportunity to go to the polls and vote for continued excellence in our public schools.

February 27, 2019 midnight

Energy drinks: Is it worth the risk?

The same pick-me-up that powers you through a boring afternoon meeting or late-night deadline could be silently setting your body up for some serious health problems. A 2013 report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration outlines a drastic climb in energy drink-related emergency room visits. With cans lining gas station and grocery store coolers across the nation, these beverages have become a billion-dollar industry in the United States. Energy drinks are very popular; globally the energy drink market was worth $39 billion in 2013 and is forecast to reach $61 billion by 2021. But research is citing major health implications due to the consumption of these pick-me-up drinks.

Sheriffs: Keep hemp bill 'in a drawer'
February 27, 2019 midnight

Sheriffs: Keep hemp bill 'in a drawer'

The Idaho Sheriffs Association announced its opposition Tuesday to proposed state legislation that would legalize industrial hemp in Idaho.

Tuesday, February 26

February 26, 2019 3:39 p.m.

Concealed weapons in schools legislation advances

BOISE (AP) — Legislation allowing individuals age 21 and older who have obtained an Idaho enhanced permit to carry a concealed weapon into public schools without having to tell anyone will get a hearing.

Local team tackles cybersecurity with ground-breaking approach
February 26, 2019 1:14 p.m.

Local team tackles cybersecurity with ground-breaking approach

Have you ever worried about your identity or financial information being stolen by cybercriminals? Have you ever received notification that your personal information was stolen in the fallout of a breach?

Post Falls leaders, please, take a bow
February 26, 2019 1:13 p.m.

Post Falls leaders, please, take a bow

The greatest gift anyone can leave behind is to positively impact the lives of others. When you add value to other people’s lives, you are unknowingly leaving footprints on the sands of time that live on, a lasting legacy.

February 26, 2019 1:13 p.m.

Google's 10 habits of effective managers

They say workers leave managers, not companies. With low unemployment the market favors employees, and turnover is often costly and disruptive to business. Managers are in the best position to prevent it.

DAROLD CUMMINGS: Aircraft designer has eye on sky, wheels speeding over ground
February 26, 2019 1:02 p.m.

DAROLD CUMMINGS: Aircraft designer has eye on sky, wheels speeding over ground

As the robot hands you your heart medicine, a roasted chicken with tossed salad and a fifth of Sheep Dip, you’re momentarily blanketed by a massive bird-like shadow, swift and silent. Just as quickly the sun is shining again.

Oxyfresh: For pets and people, local and global
February 26, 2019 12:59 p.m.

Oxyfresh: For pets and people, local and global

The blue letters of the "" sign are a familiar sight to anyone who has driven through Riverstone in the past 18 years.

February 26, 2019 12:50 p.m.

Building Permits

City of Coeur d’Alene

February 26, 2019 12:49 p.m.

You have some amazing neighbors

He holds 36 patents and 40 Bonneville National land speed records.

Landmark building a hub again in downtown Cd'A
February 26, 2019 12:49 p.m.

Landmark building a hub again in downtown Cd'A

After sitting empty for years, the 92-year-old Wiggett building (which last housed Wiggett Antique Mall) in downtown Coeur d’Alene has been completely renovated — and new tenants are preparing to move into its retail and office spaces.

Coeur d'Alene Chamber March Happenings
February 26, 2019 12:43 p.m.

Coeur d'Alene Chamber March Happenings

Leadership Coeur d’Alene is a two-year course offered by the Coeur d’Alene Chamber which educates students about regional history, area nonprofits and various industries established in our region therefore encouraging their future engagement in building community. Established in the early 1980s, Leadership Coeur d’Alene is the eldest leadership program of its type in Idaho and has been modeled by Chambers of Commerce and associations throughout the country on its curriculum and mission.

Seeing through the patients' eyes
February 26, 2019 12:23 p.m.

Seeing through the patients' eyes


February 26, 2019 9:09 a.m.

Wolfinger: Sheriff's Association opposes hemp legalization

From the Idaho Sheriff’s Association:

February 26, 2019 12:33 a.m.

No headline

Central Washington head coach named OC, QB coach at EWU

February 26, 2019 midnight

Time to learn about school

COEUR d’ALENE — The League of Women Voters of Kootenai County is hosting “Equity and Economics of Education,” a public forum, on Wednesday, Feb. 27 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Coeur d’Alene Public Library Community Room.

Manager proposal to be floated again
February 26, 2019 midnight

Manager proposal to be floated again


February 26, 2019 midnight

Kiss this: 10 facts about your pet's mouth

If February is the month for love, that includes our furry friends. And especially if you’re one of those people — the kind who kiss dogs on the mouth (ew! What’s wrong with a face-rub?), now’s the time to pay special attention to what you’re kissing.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 26, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

I had a dream last night about the Queen knighting an electric fish. It was Sir Eel.

February 26, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 26, 2019 midnight

No headline

Joanne Grace Owen, 82

New signals, trail improvements planned for Atlas Road
February 26, 2019 midnight

New signals, trail improvements planned for Atlas Road

COEUR d’ALENE — Work is expected to begin this spring on an Atlas Road improvement project that will reduce traffic congestion at the Coeur d’Alene Industrial Park while enhancing the city’s popular trail system.

February 26, 2019 midnight

Movers and shakers

February 26, 2019 midnight

Cd'A Charter jazz band wins at U of I festival

MOSCOW — The Red Hot Jazz Band from Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy took top honors on Saturday at the University of Idaho’s 2019 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival.

Pen d'Oreille City site to be considered for National Register of Historic Places
February 26, 2019 midnight

Pen d'Oreille City site to be considered for National Register of Historic Places

The Kootenai County Historic Preservation Commission (KCHPC) has submitted an application to place the Pen d’Oreille City site on the National Register of Historic Places.

February 26, 2019 midnight

Wine, Stein and Dine for Education happening Saturday

The 23rd annual Wine, Stein and Dine for Education will be held Saturday, March 2 from 7-10 p.m. at the Post Falls Greyhound Park and Event Center.

No headline
February 26, 2019 midnight

No headline

Fern Arlene Johnston (Bracht), 88

Monday, February 25

February 25, 2019 11:59 p.m.

Fourteen area players on all-star rosters

COEUR d’ALENE — Seven boys and seven girls from North Idaho were named Monday to the Region rosters for the 16th annual Idaho Statewide High School All-Star Basketball Games, scheduled for Saturday, March 23, at North Idaho College’s Rolly Williams Court.

February 25, 2019 11:56 p.m.

Gonzaga enjoys view from the top


Bond set for suspected shooter in deadly bar fight
February 25, 2019 6:40 p.m.

Bond set for suspected shooter in deadly bar fight

COEUR d’ALENE — A judge set bond at $1 million for a 33-year-old Coeur d’Alene man who is charged with first degree murder in the fatal shooting early Sunday of Michael C. “Topher” Clark in the parking lot of the Tipsy Pine Bar in Hayden.

'K9 in peace'
February 25, 2019 1:29 p.m.

'K9 in peace'

The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office said goodbye to one of its own last week.

February 25, 2019 10:22 a.m.

Victim identified in fatal shooting

Michael “Topher” Christopher Clark, 45, of Hayden, has been identified as the victim of Sunday’s fatal shooting outside the Tipsy Pine Bar in Hayden.

Having happy, healthy babies
February 25, 2019 9:13 a.m.

Having happy, healthy babies

About 48 percent of all women aged 15-44 have had an unintended pregnancy, with 21 percent of births in marriage unintended, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

February 25, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 25, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE OF ANOTHER SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF: LEWIS MICHAEL PEHRSON DOB: 06/05/2016 A Child Under Eighteen Years of Age. In the Matter of the Termination of the Parental Rights of: TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON, Mother Case No. CV2016-51 FEE: EXEMPT (Idaho Code § 67-2301) THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO: TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights between LEWIS MICHAEL PEHRSON and his mother, TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON, has been filed with the District Court of the County of Kootenai, by Denise L. Rosen, Deputy Attorney General, under Idaho Code Section 16-2005, etc. A hearing on the petition will be held at the Juvenile Justice Center, 205 North 4th Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on March 19, 2019, at 3:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you are entitled to be represented by an Attorney. If you cannot afford one, you may be appointed an Attorney by making application to the Court at the Kootenai County Courthouse. If you fail to appear at the time and place set forth above, or fail to appear through an attorney, you may be deemed to have defaulted and a judgment terminating your parental rights may be entered without further hearing or notice. DATED this 14th day of February, 2019. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO BY: /S/ Theresa Carroll DEPUTY CDA LEGAL 1165 AD# 269244 FEBRUARY 18, 25, MARCH 4, 2019

February 25, 2019 midnight

Bill could chill land-use codes

A bill that gives counties the option of developing comprehensive plans or land-use codes is beginning to boil on the Idaho Legislature’s front burner.

February 25, 2019 midnight

School and Senior Lunches

School menus

No headline
February 25, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 25, 2019 midnight

The quest for 850: Your credit score guide

As consumers, we're constantly told to watch and protect our credit score because it affects the cost of our purchases made on credit. A perfect FICO score (which is the most widely used) is 850.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 25, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

How many fishermen does it take to change a light bulb?

February 25, 2019 midnight

More snow expected across North Idaho into early March

As of early Sunday, Cliff has measured nearly 50 inches of snow at his station for February. It’s very possible that Coeur d’Alene will have surpassed the 50-inch mark for this month early today. We’ve already smashed the record February total, which was 39.5 inches set back in 1955.

February 25, 2019 midnight


Sunday, February 24

February 24, 2019 11:46 p.m.

Finally, finally: One-and-done on its way out

The one-and-done is…

Fatal shooting at Hayden bar
February 24, 2019 8:32 a.m.

Fatal shooting at Hayden bar

A Hayden man is dead and a Coeur d’Alene man faces a second degree murder charge following an early morning shooting Sunday at a bar in Hayden.

No headline
February 24, 2019 midnight

No headline

MaryAnn Torp (Pirrie)

February 24, 2019 midnight

FLU: And what to do

According to the article “Flu Cases on the Rise (Jan. 8),” “influenza positivity rates rose 18 percent over the last two weeks” and hospitalizations increased in North Idaho… In Spokane County, four deaths are attributed to flu this season, and 89 people have been hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed flu.”

February 24, 2019 midnight

Next up on controversy's hot plate…

Because things have been so dull around here and nobody’s had any strong opinions about anything, we decided to serve up something juicy today: A new Media Bias Chart created by the Democratic National Committee.

No headline
February 24, 2019 midnight

No headline

Douglas Lamar Cox

Suspicious mind required for county coroner
February 24, 2019 midnight

Suspicious mind required for county coroner

Dr. Warren Keene deals with death for a living.

February 24, 2019 midnight

GREENBELT: An opportunity awaits

Opportunity is knocking — let’s answer it!

February 24, 2019 midnight

The potency of praise

The Duke of Wellington, the brilliant British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was a great commander, but he was a difficult man to serve under. He was a demanding perfectionist who complimented his subordinates only on rare occasions.

February 24, 2019 midnight


POCATELLO — Post Falls High senior Ridge Lovett knew to make things complete, he needed to find the toughest kid in the state.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 24, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Four fonts walked into a bar.

Snow or no, it might be worth selling your home now
February 24, 2019 midnight

Snow or no, it might be worth selling your home now

If you’re wanting to list your home this year, don’t wait on spring.

February 24, 2019 midnight

JOURNALISTS: A terrific trio

A short note to voice my appreciation for Ms. Dickerson’s writings as the Coeur d’Alene Press Consumer Gal. She is a “must read” for me. I would also include Syd Albright’s Sunday series and Randy Mann’s Monday weather summary.

February 24, 2019 midnight

PROJECT: Deny it again, Cd'A

Kudos to the Coeur d’Alene Press for their recent (Feb. 13) article on the proposed River’s Edge Apartments, with its 850 apartments in multiple high-rise buildings on the Spokane River in Coeur d’Alene.

February 24, 2019 midnight

CARTOON: A conservative assault

Hard to miss the vicious cartoon attack on Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in the Feb. 17 newspaper. It is an ugly cartoon of pure hate, and likely fear. Of course, as even a grade-school bully knows, the best way to demean a woman is to make her appear ugly. I haven’t researched everything the cartoonist ridicules, but I believe plastic straws are a problem in our oceans, coal burning damages air quality and I fear Trump.

February 24, 2019 midnight

Timberlake, St. Maries punch tickets to state

SPIRIT LAKE — Two days after losing the district title on a four-point play with 1.1 seconds left, the Timberlake Tigers bounced back indeed.

Legislators slam Medicaid expansion at forum
February 24, 2019 midnight

Legislators slam Medicaid expansion at forum

POST FALLS — The topic of Medicaid expansion took up a good chunk of the conversation Saturday morning during a legislative town hall in the Post Falls Senior Center.

February 24, 2019 midnight

Cardinal women clinch tourney berth


No headline
February 24, 2019 midnight

No headline

PF POLICE: Give their time to Cub Scouts pack

February 24, 2019 midnight

CHART: New low for 'rag'

From Sunday’s, Feb. 17 Press, I see, Mr. Patrick, that you are a “modern day hero.” Wow! Your interview with Vanessa Otero and the publication of her Media Bias Chart has established a new low in the left-leaning status of this “rag” that you keep pretending publishes meaningful and factual news. What you left out of this article is nothing short of journalistic malfeasance.

February 24, 2019 midnight

CHART: Bigger isn't better

I looked at the chart on media bias that covered nearly half of the front page on Sunday and couldn’t believe I was seeing ABC News dead center. I can’t speak for the other centered news outlets because I don’t read or watch them, but I’ve been appalled at the bias on ABC. I like to watch Fox News for political news, so I wasn’t surprised to see if ABC is centered, Fox would be way down and far right.

Saturday, February 23

February 23, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 23, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Coeur d'Alene Planning Commission invites you to the following public hearing to consider your oral comments and all written comments received on the following items: ITEM: A-1-19 What is being requested: Ted Burnside on behalf of Lake City Engineering, Inc. is requesting approval of a proposed 4.6 acre annexation from County Commercial to R-17 (Residential at 17 units/acre) zoning district. Location of the property: The property is described as a +/-4.6 acre property known as 7725 N. Ramsey Road and legally described as A portion of the North Half of Tract 330 of the Amended Plat of Hayden Lake Irrigated Tracts, filed at Book B of Plats, Page 150,Records of Kootenai County, Idaho, located in Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. A full legal description of the parcel, and a map, may be viewed at the City's Planning Department during regular business hours. ITEM: ZC-1-19 What is being requested: Tammi Kerr on behalf of Lake City Engineering,Inc. is requesting approval of a proposed 4.69 acre zone change from R-3 (Residential at 3 units/acre) to R-17 (Residential at 17 units/acre) zoning district. Location of the property: The property is described as a +/-4.69 acre property known as 1781 W. Alps Street and legally described the East half of Tract 329, HAYDEN LAKE IRRIGATED TRACTS, according to the plat thereof recorded in Book C of Plats at Pages 66 and 67, Records of Kootenai County, Idaho A full legal description of the parcel, and a map, may be viewed at the City's Planning Department during regular business hours. ITEM: ZC-2-19 What is being requested: Habitat for Humanity of North Idaho,Inc. is requesting approval of a proposed 0.82 acre zone change from MH-8 (Mobile home at 8 units/acre) to R-17 (Residential at 17 units/acre) zoning district. Location of the property: The property is described as a +/-0.82 acre property known as 601 W. Neider Avenue and legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, Clark Addition, according to the plat recorded in Book "I" of Plats,Page 187,records of Kootenai County,Idaho. A full legal description of the parcel,and a map,may be viewed at the City's Planning Department during regular business hours. Public Hearing time and location: The public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room, Lower-level of Coeur d'Alene Public Library,702 E. Front Avenue, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on March 12, 2019. Require more information? To see a more detailed copy of the above legal descriptions, obtain more information on the above requests or a copy of the staff reports; contact the Planning Department at 769-2240. Staff reports are also posted and available on March 8, 2019 at the City's website at by clicking on agendas/ planning commission. The hearing will be held in a facility that is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special accommodations will be available,upon request,five (5) days prior to the hearing. For more information,contact the Planning Department at (208)769-2240. Clerk(s) of the Commission Tami Stroud Sean Holm CDA LEGAL #1179 AD #270183 FEBRUARY 23,2019

Hillman's 'miracle'
February 23, 2019 midnight

Hillman's 'miracle'

POST FALLS — Jonny Hillman strode out to midcourt after the game to accept his award for Most Valuable Player of the North Star League — steps that wouldn’t have seemed possible roughly a half-hour earlier.

February 23, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 23, 2019 midnight

No headline

Terrance Allen Pennington, 56

Good enough so far for Post Falls
February 23, 2019 midnight

Good enough so far for Post Falls

POCATELLO — After a frantic first day of the state 5A wrestling tournament, Post Falls coach Pete Reardon had to deliver a dose of reality to his team.

No headline
February 23, 2019 midnight

No headline

George Albert Schuon, 90

Area officials get the call  for 5A  spotlight game
February 23, 2019 midnight

Area officials get the call for 5A spotlight game

Championship Saturday at the state basketball tournament is already pretty special on its own.

No headline
February 23, 2019 midnight

No headline

Ruby Ann Knight

FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: Why have faith now?
February 23, 2019 midnight

FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: Why have faith now?

My wife, Wendy, and I visited Paradise, Calif., last month to meet with and comfort those affected by the horrific Camp Fire that left as many as 86 dead and destroyed more than 18,000 structures last November.

Snow tow: Yes, it's time to go
February 23, 2019 midnight

Snow tow: Yes, it's time to go

Tow trucks in Coeur d’Alene will be out in force on Monday, hauling away snowbound vehicles that are choking city streets, impeding traffic, disrupting plowing efforts and causing hazards.

Wine Taste raises record amount
February 23, 2019 midnight

Wine Taste raises record amount

COEUR d’ALENE — Hospice of North Idaho’s 34th annual Hospice Wine Taste raised a record amount of support for patients in Kootenai, Shoshone and Benewah counties. The local nonprofit recently hosted the annual fundraiser at its new Coeur d’Alene campus.

No headline
February 23, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dorothy R. Billingsley Eby Firebaugh

NExA: A different  school of thought
February 23, 2019 midnight

NExA: A different school of thought

HAYDEN — Why sit in a classroom day after day when you can have an education steeped in adventure?

February 23, 2019 midnight

Here comes an election And here's what voters should know

COEUR d’ALENE ­­­— Early voting starts on Monday for the March 12 election, which includes school funding proposals and a Dalton Gardens attempted recall of city officials.

Video voyeur sentenced
February 23, 2019 midnight

Video voyeur sentenced

COEUR d’ALENE — A former North Idaho College instructor and gay rights activist was sentenced Friday to 90 days in the local jail after pleading guilty to one felony count of video voyeurism.

February 23, 2019 midnight

Kroc Center set to offer free adult swim lessons

According to the CDC, 37 percent of American adults cannot swim the length of a pool, putting them at risk for being one of the 10 people who drown every day in the U.S.

Prop 2: You can't escape the people
February 23, 2019 midnight

Prop 2: You can't escape the people

The Medicaid expansion initiative passed by 58 percent of the vote in Sen. Mary Souza’s legislative district, despite her opposition to providing health care to working residents of Kootenai County. Just like when she opposed McEuen Park and the Kroc Center, Sen. Souza continues to ignore the will of the people she represents by introducing Senate Bill 1100.

February 23, 2019 midnight

Coeur d'Alene, Lakeland fall in regional loser-out games

LEWISTON — Coeur d’Alene did almost everything it had to do on the road to get another regional win in Booth Hall.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 23, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

A man walked into a pet store and looked around. The store owner was busy with another customer. As the man checked out all the cages, he didn’t see anything that interested him.

Friday, February 22

Man who failed to show in court found dead
February 22, 2019 4:34 p.m.

Man who failed to show in court found dead

A St. Maries man accused of soliciting teenagers for sex over the internet, who failed to appear in court Friday in Benewah County, was found dead in his home, according to the St. Maries Gazette.

Pre-K bill killed in House Education Committee
February 22, 2019 1:33 p.m.

Pre-K bill killed in House Education Committee

The House Education Committee in the Idaho Legislature killed a draft bill aimed at starting a state-funded, voluntary pre-kindergarten program.

JUDD JONES: Understanding metabolism
February 22, 2019 12:21 p.m.

JUDD JONES: Understanding metabolism

Increase your metabolism, burn more calories and lose weight. That sounds about right to most people, so let’s all rev-up our exercise which in turn will kickstart our metabolic function and poof, fat’s gone. Well, hold up just a minute, all you soon-to-be metabolic fat burning machines... it just is not that simple.

TEEN TECH TALK: Stop endless scrolling
February 22, 2019 12:21 p.m.

TEEN TECH TALK: Stop endless scrolling

A few days ago I was really surprised that my girlfriend was unaware that Facebook controls which posts appear at the top of one’s feed. I explained to her that it strategically feeds us more of what we have engaged with - to engage us more. This is in contrast to the “old days,” when one would see posts in the order that “friends” were posting them. Most social media and content companies continually update their algorithms to figure out how to keep us hooked and endlessly scrolling through posts.

February 22, 2019 12:21 p.m.

Face your fear and find your public voice

Fear of public speaking is a common cause of anxiety, and one that Dr. Erin Elliott experienced.

Pickleball perfection
February 22, 2019 10:42 a.m.

Pickleball perfection

Looking for the world’s top-rated athlete in American’s fastest growing sport? Look no further than Coeur d’Alene.

A life-changing experience
February 22, 2019 10:40 a.m.

A life-changing experience

I sat with Monty at the kitchen table, listening to a story I had been told once a few years ago, while we waited for his sauna to reach the desired temperature for the first steam.

February 22, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 22, 2019

PUBLIC REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS Kootenai Hospital District d/b/a: Kootenai Health 2003 Kootenai Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Café Renovation 2003 Kootenai Health Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Request for Sealed Bids Pursuant to Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 28 (67-2805, paragraph 3) Bouten Construction Company, Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) will be accepting sealed bids for the following Bid Packages (BP) that are a part of this advertisement: BP #1: General trades BP #2: Casework and countertops BP #3: Framing & drywall BP #4: Painting BP #5: Acoustic ceilings BP #6: Floorcoverings BP #7: Fire sprinklers BP #8: Plumbing BP #9: HVAC and controls BP #10: Electrical Sealed bids for the above Bid Packages shall be HAND DELIVERED ONLY no later than Tuesday, March 5, at 11:00:00 AM (PST) to Kootenai Health (2003 Kootenai Health Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID) in the Bouten Construction Company construction office located on the second floor just off the North Lobby. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately following the deadline. Bids shall be addressed to: Bouten Construction Company c/o Kootenai Health Attention: Kreg Shelby, Senior Project Manager 2003 Kootenai Health Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Bidder shall clearly state on the bid envelope the specific Bid Package(s) that they are bidding. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the sealed proposals are received at the bid opening location listed above by the advertised deadline. Bids received after the date and time stated above will not receive consideration and will not be opened. Faxed, email, electronic or verbal bids will not be accepted. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the advertised deadline. Successful bidders for these Bid Packages will be contracting direct with Bouten Construction Company using the stated agreement as set forth in the bid documents. Payment and Performance Bonds Successful bidders may be required to provide a Performance Bond and Payment Bond to be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with the plans, specifications, and conditions thereof when a bid price exceeds $200,000. Bidder must use the form provided in the bid documents. Idaho License Bidder shall list on the Bid Form their current Idaho license number that covers the work for which they are bidding. Pre-Bid Meeting A pre-bid meeting will be conducted on Thursday, February 21 at 2:00 PM (PST) at the following location: Kootenai Health 2003 Kootenai Health Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 In the Bouten Construction Company construction office located on the second floor just off the North Lobby. Bid Documents Bid documents can be examined and/or ordered at the bidder's expense at the following locations: *Idaho Associated General Contractors 3895 N. Schreiber Way, Suite 100 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 Phone: 208/344.2531 *Spokane Regional Plan Center 209 North Havana Spokane, WA 99220 Phone: 509/328-9600 *Inland Northwest Associated General Contractors 4935 E. Trent Avenue Spokane, WA 99212 Phone: 509/535-0391 *Associated Builders and Contractors 12310 East Mirabeau Parkway, Suite 100 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Phone: 509/534-0826 *Standard Digital Print Co. 256 W. Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: 509/624-2985 *Bouten Construction Company 627 N. Napa Street Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509/535-3531 Construction Manager / General Contractor Bidding Bouten Construction Company will be bidding Bid Package #1 Rejection of Bids Kootenai Health reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bids received. Questions Bidders may direct questions regarding the bid process to: Bouten Construction Company Construction Manager / General Contractor P.O. Box 3507 Spokane, WA 99220 Phone: 509/535-3531 Attention: Kreg Shelby, Senior Project Manager All questions and answers will be published via addendum during the bid period. Questions are due by 5:00 PM (PST) Tuesday, February 26, 2019. Questions received after February 26, 2019, will not be answered. DO NOT present questions to Kootenai Health, architect or engineers. CDA LEGAL 1160 AD# 268751 FEBRUARY 15, 22, 2019

February 22, 2019 midnight

Turn on a yellow light for growth

I’ve been reading all the recent articles about the housing boom. My city, Post Falls, issued 537 housing permits in 2018, the largest in the county and “rivaled the record of 596 in 2004.” The writer also referenced a city memo on growth which states, “the future identity of Post Falls will be prospectively shaped by a growing population base, continued demand for housing, economic development and our abundant community assets. It is likely that with continued growth Post Falls may see continued development pressure within the multi-family housing sector.”

February 22, 2019 midnight

CDA: Vote 'no' on request

I was once a public school teacher after a career in the Air Force and a commercial airline. Here are some facts about the endless demands for funding from school districts.

February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: Insult to the intelligent

To evaluate media bias, the citizens of Kootenai County do not need a chart from an unknown Denver lawyer. The fact that Ms. Otero places news sources such as The New York Times, the three major networks and Time magazine in the “neutral” category, tells us all we need to know about her “unbiased” methods. There is more than whether or not opinion is offered as a variable as to whether news is biased; more important is what news is chosen to be covered.

February 22, 2019 midnight

Walton fires up Zag fans


February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: Leftist all the way

A leftist chart with the headline “Blaze through the maze of media bias” appeared on The Press Sunday edition (front page). As managing editor, Michael Patrick should be ashamed of himself endorsing the person providing the fake information. The chart, created by Adfontes founder Vanessa Otero, appears in a dog and pony format. Patrick promotes the young girl as well versed in her research.

February 22, 2019 midnight

Lake City battles, falls to Lewiston

LEWISTON — Sophomore Jack Kiesbuy scored a game-high 23 points for Lake City, which put up a good fight before falling to the Lewiston Bengals 50-46 in 5A Region 1 tournament loser-out game at Booth Hall on Thursday.

Business, art and saving the world? It's in the bag
February 22, 2019 midnight

Business, art and saving the world? It's in the bag


Today's ghastly groaner
February 22, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Back in the time of the Roman Empire there were only 25 letters in the alphabet. Historians couldn’t figure out why.

Poorer fire rating raises insurance rates Northern Lakes voters can address that May 21
February 22, 2019 midnight

Poorer fire rating raises insurance rates Northern Lakes voters can address that May 21

Property owners in the northern fringes of the Northern Lakes Fire Protection District recently experienced an increase in insurance premiums after a state agency raised the district’s fire rating within their coverage area.

February 22, 2019 midnight

Conservative group aims for middle ground

When I began covering Idaho politics with the Post Register some 35 years ago, it was easy to identify who the conservatives were. They were Republicans, who were guided by the principles of God, country and the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry.

February 22, 2019 midnight

Downtown Cd'A parking fees are reasonable

Let’s see a show of hands.

February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: Useful to critical thinkers

I would like to offer my gratitude to Mike Patrick of The Press for publishing the Vanessa Otero media bias chart on the front page of Sunday’s paper.

February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: Press shows bias, too

My first reaction upon seeing the chart “Blaze through the maze of media bias” on Sunday’s front page, was to think; finally, someone is going to set everyone straight about all this “fake news” craze; after all the Coeur d’Alene Press is fair and unbiased? But after examining the content of the article and front-page graphic embraced by Mr. Patrick it appears that the Coeur d’Alene Press has itself fallen prey to fake news.

February 22, 2019 midnight

No headline


Luna takes it to the bank
February 22, 2019 midnight

Luna takes it to the bank

SPIRIT LAKE — Kellogg High junior Gavin Luna picked a most dramatic time to attempt his first 3-point shot of the season.

A terrier that melts your heart Pancho wows judges at Westminster
February 22, 2019 midnight

A terrier that melts your heart Pancho wows judges at Westminster

He may be a bully breed, but Pancho the American Staffordshire terrier is no bully.

Rathdrum's growth is good for gasps State of Community pinpoints area's popularity
February 22, 2019 midnight

Rathdrum's growth is good for gasps State of Community pinpoints area's popularity

RATHDRUM — Growth will continue to come to Rathdrum from all angles.

February 22, 2019 midnight

Support Post Falls school requests

One of the region’s hottest spots for growth has also been one of the places where the best planning for public schools has occurred.

February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: Reason to be skeptical

On the front page of The Press, top center, Feb. 17, we’re confronted by something called Vanessa Otero’s Media Bias Chart. In the accompanying article, Vanessa claims of the chart that “It’s making news consumers smarter and news media better.” So, this thing has been around for a while, apparently, to have produced such edifying results. Or is it possible that it’s just her opinion about the results? But what then of the chart itself, the many logos and their relative placement to one another? Her opinion played no part in that?

February 22, 2019 midnight

CDA: Support school requests

Tuesday, March 12 is a very important voting day in Coeur d’Alene. On the ballot is the renewal of the M&O levy and the Construction Bond for the Coeur d’Alene School District. For both items, we have the opportunity to vote “yes” without raising tax rates.

Sex sting leads to fed charges
February 22, 2019 midnight

Sex sting leads to fed charges

COEUR d’ALENE — Two men from Spokane who drove to Idaho to have sex with girls under 16 will face charges in federal court.

February 22, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Reasons for unrest

The straw that broke the camel’s back was the pending litigation over the use of one’s property to subdivide; but, it’s far greater than that. It’s about how the City Council doesn’t listen to its citizens with regard to traffic problems, the updated comprehensive plan (as of this date, still in progress) and daily living in this small community, which the citizens want to keep rural and small.

February 22, 2019 midnight


The number of residential units proposed by Boise developer deChase Miksis for a Midtown mixed-use project is 21 not 42 units as stated in Thursday’s edition.

Fast Five: Ali Koski
February 22, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Ali Koski

Tell us about yourself

Genre blending and upending in 'Happy Death Day 2U,' 'Isn't It Romantic?'
February 22, 2019 midnight

Genre blending and upending in 'Happy Death Day 2U,' 'Isn't It Romantic?'

Fans of “Back to the Future Part II” will have fun with “Happy Death Day 2U,” the comedic slasher sequel that takes the 2017 original’s time loop premise and knots it into even more absurdity.

February 22, 2019 midnight

PROP 2: Time to do something

Open Letter to Sen. Mary Souza:

February 22, 2019 midnight

CHART: A step to compromise

The Sunday Coeur d’Alene Press lead article and associated editorial performed a great public service. Whether we are left or right on the political spectrum, it is important for citizens to be aware of the political slant of the media they are consuming.

February 22, 2019 midnight



The battle for Buck
February 22, 2019 midnight

The battle for Buck


Thursday, February 21

February 21, 2019 3:59 p.m.

Cd'A PD Community Action Team arrests Indiana fugitive

Members of the Coeur d’Alene Police Department Community Action Team/U.S. Marshals Service Task Force apprehended fugitive from justice, Braidon Nutting, on Wednesday.

February 21, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 21, 2019

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: ELIZABETH JEAN WAGNER Date of Death: 1/6/19 CASE NO. CV28-19-0944 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 19th day of February, 2019. /S/ EDWARD J. WAGNER Personal Representative c/o Pamela Massey Callahan & Associates, Chtd. PO Box 2226 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 CDA LEGAL 1178 AD #270167 FEBRUARY 21, 28 MARCH 7 2019

Bowling scores
February 21, 2019 midnight

Bowling scores

February 21, 2019 midnight

Target app proves in-app-ropriate

In an environment where consumers are constantly under siege by scammers, now we have to deal with legitimate companies potentially trying to scam us. A two-month investigation by KARE-TV in Minneapolis found that Target has been engaging in deceptive behavior.

Initiation - D.C. style
February 21, 2019 midnight

Initiation - D.C. style


February 21, 2019 midnight

CHS to host dance, cheer districts

COEUR d'ALENE — Coeur d'Alene High School is hosting the 2019 state-qualifying cheer and dance competition for districts 1 and 2 on Saturday.

Cardinal men clinch East title
February 21, 2019 midnight

Cardinal men clinch East title


Kokanee numbers skyrocket in Lake Pend Oreille
February 21, 2019 midnight

Kokanee numbers skyrocket in Lake Pend Oreille

Kokanee numbers in Lake Pend Oreille are at record highs.

Promoting warm-water fisheries
February 21, 2019 midnight

Promoting warm-water fisheries

Chad Landrum has been kicking the idea around for years to form a group of warm-water anglers to carry its solidarity for North Idaho walleye, pike and bass angling to the state’s fishery managers.

February 21, 2019 midnight



Anglin' with Anglen - February 1973
February 21, 2019 midnight

Anglin' with Anglen - February 1973

February 21, 2019 midnight

How to track bills that affect you

Tuesday’s column outlined the Idaho legislative process. Today, a look at bill types and how to track them.

Marjorie Ellen Peterson, 67
February 21, 2019 midnight

Marjorie Ellen Peterson, 67

Marjorie Ellen Peterson, 67

Today's ghastly groaner
February 21, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Johnny’s daddy decides to read some bedtime stories to little Johnny to help the boy fall asleep.

February 21, 2019 midnight

No headline

Tristan Whitling

Four could be magic number for Post Falls in Pocatello
February 21, 2019 midnight

Four could be magic number for Post Falls in Pocatello

To Post Falls wrestling coach Pete Reardon, this group is already pretty special.

Jay Chism Bergquist, 70
February 21, 2019 midnight

Jay Chism Bergquist, 70

Jay Chism Bergquist, 70

Ignite cda seeks project input
February 21, 2019 midnight

Ignite cda seeks project input

Coeur d’Alene’s urban renewal agency, ignite cda, is seeking public input on two competing mixed-use developments proposed for midtown.

February 21, 2019 midnight

Timberlake, Kellogg to collide for trip to state tonight


Rathdrum man faces rape charges
February 21, 2019 midnight

Rathdrum man faces rape charges


February 21, 2019 midnight

Winter in Arizona, still a few years off

I had a pal who went to Bisbee.

There's no business like snow business Plow-totin' teen cleans up in Seattle
February 21, 2019 midnight

There's no business like snow business Plow-totin' teen cleans up in Seattle

In just four days, 18-year-old David Holston raked in — or rather, plowed in — more than a lot of folks make in an entire year.

Evaluating the evolving Vandals
February 21, 2019 midnight

Evaluating the evolving Vandals

It was telling that the teams Idaho was more competitive with last year in football were the more physical, ground-and-pound teams.

Wednesday, February 20

Water Lantern Festival coming to Post Falls
February 20, 2019 3:37 p.m.

Water Lantern Festival coming to Post Falls

Thousands of people are expected to converge on Q’emiln Park in Post Falls Sept. 7 for a unique festival involving illuminated floating lanterns.

February 20, 2019 1:27 p.m.

School funding bill anticipated in Legislature

An actual bill to overhaul Idaho's public school funding formula could make its Statehouse debut next week, but legislators and education groups are continuing to meet behind the scenes to negotiate changes to a draft.

February 20, 2019 9:22 a.m.

We don't need Shahram Hadian's inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric

Here we go again. Shahram Hadian, a tireless anti-Muslim crusader, is coming back to Idaho to spew harmful conspiracy theories about the Islamic faith. On a previous visit, he almost caused serious damage to Idaho’s child support collection system with his false claims.

February 20, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 20, 2019

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estates of: PAUL M. KAUFFMAN, and BETTY P. KAUFFMAN Deceased. CASE NO.: CV28-19-461 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mellisa Ann Bariel has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedent or their estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claim(s) will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the attorney for the estate at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 7th day of February, 2019. /s/ Cameron Phillips CAMERON PHILLIPS, ISB No. 2364 Attorney for Personal Representative 924 Sherman Ave Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Telephone: 208-667-5437 Fax: 208-664-2114 CDA LEGAL 1147 AD# 268013 FEBRUARY 13, 20, 27, 2019

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Taryn Soumas

Fighting cyber hacks
February 20, 2019 midnight

Fighting cyber hacks

Like a growing number of people in today’s digital world, Bob Quant has suffered the setbacks of internet identity theft.

Fast Five: Octavian Rivas
February 20, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Octavian Rivas

Tell us about yourself

February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Covered with comfort
February 20, 2019 midnight

Covered with comfort

COEUR d'ALENE — A partnership between the Military Ministry of Christ the King Lutheran Church and the Patriotic Piecers Quilts of Valor group is resulting in local service members and veterans being covered with comforting quilts.

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Thomas ‘Tom’ Alexander, 53

February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: The thing about bias

You couldn’t miss the huge front-page chart on Sunday showing the so-called “media bias chart.” After looking it over and reading the article, I couldn’t help but ask myself three questions.

The man with the penis tattoo ... and a fake $50 bill, cops say
February 20, 2019 midnight

The man with the penis tattoo ... and a fake $50 bill, cops say

COEUR d’ALENE — A 21-year-old Coeur d’Alene man with a penis tattoo on his left arm, along with a tattoo of the mark of Cain, was arrested Monday for using a counterfeit bill to purchase a knife.

February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: Media bias on display

The “Blaze Media Chart” article, on the front page of the Sunday CDA Press, confirms media bias more than anything else that could be shown. To put NBS, CBS, ABC, and PBS TV News in the highest category of neutral/unbiased is absurd! They clearly skew left, and the fact that Fox News’ bias is shown as 3 times as skewed as CNN is equally absurd.

February 20, 2019 midnight

No winner, just anger in Kap deal

There are only two raging subjects on social media this week.

February 20, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Why recall is necessary

The recent mailing from Dalton Gardens Mayor Roberge does a fine job of misrepresenting the claims made by opponents of the Streeter subdivision debacle. Opponents of the misguided council decision DO NOT claim this decision would force connection to a sewer system, or that “anyone could now build on all back acres without street frontage.” Why would the Mayor misrepresent the legitimate concerns of residents? Was this accidental due to not understanding concerns, or was it deliberate?

Jams and Jellies
February 20, 2019 midnight

Jams and Jellies

In 2006, my wife, Holly, and I moved to Coeur d’Alene from the Washington, D.C., area. The purpose of the move was for Holly to be closer to her mother, who has been a resident of Hayden since 1984.

February 20, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dolores J. Rogers, 86

February 20, 2019 midnight

Cd'A council supports midtown parking plan

In its continuing effort to balance the often conflicting needs of commercial and residential parking in Coeur d’Alene’s midtown, the City Council is moving forward with a comprehensive multi-pronged parking plan within the unique corridor.

February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: Obvious liberal bias

Otero’s Media Bias Chart in Sunday’s paper is another liberal’s distortion or ignorance of facts. In her FAQ page she admits to being a “moderate liberal” which is an oxymoron in the time of a Democrat party that embraces socialism. She is also a registered Democrat, and she came from a Democratic family.

Locke to lead Idaho Republicans
February 20, 2019 midnight

Locke to lead Idaho Republicans

COEUR d’ALENE — The chief deputy clerk of Kootenai County is now also the chair of the Idaho Republican Party.

February 20, 2019 midnight

Art is in the eye of beholder – or maybe their garage

For the last several years, Paint and Sip parties have gained in popularity. Often they’re used as fundraisers for charitable organizations but do take place just about every night of the week in a variety of venues. For a nominal fee groups or individuals gather with an artist/instructor and are provided with paint and canvas and a design to replicate.

Crime task force seeks Jeremy Brown
February 20, 2019 midnight

Crime task force seeks Jeremy Brown

The North Idaho Violent Crimes Task Force is seeking information leading to the apprehension of Jeremy Shane Brown.

February 20, 2019 midnight

TRUMP: Issues with statement

“Look, America’s done some bad things too …” (My thoughts regarding the wall are the same as the President then.)

February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: Read the methodology

The Media Bias Chart in Sunday’s edition is an interesting concept but may have inherent flaws. One should read the developer’s comments on her methodology and biases before using. See:

'A bunch of somebodies'
February 20, 2019 midnight

'A bunch of somebodies'

POST FALLS — Based on returning varsity players, the Post Falls Trojans weren’t the favorites in the 5A Inland Empire League boys basketball this season.

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Glenn Ellis Higbee, 83

Soccer, bowling, basketball and more
February 20, 2019 midnight

Soccer, bowling, basketball and more


February 20, 2019 midnight

Movers and shakers

February 20, 2019 midnight

VALENTINES: Joy to the elderly

Your Valentine’s Day story of the Hayden Meadows Green Thumb Club was so refreshing, and positive; it literally made our day! Knowing there are young people who are learning how to brighten the lives of the elderly in our community and teachers like Vern Harvey helps to offset some of the depressing news we are faced with on a daily basis. It’s delightful and obvious by your photos that the children are experiencing the joy in giving!

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dean Edward Yongue

Are you OK? New cellphone app monitors opioid users
February 20, 2019 midnight

Are you OK? New cellphone app monitors opioid users


Mental health programs at heart of State of the District
February 20, 2019 midnight

Mental health programs at heart of State of the District

COEUR d’ALENE — Tragedy seared through Coeur d'Alene less than a year ago with the passing of Coeur d'Alene High School Principal Troy Schueller.

St. Maries knocks off CIL champ Grangeville
February 20, 2019 midnight

St. Maries knocks off CIL champ Grangeville

TROY — The third time proved to be the charm for St. Maries when it comes to Grangeville this season.

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Sutton Johnston, 49

No headline
February 20, 2019 midnight

No headline

Carol Ann (Kroetch) McNabb, 81

February 20, 2019 midnight

Recall wrong way to address Dalton concerns

Seven years ago, a group of citizens launched a furious recall campaign against Coeur d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem and council members Mike Kennedy, Woody McEvers and Deanna Goodlander. While the recall effort failed because its leaders didn’t gather enough signatures to get it on a ballot, some citizens would say the raw wounds on both sides have never completely healed.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 20, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

What do you get when you mix beans and onions?

February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: Proof of collusion

I read the article anyway even though the “unbiased chart” explained everything I already know. Vanessa Otero is as biased as anyone. She proposes to “make news consumers smarter and news media better,” even though she admits that the value of her chart depends on the eye (the values) of the beholder.

Hot on the bike trail -  even in cold of winter
February 20, 2019 midnight

Hot on the bike trail - even in cold of winter


February 20, 2019 midnight

CHART: Leans way left

I read with interest the front page “information” in the Sunday, Feb 17 issue.

Tuesday, February 19

February 19, 2019 2:57 p.m.

Talking and beyond

A counseling session with a therapist or psychologist can go many different ways depending on the person and the type of help they are seeking.

February 19, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 19, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED FEE INCREASES In accordance with Section 63-1311A, Idaho Code, the City of Athol will hold a public hearing for Resolution 2019-01 on March 5, 2019 at 7:00pm at Athol City Hall, 30355 N 3rd St., Athol, ID to consider public comment regarding the institution of new or increased existing fees. Information about the proposed rates, and changes may be obtained from City Hall during regular business hours or on-line at Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities, please contact City Hall, (208) 683-2101 at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing. CDA LEGAL 1161 AD# 268876 FEBRUARY 19, 26, 2019

February 19, 2019 12:24 a.m.

No headline

College, high school

February 19, 2019 12:18 a.m.

Blatner helps Zags post first win

SURPRISE, Ariz. — Justin Blatner struck out 11 in six one-hit innings and allowed a pair of unearned runs as Gonzaga (1-3) notched its first victory of the season, 6-5 over Minnesota (1-3) on Monday at the Collegiate Baseball Classic.

No headline
February 19, 2019 midnight

No headline

Helen Theresa (Petrettee) Kofmehl

Today's ghastly groaner
February 19, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

What happens when you cross a shark with a cow?

A fountain of wishes
February 19, 2019 midnight

A fountain of wishes

The dreams of nearly 30 North Idaho children, who are suffering from serious and terminal conditions, have been put on hold.

Dalton Gardens lawsuit in judge's hands
February 19, 2019 midnight

Dalton Gardens lawsuit in judge's hands

DALTON GARDENS — A judge has taken under advisement a request by the city of Dalton Gardens to toss out a lawsuit by residents who accuse the City Council of breaking the law by approving a development on a 5-acre parcel in town.

February 19, 2019 midnight

A bill is born (and just might grow up)

With Idaho’s 2019 session in full swing, today’s column outlines the stages of legislation and where to find it. Thursday, a glimpse at various types of bills.

CRITTERS OF NORTH IDAHO: Pacific tree frog
February 19, 2019 midnight

CRITTERS OF NORTH IDAHO: Pacific tree frog

During North Idaho winters, the only wildlife you are likely to see are mammals, birds and (maybe) a few fish. Amphibians and reptiles are unable to be active during the winter because they are ectothermic, or “cold-blooded.” Now this doesn’t mean they literally have cold blood; the term actually means that their metabolism is dependent on the surrounding environment. If it’s cold outside, ectothermic animals are sluggish and largely immobile. When winter transitions into spring, cold-blooded animals are out and about in abundance, some in the mood for love.

February 19, 2019 midnight

Fernan STEM Academy to host fundraiser

Fernan STEM Academy will host its second STEMghetti Dinner and Auction on Saturay, Feb. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Eagles Lodge, 209 Sherman Ave. Tickets are $30 per person and $50 per couple, and can be purchased at the door or at

Parking fee may be hot topic tonight
February 19, 2019 midnight

Parking fee may be hot topic tonight

The Coeur d’Alene City Council this evening may get an earful from opponents of a recent decision to eliminate free two-hour parking at the McEuen Park lot downtown.

February 19, 2019 midnight



Historic building up for grabs
February 19, 2019 midnight

Historic building up for grabs


No headline
February 19, 2019 midnight

No headline

Thomas ‘Tiger’ W. Moore III

Monday, February 18

February 18, 2019 11:51 p.m.

Seay's shooting lifts Hawks


February 18, 2019 11:46 p.m.

Cardinal men clinch share of East Region title


February 18, 2019 11:44 p.m.

Concerns abound about rebounds


February 18, 2019 4:24 p.m.

JFAC approves $1.9 billion in K-12 school budgets

Without any real discussion — and without a single dissenting vote — the Legislature's budget committee approved a $1.9 billion spending framework for public schools.

Snow shark!
February 18, 2019 2:18 p.m.

Snow shark!

The mountains of snow in Anthony Hall’s Coeur d’Alene neighborhood inspired a great, white, shark-sized flurry of frozen artistry. Hall, who lives on the 700 block of C Street, sculpted this giant, toothy creature outside his house. Amanda Smith, one of his neighbors, shared this photo.

J.A. Bertsch Heating & Cooling expands into new location
February 18, 2019 9:09 a.m.

J.A. Bertsch Heating & Cooling expands into new location

J.A. Bertsch Heating and Cooling Services has moved from Hayden to a new location in Coeur d’Alene. The business can now be found at 3645 N. Government Way, a block north of Costco.

February 18, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 18, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE OF ANOTHER SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF: LEWIS MICHAEL PEHRSON DOB: 06/05/2016 A Child Under Eighteen Years of Age. In the Matter of the Termination of the Parental Rights of: TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON, Mother Case No. CV2016-51 FEE: EXEMPT (Idaho Code § 67-2301) THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO: TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights between LEWIS MICHAEL PEHRSON and his mother, TIFFANY MARIE PEHRSON, has been filed with the District Court of the County of Kootenai, by Denise L. Rosen, Deputy Attorney General, under Idaho Code Section 16-2005, etc. A hearing on the petition will be held at the Juvenile Justice Center, 205 North 4th Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on March 19, 2019, at 3:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you are entitled to be represented by an Attorney. If you cannot afford one, you may be appointed an Attorney by making application to the Court at the Kootenai County Courthouse. If you fail to appear at the time and place set forth above, or fail to appear through an attorney, you may be deemed to have defaulted and a judgment terminating your parental rights may be entered without further hearing or notice. DATED this 14th day of February, 2019. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO BY: /S/ Theresa Carroll DEPUTY CDA LEGAL 1165 AD# 269244 FEBRUARY 18, 25, MARCH 4, 2019

Today's ghastly groaner
February 18, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

A Zen monk visited a hot dog vendor in New York. He asked the vendor “Make me one with everything.”

No headline
February 18, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 18, 2019 midnight


Here is this week’s list of suspected lawbreakers sought by Kootenai County police agencies and the sheriff’s office:

February 18, 2019 midnight

School and Senior Lunches

School menus

February 18, 2019 midnight

A prescription for an (expensive) headache

On Jan. 24, the CDA Press informed us that Shopko was exiting the pharmacy business. If you get prescriptions filled there it could affect you so heed this warning.

Developer: Hotel project will move forward
February 18, 2019 midnight

Developer: Hotel project will move forward

COEUR d’ALENE — Plans for a multimillion-dollar hotel alongside Coeur d’Alene’s busiest gateway are moving forward despite repeated delays spanning several years and a requirement by the city to obtain new building permits.

February 18, 2019 midnight

It's going to be a February to remember

As of Feb. 15, a total of 39.7 inches of snow fell in Coeur d’Alene, an all-time record for the month. The old February snowfall record was 39.5 inches set back in 1955. Cliff tells me that no other monthly snowfall record was broken during the first 15 days, which also includes December and January.

New study ranks Idaho 11th-safest state for seniors
February 18, 2019 midnight

New study ranks Idaho 11th-safest state for seniors

Good news for Idaho's aging population. Based on several criteria, a new study has ranked Idaho the 11th-safest state for seniors in the country.

Sunday, February 17

February 17, 2019 10:31 p.m.

Winning and losing all at once

Call it a bittersweet Saturday.

February 17, 2019 10:28 p.m.

No headline

St. Maries has

February 17, 2019 12:20 a.m.

Post Falls woman dies in crash

POST FALLS — A 58-year-old Post Falls woman died following a two-vehicle collision Friday evening on Seltice Way, just west of Silkwood Drive, west of Post Falls, Idaho State Police reported.

Commercial buildings part of Cd'A Place apartment complex
February 17, 2019 12:15 a.m.

Commercial buildings part of Cd'A Place apartment complex

Two commercial buildings with nine potential retail spaces are planned for The Northern development of Coeur d’Alene Place in 609 acres northwest of the Maverick business and Ramsey Road at Hanley Avenue.

February 17, 2019 midnight

THANKS: A safety success story

Hats off to those who are maintaining our roads during this crazy winter weather! I live in the county, just outside the Post Falls city limits. Every morning, I watch in grateful amazement as the snow plow clears our tiny cul de sac — every day, day after day.

February 17, 2019 midnight

CLIMATE: Lead the way, Idaho

As a lifelong Idahoan, I understand and share the values that make Idaho great. I learned those values from my dad who farms potatoes in southern Idaho. He taught me to work hard and prepare for the future.

Terra Vista, Wheelbarrow Estates, more new Post Falls construction
February 17, 2019 midnight

Terra Vista, Wheelbarrow Estates, more new Post Falls construction

A couple weeks back Neighborhood of the Week ran an update on the popular Tullamore development in Post Falls. There’s also quite a bit of new construction surrounding it, with options for different tiers of buyers.

Another trophy for Genesis Prep
February 17, 2019 midnight

Another trophy for Genesis Prep

NAMPA — After Thursday’s loss to Nezperce, Genesis Prep coach Brandon Haas asked his team a question during a team meeting following the game.

February 17, 2019 midnight

PLAYERS: Technical foul (mouths)

If the reports are true, it’s hard to believe the behavior that is allowed by Lake City High School’s coach during a recent game. It’s OK for your players to call girls on the other team whores and bitches? If so, the coach should be replaced — now! I don’t understand why the school would allow him to act that way.

February 17, 2019 midnight

PLOW: Service exceeds expectations

After back-to-back snow events over a short period of time, Post Falls city plowing has been slammed. I had some concerns over snow berms, but I was very pleased when the Public Works Supervisor quickly answered my email, and personally came to my location to clear snow from my walk since I am under a handicapped situation.

February 17, 2019 midnight

WALL: Emergency could backfire

If it’s OK for President Trump to declare a national emergency to build a border wall, then why will it not be OK for the next Democratic president to declare an emergency to outlaw handguns? It can be argued that hand guns kill as many Americans as do illegal immigrants.

February 17, 2019 midnight

A weapon in the battle against bias

If you’ve never heard of Patribotics or Infowars, consider yourself lucky.

Happy birthday, Mr. Amazing
February 17, 2019 midnight

Happy birthday, Mr. Amazing

COEUR d’ALENE — World’s best husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather.

February 17, 2019 midnight

WALL: A smarter alternative

The federal deficit has surpassed $22 trillion, nearly $70,000 for every man, woman and child in our country. One of the strongest economies on record and we are still generating nearly a trillion dollar deficit per year? Something is drastically wrong.

Special kind of sendoff
February 17, 2019 midnight

Special kind of sendoff

NAMPA — It might not have been the win on Saturday that they came for, but it was still a pretty special one for the Lake City Timberwolves.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 17, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Did you hear about the actor who fell through a hole in the floor?

Post Falls, Lakeland extend region title streaks
February 17, 2019 midnight

Post Falls, Lakeland extend region title streaks

RATHDRUM — Post Falls and Lakeland added onto their division title streaks and Bonners Ferry won its first 3A district title since 2013 on Saturday night at Lakeland High.

Timberlake's Soumas has a ball
February 17, 2019 midnight

Timberlake's Soumas has a ball

NAMPA — Often times, when a team brings a trophy back from the state tournament, they put it in the school’s trophy case.

February 17, 2019 midnight

Don't be too quick to judge!

A lovely little girl was holding two apples in her hands. Her mom came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: My sweetie, could you share one of your apples with Mommy?”

February 17, 2019 midnight

DEMOCRATS: Slave state alert

As I was the watching the news conference of the now infamous “AOC,” the darling of the Democratic Party’s extremist Left, announcing her party’s Green agenda for all of America to embrace, I was aghast at the supposedly intelligent cadre of politicians in the background all smiling and proud of an agenda that will transform the U.S. into a slave state. You wonder, who is this going to favor?

Blaze through maze of media bias Chart analyzes, ranks content; see where your top sources land
February 17, 2019 midnight

Blaze through maze of media bias Chart analyzes, ranks content; see where your top sources land

All eyes are on 2020, but will they absorb news with 20-20 vision?

Saturday, February 16

No headline
February 16, 2019 11:06 p.m.

No headline

SAN DIEGO — For the first 20 minutes Saturday night, Rui Hachimura and the Gonzaga Bulldogs looked pretty average.

Making a permanent  impression
February 16, 2019 10:49 p.m.

Making a permanent impression

Coaches hope the words they use in their pregame chats will stick with their players.

February 16, 2019 10:46 p.m.

Taylor, Simpson shine


February 16, 2019 10:45 p.m.

Seniors lead 'Jacks past Wallace

ST. MARIES — Senior Dan Howard scored 15 points on 6-of-7 shooting as the 2A Lumberjacks romped past the 1A Division I Miners 70-49 on senior day Saturday.

February 16, 2019 10:43 p.m.

No headline


February 16, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 16, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Coeur d'Alene City Council will hold public hearings and will receive your oral and written comments on the following items: ITEM: ZC-4-18 What is being requested: Rivers Edge Apartments, LLC is requesting approval of a zone change from R-12(Residential at12 units/acre) to C-17(Commercial at17 units/acre) Location of the property: The property is described as a +/- 25.92 acre property known as 3528 W. Seltice Way and legally described as Parcel 1: That portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Government Lot 4 in Section 9, and Government Lot 1 in Section 10 all in Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho. Parcel 2: That portion of the following described parcel of land lying in Government Lot 4 of Section 9, Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, and Kootenai County, Idaho. A full legal description of the parcel, and a map, may be viewed at the City's Planning Department during regular business hours. ITEMS: LDPUD-1-18 and SP-11-18, (APPEAL) Rivers Edge Apartments, LLC has filed an appeal for the denial of a Limited Design PUD "Rivers Edge" and a proposed R-34 Density Request special use permit on 25.92 acres. Location of the property: The property is described as a +/- 25.92 acre property known as 3528 W. Seltice Way and legally described as Parcel 1: That portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Government Lot 4 in Section 9, and Government Lot 1 in Section 10 all in Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho. Parcel 2: That portion of the following described parcel of land lying in Government Lot 4 of Section 9, Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, and Kootenai County, Idaho. A full legal description of the parcel, and a map, may be viewed at the City's Planning Department during regular business hours. Public Hearing time and location: The public hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room, Lower-level of Coeur d'Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Avenue, at the regular meeting of the City Council on March 5, 2019. To obtain more information on the above requests or copies of the staff reports, contact the Planning Department at 769-2240. Staff reports will be posted and available on March 1, 2019 on the City's web site at by clicking on "Government," then "City Council," and then "Council Agenda Packets." The hearing will be held in a facility that is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special accommodations will be available upon request made at least five (5) days prior to the hearing. For more information, contact the City Clerk at (208)769-2231. Renata McLeod City Clerk CDA LEGAL 1157 AD# 268591 FEBRUARY 16, 2019

February 16, 2019 midnight

Boiling over berms


Movers and Shakers
February 16, 2019 midnight

Movers and Shakers

Cd’A Resort and Beverly’s earn AAA Four Diamond Rating

February 16, 2019 midnight



FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: The faith of Washington and Lincoln
February 16, 2019 midnight

FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: The faith of Washington and Lincoln

As President’s Day approaches it’s an appropriate time to look at the faith of the two presidents we typically honor at this time.

Giving words a voice
February 16, 2019 midnight

Giving words a voice


No quit in this Tiger, two ACLs later
February 16, 2019 midnight

No quit in this Tiger, two ACLs later

As a three-sport athlete, it takes a lot to slow down Timberlake High senior Peyton Kronenberg.

Dumper officially shatters record
February 16, 2019 midnight

Dumper officially shatters record

COEUR d’ALENE — Climatologist Cliff Harris could hardly wait for the record to fall, but wait he did.

That sinking feeling
February 16, 2019 midnight

That sinking feeling


Ah  shoot, Tigers
February 16, 2019 midnight

Ah shoot, Tigers

NAMPA — Of all the good nights Timberlake has had in the state 3A tournament, Friday just wasn’t one of them.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 16, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

What do you call a granny you have on speed dial?

February 16, 2019 midnight

Bartenders' Ball to support pets returns March 2

The Bartenders’ Ball, an annual event hosted by Help Every Little Paw (H.E.L.P), will take place Saturday, March 2 at The Resort Plaza Shops, 210 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene.

T-Wolves still on the path
February 16, 2019 midnight

T-Wolves still on the path

NAMPA — Leading by a single point at 55-54 with 3:05 remaining, second-year Lake City coach James Anderson knew.

One year after death, mystery lives
February 16, 2019 midnight

One year after death, mystery lives

COEUR d’ALENE — A year ago this week, Larry Isenberg was reported to have drowned after falling from his boat in Lake Coeur d’Alene near Powderhorn Bay, but an autopsy showed the cause of death was a lethal amount of benadryl.

No headline
February 16, 2019 midnight

No headline

Verlaine ‘Val’ Salstrom, 90

Lakeland out in 2  at state 4A tourney
February 16, 2019 midnight

Lakeland out in 2 at state 4A tourney

BOISE — Lakeland’s girls basketball team did some great things this season.

Let's talk about expanding Medicaid
February 16, 2019 midnight

Let's talk about expanding Medicaid

Greetings from Boise! This past Monday, I introduced a bill offering six elements of protection and enhancement to the new Medicaid Expansion law in Idaho. My intent, and that of the others who worked with me on the bill, is to get the conversation about the expansion out into the public so folks all over Idaho can talk about the options, so here they are:

February 16, 2019 midnight

As record falls, service stars stand tall

Rumors of Mother Nature’s nurturing tendencies are, alas, greatly exaggerated.

Friday, February 15

February 15, 2019 11:10 p.m.

Genesis Prep to play for consolation title

NAMPA — The Genesis Prep Jaguars weren’t ready to go home quite yet.

February 15, 2019 11:09 p.m.

Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls to play for regional title

LEWISTON — In a span of seven days, the Coeur d’Alene Vikings performed quite the turnaround.

February 15, 2019 5:29 p.m.

Today's big K-12 hearing: What to watch for

Today will be a big decision day for the Legislature’s budget committee.

February 15, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 15, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF FERNAN LAKE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MARCH 4TH 5:00 P.M. THE FERNAN LAKE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR PUBLIC TESTIMONY ON THE FOLLOWING. A REQUEST BY SKYLER SHANNON TO CREATE CHOW LLC, A FOOD AND BEVERAGE AREA LOCATED AT 320 EAST CDA LAKE DRIVE IN FERNAN LAKE VILLAGE. THE HEARING WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 4TH, 2019 AT 5:00P.M. THE LOCATION OF THE HEARING IS THE CDA PUBLIC LIBRARY, JAMESON ROOM, 702 EAST FRONT STREET, COEUR D ALENE, ID 83814. Copies of the application are available by contacting Cindy Espe at 208-818-9053 ( The CDA Library is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone desiring accommodations for disabilities related to these documents or to the hearing can contact the City Clerk. Publish: February 15th, 2019 Attest: Cindy Espe, City Clerk City of Fernan CDA LEGAL 1136 AD# 267 FEBRUARY 15, 2019

No headline
February 15, 2019 midnight

No headline

Richard ‘Rick’ Joseph Noordam, 71

No headline
February 15, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dolores ‘Coo’ Palush, 92

No headline
February 15, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dawn Bright Roe (Clark, Hartnell)

Fast Five: Ashley Ansel, Northwest Pet Resort
February 15, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Ashley Ansel, Northwest Pet Resort

Tell us about yourself

February 15, 2019 midnight

MEDICAID: Do your duty, legislators

The Kootenai County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC) is pleased with the Idaho Supreme Court’s decision to rule that Medicaid Expansion in Idaho is constitutional.

February 15, 2019 midnight

HJR 2: Blows away balance

One area where Idaho gets it right is with our fair, balanced redistricting process. It is deeply concerning that there is a bill making its way through the House to change that.

February 15, 2019 midnight

News flash on fake news and politics

New research by political scientists strongly suggests that despite their best efforts, Russian-generated fake news didn’t put Donald Trump on the presidential throne.

February 15, 2019 midnight

DUELISTS: Try this, Congress

The recent Readers Write offering by Dan Oleynik entitled “WRITERS: Duelists are missed” got me to thinking of a unique way to settle bitter arguments between congressmen. If an argument seemed severely bitter and unending, the Speaker of the House or President Pro-Tem of the Senate could demand the participants settle the matter with a duel. A refusal would result in loss of use of the congressional cafeteria.

Winter weather woes
February 15, 2019 midnight

Winter weather woes


February 15, 2019 midnight

Wild and Scenic Film Festival coming to North Idaho College March 7

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival is coming to Coeur d’Alene.

February 15, 2019 midnight



The run that got away
February 15, 2019 midnight

The run that got away

NAMPA — Needing a spark, Lake City Timberwolves senior Klaire Mitchell delivered an early one on Thursday afternoon.

February 15, 2019 midnight

Business plaza planned near Silverwood


Climate fans, beware 'free dividends' on carbon
February 15, 2019 midnight

Climate fans, beware 'free dividends' on carbon

I find it necessary to respond to Mike Bullard’s “My Turn” article on climate change and the promises of free carbon dividends, which was published in the Cd’A Press on Feb. 9. I commend him for his community service in those adverse weather-related events.

Soderbergh and Legos back for more
February 15, 2019 midnight

Soderbergh and Legos back for more

A few years back, prolific director Steven Soderbergh announced his retirement from filmmaking. Nobody really believed him; the guy basically sleeps with a camera in his hand.

February 15, 2019 midnight

Oregon man arrested in sex sting operation

COEUR d'ALENE — A 36-year-old Oregon man who traveled 365 miles to have a sex with a teenage girl is facing a possible 15-year prison sentence after his arrest Wednesday In Post Falls.

February 15, 2019 midnight

PARKING: Hurts families with kids

I am not in agreement on the recent CDA city council decision to increase the parking fee at McEuen Park from FREE for the first 2 hours to $2 for the same time frame. Families with young children are already challenged to make ends meet.

Celebrate Elmer Currie's 99th birthday on Saturday
February 15, 2019 midnight

Celebrate Elmer Currie's 99th birthday on Saturday

COEUR d’ALENE — The community is invited to celebrate Elmer Currie and wish him a happy birthday during an open house on Saturday.

February 15, 2019 midnight

CDA: Parking at their peril

Yep, that would be Mayor Widmyer and council members Kiki Miller, Woody McEvers, Amy Evans and Dan English.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 15, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

What do you call a fly with no wings?

February 15, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Support mayor, council

Enough is enough. Support your Dalton Gardens City Council!

'Idol' in Idaho airs March 3
February 15, 2019 midnight

'Idol' in Idaho airs March 3


Thursday, February 14

February 14, 2019 10:27 p.m.

Timberlake starts slow, finishes strong

NAMPA — The Timberlake Tigers, well-seasoned in the rigors of state tournament play in recent years, didn’t look like it in the first half Thursday night.

February 14, 2019 10:25 p.m.

All's not fair in love ... or basketball

Sports aren’t always fair.

February 14, 2019 10:22 p.m.

Zubaly, Taylor spark Hawks

SANDPOINT — Ben Zubaly scored 23 points and Jaret Taylor added 14 as the Lakeland Hawks beat the Sandpoint Bulldogs 69-49 on Thursday night in 4A Inland Empire League play at Les Rogers Court.

February 14, 2019 10:20 p.m.

No headline

5A Region 1 boys basketball

Idaho's 'Go-on Rate' shows no improvement
February 14, 2019 5:20 p.m.

Idaho's 'Go-on Rate' shows no improvement

Idaho's newest “go-on” numbers came up flat — again.

February 14, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 14, 2019

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Hayden Urban Renewal Agency In accordance with Idaho Code 50-2011, the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency (HURA) is requesting proposals from development teams for the purchase and re-development of HURA owned tax parcels H-0450-14-075-AJ, H-0450- 14-075-AK, and H-0450-14- 075-AL located near the northwest corner of Government Way and Hayden Avenue in Hayden, Idaho. A complete copy of the Request for Proposals is available on the HURA website or by calling Rob Wright at 208-209-1079. Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. PDT on March 15, 2019. CDA LEGAL 1150 AD#268179 FEBRUARY 14, 2019

Despite storms, Idaho winter is normal and emergency feeding is unneeded
February 14, 2019 midnight

Despite storms, Idaho winter is normal and emergency feeding is unneeded

When big snow storms roll through Idaho, people often wonder how they will affect big game, and whether Idaho Fish and Game will start feeding deer, elk, pronghorn and other animals. The short answer is so far, this is a normal winter, and there’s no need for emergency winter feeding to help animals survive.

February 14, 2019 midnight

Taylor leads Lakeland to wild win over Timberlake


February 14, 2019 midnight

How to save money while watching TV

Is there a good alternative to cable?

No headline
February 14, 2019 midnight

No headline

Arlene Gibbs ‘Sue’ Sausser, 83

February 14, 2019 midnight



Today's ghastly groaner
February 14, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

The school phoned me today and said, “Your son’s been telling lies.”

What's not to love?  Ranking makes Cd'A shine
February 14, 2019 midnight

What's not to love? Ranking makes Cd'A shine

COEUR d’ALENE — On Valentine’s Day, Coeur d’Alene is basking in a different kind of adoration.

February 14, 2019 midnight

St. Valentine likely had multiple personalities

Between overpriced flowers and candy hearts (never mind the pressure of perfection) it’s easy to forget the saint in Valentine’s Day.

Batch plant permit OK'd after outcry
February 14, 2019 midnight

Batch plant permit OK'd after outcry


February 14, 2019 midnight

Post Falls man sentenced for abusing a vulnerable adult

A Post Falls man who cared for developmentally disabled adults was sentenced to as many as eight years behind bars for having sex with one of his clients.

Anglin' with Anglen - February 1973
February 14, 2019 midnight

Anglin' with Anglen - February 1973

February 14, 2019 midnight

Spring Dash committee announces student art contest

The 37th annual United Way of North Idaho Spring Dash sponsored by Kootenai Health, Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU), and the Coeur d’Alene Press will take place Sunday, April 27. Registration for Spring Dash is available online now at and will be available at Fleet Feet Coeur d’Alene, United Way of North Idaho, or any ICCU location.

February 14, 2019 midnight

Hauling inestimable cargo in winter

Cliff Mooney carried his knowledge of school buses and their ability to get-go through backcountry snow, quietly on his sleeve like a coffee stain.

Old Man Winter wilder than ever
February 14, 2019 midnight

Old Man Winter wilder than ever

COEUR d’ALENE — The February onslaught continues.

Elk hoof affliction found in Idaho
February 14, 2019 midnight

Elk hoof affliction found in Idaho

A crippling disease causing abnormal hoof growth in elk, which became prevalent in western Washington about 10 years ago and later moved across Oregon, has found its way to Idaho.

Science + love =  the perfect valentine
February 14, 2019 midnight

Science + love = the perfect valentine

HAYDEN — Members of the Hayden Meadows Elementary Green Thumb Club have a little trick up their sleeves for making the most memorable valentines.

February 14, 2019 midnight

Dean's list: Fall semester 2018

The following local university students were recognized by their school for achieving high grade-point averages.

Wednesday, February 13

State (title) of mind
February 13, 2019 10:23 p.m.

State (title) of mind


Seymour  takes wins,  losses in stride
February 13, 2019 10:23 p.m.

Seymour takes wins, losses in stride

There were a couple last strings of the net to be cut Friday night in Hawk Gym in Rathdrum.

February 13, 2019 10:22 p.m.

No headline

Zags Clarke, Hachimura named

February 13, 2019 4:29 p.m.

No headline


February 13, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 13, 2019

LIEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that in pursuant to I.C. 55-2305 & 2306 Affordable Storage 54299 N. Old Hwy 95, Athol, ID 83801 will be holding a public auction on Saturday, February 16 at 9 am sharp to satisfy the lien of property stored by the following people: Nykole Chaney 8050 W. Idaho St Rathdrum ID 83858; Brian Ginter Box 221 Rathdrum ID 83858; Jane DeLauri 2600 E. Seltice Way #130 Post Falls ID 83854; John Baker 630 Marion St Oldtown, ID 83822; Linda Smiley 9003 N Runkle Rd Hayden ID 83835. Auction located 5 miles north of Hayden on Hwy 95 and Chilco Rd. CASH ONLY CDA LEGAL 1108 AD#266163 FEBRUARY 6, 13, 2019

February 13, 2019 midnight

Voters, not coin toss, to settle irrigation district tie


February 13, 2019 midnight

Hearing set for 870-unit apartment complex

After being denied by the city’s planning commission, the developer of River’s Edge, a proposed 870-unit apartment complex on the Spokane River, is hoping the Coeur d’Alene City Council will give his plan a thumbs up.

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Lona Miller, 84

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Lauryn Cooper

Cd'A school levy: Where money goes
February 13, 2019 midnight

Cd'A school levy: Where money goes

The election for Coeur d'Alene School District's two-year, $20 million per year maintenance and operations levy is less than a month away.

February 13, 2019 midnight

Physical therapy for endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most misunderstood health conditions for women. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and can often be extremely debilitating. Endometriosis can occur inside the uterus and this is called adenomyosis and it can occur outside the uterus in the pelvic, abdominal or thoracic cavity. It can cause 50 percent of all infertility, as it can grow on, around and inside the fallopian tubes and ovaries. It can affect a women’s daily well being due to pain and the disruption of her active lifestyle.

Bowling, basketball, gymnastics and more
February 13, 2019 midnight

Bowling, basketball, gymnastics and more


February 13, 2019 midnight

Pain in the hands, may be radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy is the clinical description of when a nerve root in the cervical spine becomes inflamed or damaged, resulting in a change in neurological function. Damage to the nerve root could be caused by traumatic injury, bulging disc, degenerative disc disease or stenosis. You may have symptoms that include neck pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Neurological deficits, such as numbness, altered reflexes, or weakness, may radiate anywhere from the neck into the shoulder, arm, hand or fingers.

February 13, 2019 midnight

HJR 2: In a word, dumb

Listen up fellow Idahoans. There’s deep trouble bubbling in the legislative cauldron in Boise. They are fixin’ to pack the state Redistricting Commission so that one party draws the lines. I mean the Republican Party. House Joint Resolution 2, the bill to allow and encourage gerrymandering in Idaho’s legislative districts, would trash one of Idaho’s brightest accomplishments.

February 13, 2019 midnight

CONSUMER: Keep column going

I just want to let you know how much I appreciate Terri Dickerson’s column and Bill Brooks’ before her. It is always something that is much-needed information and I always look forward to reading it.

February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Local Vandal Boosters set

February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

JUDD JONES: The Annual Run Down 2019 Part 1
February 13, 2019 midnight

JUDD JONES: The Annual Run Down 2019 Part 1

Time does fly, it seems like I just posted the 2018 fun run and bike events and here we are looking at the 2019 events. Dust off your running shoes, tune up your road or mountain bikes, it’s going to be time to get with others and challenge yourself with this year’s events. As usual, 2019 is stacking up to be another full year of physically challenging and physically fun events.

February 13, 2019 midnight

Make way for (and welcome) the millennials

Slow down a minute.

February 13, 2019 midnight

Travelers, get your license to fly

BOISE — A year after Idaho began issuing the Star Card, Idaho’s Real ID, five percent of Idahoans have applied for the card. Without it on a driver’s license, citizens won’t be able to board a plane or enter a federal facility.

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Helen James, 97

February 13, 2019 midnight

Prep boys basketball games snowed out

With regional tournaments approaching, prep boys basketball games involving Moscow at Coeur d’Alene and Lakeland at Lake City, which were canceled due to snow Tuesday, will not be rescheduled.

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Ralph Jacob Capaul, 88

February 13, 2019 midnight

LEVY: How to effect change

Idaho’s constitution states “It shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.”

February 13, 2019 midnight

It's all fun for Lakeland girls at state

Boise is not your usual winter tourist destination.

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

James Wesley Jones

ADVICE: The Common-sense dog
February 13, 2019 midnight

ADVICE: The Common-sense dog

Many people have dogs that are struggling with fear, anxiety, or aggression. I typically see people unsure of how to address these issues. They don’t know where to start, and sometimes it can be daunting and frightening, especially if the dog is biting. Let’s give you some peace of mind with this article.

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Nancy Claire Stewart Hamm Hingston

Today's ghastly groaner
February 13, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Did you hear about the paddle sale at the boat store?

February 13, 2019 midnight

Readers ask

We always get questions from our readers, wine consumers and our shop customers. We appreciate them. It shows that wine consumers are still tuned in to the weekly column. Lately, with more folks pursuing unmanipulated and organic foods, even alcoholic beverages including wine are getting more attention in that regard.

February 13, 2019 midnight

NIC: Snow days needed

My name is Hope Allen and I am a student at North Idaho College. The last snow storm we had, despite 76 school districts closed due to “inclement weather,” NIC stayed open. Despite the roads being extremely hazardous and unsafe they wouldn’t close. With the snowfall Tuesday, I am expected the same outcome.

February 13, 2019 midnight


To be good at basketball, it’s said that a player needs to invest countless hours into the sport.

Fast Five: Hindsight Tattoo's Zach Gallegos
February 13, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Hindsight Tattoo's Zach Gallegos

Tell us about yourself:

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Doloris Mae Burbine, 82

February 13, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Pearl Lickfold Knack, 88

February 13, 2019 midnight

Young speakers and their teacher inspire

Having a fear of public speaking is something most adults would admit. Even people like me who speak to organizations and present ideas in public settings still have a butterfly or three when stepping out in front of an audience.

February 13, 2019 midnight

PAVING: Upon further review…

My email dated Feb. 1, 2019, to Kootenai County regarding the conditional-use permit request by Thomas Tallent and Coeur d’Alene Paving was provided before I received additional information from a meeting in Athol regarding this issue.

February 13, 2019 midnight

POEM: For Valentine's Day

She told him to write her a love poem,

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

Len Schmautz, 88

No headline
February 13, 2019 midnight

No headline

William Elton Stone, 89

February 13, 2019 midnight

NIC: A sports bias

Once again Al Williams has shown his lack of concern of any other sport besides men’s basketball. In Steve Cameron’s column on North Idaho College exploring a new gym on National Women in Sports Day, Al Williams points out men’s basketball as the focus.

Tuesday, February 12

February 12, 2019 12:25 p.m.

No headline

Former NIC, Gonzaga star Bay to enter Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame

February 12, 2019 9:45 a.m.

Idaho's legislative apportionment system ain't broke, it doesn't need fixin'

After much partisan wrangling in the Legislature and lengthy fighting through the courts, Idahoans voted to fix Idaho’s legislative redistricting system by removing it from raw politics. In 1994, the people approved an amendment to the Idaho Constitution empowering an independent panel to divide the State into legislative districts. The two major parties were each to appoint three members to the six-person panel.

February 12, 2019 12:16 a.m.

North Idaho Christian girls win MCL title


Warmer (yes!), but snowier (no!)
February 12, 2019 midnight

Warmer (yes!), but snowier (no!)

Old Man Winter’s February fury runs deep — and apparently, it’s about to run even deeper.

February 12, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 12, 2019 midnight

No headline

Nancy Lou Wilson, 88

Today's ghastly groaner
February 12, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Psychiatrists are seeing a rising number of patients reporting a phobia of over-engineered buildings.

Spin the night away for a good cause
February 12, 2019 midnight

Spin the night away for a good cause

COEUR d’ALENE — The 11th annual Guns N Hoses charity ride to benefit the Kootenai County Police and Fire Memorial Foundation takes place March 1.

February 12, 2019 midnight

Liquor license bill stalls in committee

A sweeping liquor license reform bill proposed by Caldwell Sen. Jim Rice won’t be advancing out of the Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee to the full senate — for now.

February 12, 2019 midnight

Tillie's latest injury puts Petrusev in spotlight


Helping the Titanic stay on its historical course
February 12, 2019 midnight

Helping the Titanic stay on its historical course


Sex sting nets five arrests
February 12, 2019 midnight

Sex sting nets five arrests

A weekend sex sting landed a Rathdrum sex offender and four other men in jail to face charges of enticing children, which can carry a maximum 15 years in prison.

February 12, 2019 midnight

School taxes: What's in it for you? Lots

Consternation about paying school taxes is nothing new. There have always been property owners frustrated by the fact that they don’t have kids in the system, saying “what’s in it for me?”

The journey  to wellness begins
February 12, 2019 midnight

The journey to wellness begins


No snow day? Here's why School districts dig deep on decisions
February 12, 2019 midnight

No snow day? Here's why School districts dig deep on decisions

Driving through heavy snowfall on her way home from work late Sunday night, Michelle Gill was expecting a reprieve from the morning ritual of driving her seventh-grade son, Cooper, to school Monday morning.

No headline
February 12, 2019 midnight

No headline

Harlan ‘Harl’ E. Renner, 85

Monday, February 11

February 11, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 11, 2019

SUMMARY OF POST FALLS ORDINANCE NO. 1357 The City of Post Falls, Kootenai County Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of Post Falls Ordinance No. 1357, which allows driveways up to 20 % slope with additional access requirements for residential structures; providing repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing severability. The ordinance is effective upon publication of this summary. The full text of the summarized Ordinance No. 1357 is available at Post Falls City Hall, 408 Spokane Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 in the office of the city clerk. Shannon Howard, City Clerk CDA LEGAL 1131 AD# 267476 FEBRUARY 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 midnight

Liquor license reform bill draws local opposition

Some liquor license-holders in Kootenai County and throughout the state are lining up, along with Sheriff Ben Wolfinger, to oppose a comprehensive liquor license reform bill proposed by Sen. Jim Rice, R-Caldwell.

February 11, 2019 midnight

FEMA camp to teach teens emergency prepardness

FEMA Region 10 is seeking 40 students in grades 8-12 from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska to attend a Youth Preparedness Camp in Stanwood, Wash. in August. This will be an engaging and empowering way for teens to learn about and practice for emergency preparedness. There will be a variety of exciting leadership and team-building opportunities, as well as traditional camp activities to ensure a fun week for all.

Will asphalt plant mix at Athol site?
February 11, 2019 midnight

Will asphalt plant mix at Athol site?


No headline
February 11, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 11, 2019 midnight

School and Senior Lunches

Feb. 11-15

February 11, 2019 midnight


According to Joshua 6:1-27 in the Old Testament, the Israelites, under orders from God, marched around the walls of Jericho, not under orders from Moses as was inaccurately reported in Sunday’s edition of the History Corner.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 11, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

I took a pole recently: 99 percent of people were annoyed when their tents fell down.

February 11, 2019 midnight


February 11, 2019 midnight

Will we see a new El Nino this year?

Winter has certainly arrived across North Idaho and the rest of the Pacific Northwest. As of Sunday afternnon, Cliff had measured over 13 inches of snow for February, with more expected later this week. Our original snowfall projection was about 50 inches for this season. It’s quite possible that we could end up close to 60 inches of snow as this cold and snowy weather pattern is expected to persist through at least the end of the month.

Waiting for his right moment
February 11, 2019 midnight

Waiting for his right moment

COEUR d’ALENE — Three weeks ago, in a dual against Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Ore., North Idaho College sophomore Cooper McCullough was pinned by Joel Romero.

What's up with the new traffic lights in Post Falls?
February 11, 2019 midnight

What's up with the new traffic lights in Post Falls?


February 11, 2019 midnight

Another Facebook discovery: Invade privacy for a price

Did you know Facebook has been paying people to install a “Facebook Research” app on their smartphones that lets the company follow all of the user’s phone and web activity? This app is similar to Facebook’s Onavo Protect app that Apple banned in June 2018 due to privacy violations.

Sunday, February 10

February 10, 2019 11:24 p.m.

Signings don't need party dates

Last Wednesday was college football’s official signing day.

February 10, 2019 midnight

SCHOOLS: Levies aren't luxuries

School levies are a hot topic in our community. As adults, we pay taxes, plain and simple. If I must pay taxes, I am happy that part of those dollars go toward supporting schools, our next generation, and our grossly underpaid teachers.

February 10, 2019 midnight

TRUMP: Re-election assured

Two years into the Trump presidency and Democrats are still in denial. Mueller and his henchmen are turning over every rock and not a Russian to be found!

Spending, saving and working together
February 10, 2019 midnight

Spending, saving and working together


Great Floors offices moving to downtown Cd'A
February 10, 2019 midnight

Great Floors offices moving to downtown Cd'A

With 21 stores throughout the Northwest, Great Floors is moving its corporate offices to the first and fourth floors of the Coeur building at 505 E. Front Ave. (across from McEuen Park) from 524 E. Sherman Ave.

February 10, 2019 midnight

This saint stands tall among us

Our community overflows with unsung heroes.

Getting 'T'd' up, and other ref stories (Part 2)
February 10, 2019 midnight

Getting 'T'd' up, and other ref stories (Part 2)

Before he became varsity girls basketball coach at Post Falls High, Marc Allert was a longtime boys assistant at Post Falls.

February 10, 2019 midnight

SPORTSMANSHIP: Missing in rival game

I was attending the game between Coeur d’Alene and Lake City High School. I was sitting there watching both sides. I couldn’t believe how the coach from Lake City was allowing the girls from the basketball team to call the refs names and tell some of the things they were.

No headline
February 10, 2019 midnight

No headline

Robert G. Maxwell

February 10, 2019 midnight

TRUMP: Positively positive

After three-plus years (that we know of) during which Trump and his associates have been illegally spied on and two-plus years of a conspiracy by the Left and Deep State to remove him from office, Trump delivered the most conciliatory and positive SOTU that I have heard in decades of viewing.

February 10, 2019 midnight

Lakeland's Kidwell second at state girls wrestling invitational

POCATELLO — Savannah Kidwell, a sophomore from Lakeland High, finished runner-up at 120 pounds in the first all-girls state wrestling invitational on Saturday at Pocatello High.

February 10, 2019 midnight

YOUTH: Sins and stupidity

When I was in my psychiatry rotation, I was required to attend two Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. The first meeting I attended was at the Long Beach VA Hospital in Long Beach, Calif. That evening nearly 100 people attended.

No headline
February 10, 2019 midnight

No headline

Eric Hopkins

February 10, 2019 midnight

ENGLISH: A job well done

I read in the paper that Dan English is retiring. He will be missed. There aren’t many people like Dan who serve without expecting to be served in return.

Sandcreek Lofts filling at Sandpoint Marina
February 10, 2019 midnight

Sandcreek Lofts filling at Sandpoint Marina

Luxury living is available right at the heart of downtown Sandpoint.

'More homeless than you think'
February 10, 2019 midnight

'More homeless than you think'


February 10, 2019 midnight

Standing out in the office, on a serious tip

An executive was having difficulty with her assistant, so she decided to confront her.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 10, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

A Rottweiler, a Chihuahua, and a tabby cat transitioned to the afterlife and were seated before the throne of God.

February 10, 2019 midnight

Post Falls girls come up short in bid for state


February 10, 2019 midnight

Cardinal wrestlers healthy, back home for districts


February 10, 2019 midnight

No headline

Times PST

February 10, 2019 midnight

CONSUMER: Praise for Dickerson

Wanted to let you know what a jewel Terri Dickerson is. Your Consumer Gal gets back to you promptly with a concise answer or help, not to mention courtesy. Be proud to have her on your team.

Saturday, February 9

February 9, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 9, 2019

NOTICE OF WORKSHOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Coeur d'Alene Planning Commission will hold a workshop on Thursday, February 28, 2019, starting at 11:00 a.m. with a discussion on the Atlas Mill Project Preliminary Design and Development Standards. The workshop will be held in the Coeur d'Alene Public Library Community Room (Lower Level), 702 E. Front. Additional information may be obtained from the Planning Department in City Hall. SHANA STUHLMILLER Clerk of the Commission CDA LEGAL 1121 AD# 266915 FEBRUARY 9, 2019

February 9, 2019 midnight


The North Idaho Regional Spelling Bee, hosted by North Idaho College and sponsored by the Coeur d’Alene Press, will be held March 16 at 9 a.m. in the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College in Coeur d’Alene. An incorrect location on the NIC campus was reported Friday.

February 9, 2019 midnight

No place like the home court

Hand it to the fans of area basketball teams.

February 9, 2019 midnight

Postmortem call to serve


February 9, 2019 midnight

Movers and shakers

Climate change: Let's actually do something constructive
February 9, 2019 midnight

Climate change: Let's actually do something constructive

Thank you, Gov. Brad Little for the courage to come out and admit what a lot of people see but deny. “Climate is changing.” The governor’s observation made no claim about the cause or the cure and proposed no elaborate regulations. He just called it with the resilient common-sense urgency of the prairie. “We’ve got to figure a way to cope with it.”

All that glitters
February 9, 2019 midnight

All that glitters


Cd'A hikes parking, water fees
February 9, 2019 midnight

Cd'A hikes parking, water fees

Coeur d’Alene’s mayor cast the deciding vote this week to accept a new fee schedule for parking and water rates after three council members voted against the increases.

Spirit of a lawsuit Complaint alleges mayor has conflict
February 9, 2019 midnight

Spirit of a lawsuit Complaint alleges mayor has conflict

SPIRIT LAKE — A lawsuit filed by a company pursuing an RV park in Spirit Lake accuses the mayor, who owns properties adjacent to the site, of not allowing the site plan to enter the city's public review process.

February 9, 2019 midnight

Learn about the levy

Residents in the Coeur d’Alene School District can learn about the proposed two-year school levy at three presentations over the next three weeks.

No headline
February 9, 2019 midnight

No headline

Judith Anne Hjelseth, 77

This snow is going to blow
February 9, 2019 midnight

This snow is going to blow

A frigid winter storm swooped into the Coeur d’Alene area early Friday bringing with it wind-whipped snow drifts, treacherous driving conditions and wind chill values dipping below zero.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 9, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

“This is the opportunity of a lifetime,” said a used car salesman to a prospective buyer during a test-drive.

No headline
February 9, 2019 midnight

No headline

Mary A. (Carpenter) Galloway

February 9, 2019 midnight



Happy Hawks again
February 9, 2019 midnight

Happy Hawks again

RATHDRUM — This year’s seniors were in the second grade the last time the Lakeland Hawks qualified for the state high school girls basketball tournament.

FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: A book to unite Christians
February 9, 2019 midnight

FAITHFUL OBSERVATIONS: A book to unite Christians

One of the purposes of these columns this past year was to emphasize the impact of Christianity and Christian ministries in our community. A recent poll stated that 60 percent of agnostics and atheists believe that the Christian church does little or nothing and is basically irrelevant. More disturbing has been the divide in our culture with often a hostility toward Christians and their influence.

February 9, 2019 midnight

Lovett-Giulio bout highlights Coeur d'Alene-Post Falls dual

POST FALLS — In an effort to get a little stronger as a team, Post Falls senior Ridge Lovett stepped up a weight and took on the challenge of Coeur d’Alene’s Gunner Giulio.

Back on right track
February 9, 2019 midnight

Back on right track

POST FALLS — Two weeks ago, Genesis Prep found itself staring at a 7-9 record, the third seed into the 1A Division II District 1 tournament and seeking the same fire that took the program to a state championship game appearance in 2018.

Friday, February 8

February 8, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 8, 2019

Notice Inviting Bids Community Action Partnership is soliciting a Request for Proposal of Audit Services for the periods ending 12/31/18, 12/31/19, and 12/31/20. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked in accordance with the instructions on the proposal form. Proposals will not be accepted after 5:00 pm 2/15/2019. Request for Proposal's can be obtained from: Community Action Partnership Attn: Mark Schumacher 124 New 6th Street Lewiston, ID 83501. 208-798-4208 or Community Action Partnership reserves the right to accept or reject all bids. CDA LEGAL 1099 AD# 265946 FEBRUARY 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2019

Driving to Nampa
February 8, 2019 midnight

Driving to Nampa

SPIRIT LAKE — Taryn Soumas started it in the first quarter.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 8, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Mr. Opperknockity is the finest piano tuner in the state. He was called to the local conservatory to deal with a temperamental Steinway.

Cd'A puts brakes on high-speed internet proposal
February 8, 2019 midnight

Cd'A puts brakes on high-speed internet proposal

COEUR d’ALENE — The Coeur d’Alene City Council agreed with two local internet providers this week to back off a proposal to subsidize a Wisconsin company that wants to provide high-speed internet to the city.

Ten inches  can mean a mountain  of bureaucracy
February 8, 2019 midnight

Ten inches can mean a mountain of bureaucracy

As Planning and Zoning commissioners in Coeur d’Alene we see many unique challenges that have a huge impact on life on our roads, waterways and even schools. So when our commission followed the letter of the law and insisted an entire garage roof needed to be torn down for being a mere 10 inches higher than the 18 foot (216 inches) code for a PORTION of the roof, I question what we are doing.

February 8, 2019 midnight

MEDICARE: Tackling some myths

Being recently eligible and enrolled in Medicare, I’m finding all this talk about the panacea of “Medicare for all” incredibly misleading. It is being presented as “free” and “without the denials and paperwork” of private insurance. The facts are proving otherwise.

No more dallying: Put Prop 2 in play
February 8, 2019 midnight

No more dallying: Put Prop 2 in play

From the very beginning, expanding Medicaid in Idaho was a grassroots effort. Ultimately, thousands of volunteers from every corner of the state worked to pass Prop 2. Expanded Medicaid access is now law in Idaho. This is a big deal. For six long years, the Idaho Legislature failed the people of Idaho by refusing to address the health care crisis experienced by individuals in the Medicaid gap. Sixty-two thousand Idaho residents lack the ability to obtain health insurance, placing them one diagnosis or accident away from financial devastation. As someone who knocked on thousands of doors in favor of Prop 2, I heard heartbreaking stories every single day. The sheer brutality to our loved ones and communities drove the passage of Prop 2, which voters approved by 60.6 percent.

February 8, 2019 midnight

Seedlings for sale by soil and water conservation district

The Kootenai-Shoshone Soil & Water Conservation District’s Annual Tree Seedling Program is underway.

Cd'A Education Partnership to present State of the District
February 8, 2019 midnight

Cd'A Education Partnership to present State of the District

The Coeur d’Alene Education Partnership will present the seventh annual State of the District Community Forum on Tuesday, Feb. 19.

No headline
February 8, 2019 midnight

No headline

Helfried Fahrenholz

February 8, 2019 midnight

NORTHAM: Moral vs. political

It appears that Gov. Northam of Virginia has a problem. While the medical school yearbook photo has caused an understandable racist uproar, a much larger issue is the controversy between life and death.

February 8, 2019 midnight



February 8, 2019 midnight

PROP 2: Impact on jail

I did not vote for Prop 2 because it won’t help with the overwhelming medical cost to our sheriff’s department.

February 8, 2019 midnight

SCHOOLS: Unfair tax burden

After reading Sunday’s editorial, I have to give a rebuttal to a “recommendation in North Idaho, imported perhaps by newcomers from California, calls for senior citizens to be able to opt out of paying property tax for schools.”

February 8, 2019 midnight

Post Falls keeps state hopes alive


Forum: Real estate's 'wild West'
February 8, 2019 midnight

Forum: Real estate's 'wild West'

COEUR d'ALENE — Hayden Anderl sees Kootenai County's real estate market a bit like the "wild West."

February 8, 2019 midnight

NIC: A perilous precedent

It appears the investigation and termination of Pat Whitcomb, Head Wrestling Coach at North Idaho College, has uncovered more questions than answers. Why in this critical stage of the wrestling season would NIC dismiss the head coach? The decision to terminate Mr. Whitcomb mid-season has caused undue chaos to the wrestling program, and these young men have lost an outstanding coach and leader.

February 8, 2019 midnight

How on Earth can Clarke be ignored?

Even if you know it’s coming…

NIC to show Hickman's 'Ciphers' art exhibit
February 8, 2019 midnight

NIC to show Hickman's 'Ciphers' art exhibit

Craig Hickman, photographer and emeritus professor of art at the University of Oregon, will exhibit his art show “Ciphers” in the North Idaho College Boswell Hall Corner Gallery Feb. 13 to March 22.

No headline
February 8, 2019 midnight

No headline

Kenneth Lee Owens, 81

No headline
February 8, 2019 midnight

No headline

Heidi Ann (Burczyk) Vandall

Top spellers headed to regional spelling bee
February 8, 2019 midnight

Top spellers headed to regional spelling bee

For the region’s top young spellers, it’s study time.

February 8, 2019 midnight

Prop 2 shows the process actually works

Hallelujah, and pass the Prop 2.

Idaho Youth Ranch welcomes new CEO
February 8, 2019 midnight

Idaho Youth Ranch welcomes new CEO


February 8, 2019 midnight

ABORTION: God rules otherwise

The ruling in New York to legalize abortions after 24 weeks is another indicator of how far we as individuals, and a collective society, have fallen from God and His design for our lives, as outlined in His Word.

Fast Five: Emily Aizawa of Avant Coeur Gymnastics
February 8, 2019 midnight

Fast Five: Emily Aizawa of Avant Coeur Gymnastics

Tell us about yourself

Crazy premise, missed opportunities in 'Velvet Buzzsaw'
February 8, 2019 midnight

Crazy premise, missed opportunities in 'Velvet Buzzsaw'

Jake Gyllenhaal really commits to the bit.

No headline
February 8, 2019 midnight

No headline

Charles ‘Chuck’ Collins

February 8, 2019 midnight

No headline

North Idaho girls headed

Gazing at economic horizon
February 8, 2019 midnight

Gazing at economic horizon


February 8, 2019 midnight

Weekend TV/Radio highlights


February 8, 2019 midnight

GOVERNOR: Response inadequate

Are you kidding me Ada County? What right do you have considering it’s not the first time one of those trucks passed through our state? Was Governor Little throwing a party or just playing Big Brother again?

Thursday, February 7

Snow is on the way
February 7, 2019 12:13 p.m.

Snow is on the way

The National Weather Service is predicting 3 to 5 inches of snow, but it sounds like it could be a swirling mess.

WATCH: Who's a good paper boy?
February 7, 2019 11:29 a.m.

WATCH: Who's a good paper boy?

Christie Wood’s dog Oliver makes a daily delivery of the Coeur d’Alene Press.

No headline
February 7, 2019 midnight

No headline

William Wayne Webster

February 7, 2019 midnight



No headline
February 7, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 7, 2019 midnight

America, this looks like you

The well respected and comprehensive Pew Research Center’s statistics go beyond demographics to “take the pulse of Americans and people around the world on a host of issues.” Exploring public opinion among teens to senior citizens on issues from foreign policy to theology, here are a few of those selected by Pew Research as 2018’s “standout findings:”

February 7, 2019 midnight

Free street trees offered to Cd'A residents

The city of Coeur d’Alene has 80 street trees that need good homes.

CHS 2018 yearbook cover earns recognition
February 7, 2019 midnight

CHS 2018 yearbook cover earns recognition

Coeur d’Alene High School has been recognized for producing a “Best-of” yearbook publication for its 2018 edition.

Fish and Game open houses to consider game, wolf management
February 7, 2019 midnight

Fish and Game open houses to consider game, wolf management

Wolves on the landscape are also on the mind of Justin Webb.

February 7, 2019 midnight

Of time, tine and talisman

Someone said if you’re not bumping into trees, or getting scratched and poked by brush and branches, you might not be shed antler hunting.

February 7, 2019 midnight

Vandals ink 10 on first day of regular signing period

MOSCOW — Idaho’s football program signed 10 future student-athletes to national letters of intent or financial aid agreements Wednesday, on the first day of the 2019 regular signing period, Vandals coach Paul Petrino announced. The Vandals inked eight high school seniors and two FBS transfers who will be eligible to compete immediately.

City seeks 525-acre  annexation  in Rathdrum
February 7, 2019 midnight

City seeks 525-acre annexation in Rathdrum

RATHDRUM — Rathdrum's largest annexation request in years — 525 acres on the west side of Greensferry Road on both sides of Wyoming Avenue — is entering the public hearing process.

Today's ghastly groaner
February 7, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

I had a hen that could count her own eggs.

February 7, 2019 midnight

Genesis Prep, Lakeside advance to title game


February 7, 2019 midnight

Alexa, are you spying on me?

If you use Alexa and haven’t asked that question yet, then perhaps you should.

Apply now for southern Idaho controlled turkey hunts
February 7, 2019 midnight

Apply now for southern Idaho controlled turkey hunts

Gobbler hunters who plan to head south to take part in a spring controlled hunt for turkeys can apply this month.

February 7, 2019 midnight

Doug Cox remembered as more than just a coach

Among other things, Doug Cox was an old-fashioned football coach, a good friend and a wonderful storyteller — sometimes all at the same time.

Movers and Shakers
February 7, 2019 midnight

Movers and Shakers

Curtis named Idaho Youth Ranch CEO

February 7, 2019 midnight

Cardinal men run past Big Bend


Cruisin' with  Oprah's crew Local 'insider' says 'Yay!'
February 7, 2019 midnight

Cruisin' with Oprah's crew Local 'insider' says 'Yay!'

If you're ever in a photo with Oprah Winfrey, just say, "Yay!"

No headline
February 7, 2019 midnight

No headline

Ronna Pratt, 66

Ramsey safety project  draws lots of interest
February 7, 2019 midnight

Ramsey safety project draws lots of interest


Wednesday, February 6

February 6, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 6, 2019

LIEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that in pursuant to I.C. 55-2305 & 2306 Affordable Storage 54299 N. Old Hwy 95, Athol, ID 83801 will be holding a public auction on Saturday, February 16 at 9 am sharp to satisfy the lien of property stored by the following people: Nykole Chaney 8050 W. Idaho St Rathdrum ID 83858; Brian Ginter Box 221 Rathdrum ID 83858; Jane DeLauri 2600 E. Seltice Way #130 Post Falls ID 83854; John Baker 630 Marion St Oldtown, ID 83822; Linda Smiley 9003 N Runkle Rd Hayden ID 83835. Auction located 5 miles north of Hayden on Hwy 95 and Chilco Rd. CASH ONLY CDA LEGAL 1108 AD#266163 FEBRUARY 6, 13, 2019

Fast Five with Dr. Amy Spoelstra
February 6, 2019 midnight

Fast Five with Dr. Amy Spoelstra

Tell us about yourself

Cd'A Charter wins Knowledge Bowl
February 6, 2019 midnight

Cd'A Charter wins Knowledge Bowl

On Monday, the Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy’s Academic Team won first-place recognition at the Inland Empire Knowledge Bowl, held at Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane.

Deals to make Post Falls waterfront park reality
February 6, 2019 midnight

Deals to make Post Falls waterfront park reality


February 6, 2019 midnight

Ask Hayden Health

Dear Dr. Wendy,

February 6, 2019 midnight

SCHOOLS: A funding reminder

We seniors may complain about the upcoming vote but parents, let’s be realistic. Suppose it costs the school district $5,000 to educate your child for one year, $20,000 if you have four children in public schools. If you can’t come up with those monies by way of your Idaho income, property, sales and other taxes, someone else has to make up the difference.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Clyde G. Babcock 69

Today's ghastly groaner
February 6, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Two little old ladies bumped into each other while strolling downtown.

February 6, 2019 midnight

Embracing change in new year

I’d like to preface the following with the fact that I still own a 1976 Dodge van purchased when I lived in Portland in 1977. In 1989 I bought a 1988 Chevy Cavalier Z24 convertible, driving it until I bought a 2006 Chrysler Sebring convertible in 2007.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Michael ‘Mike’ John Patton, 65

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Daniel C. Ball, 94

February 6, 2019 midnight



February 6, 2019 midnight

School funding model is one we're stuck with

School levy and bond issues are coming to Kootenai County soon. Coeur d’Alene, Lakeland, Post Falls and Plummer-Worley all have funding requests going before voters.

February 6, 2019 midnight

ARTICLE: Thinking about integrity

Re: Bob’s dream is dashed (Press, Feb. 2). Speaking of “offensive attacks on INTEGRITY,” remember what they say about Karma: “It’s a - - - - -.”

February 6, 2019 midnight

CHARITY: Imagine it this way

The Christmas season recently ended with many examples of charitable giving. We are a generous people, and many charities continue their work throughout the year.

February 6, 2019 midnight

IDAHO: Go clean (and local)

As the president continues to deny global climate change, I was pleased to hear Gov. Brad Little say in a recent speech that there is no question that climate change is happening, and we’ve got to reverse it. I am glad leadership in Idaho acknowledges climate change, and I believe that addressing climate change through our energy sources could help while also benefiting our state economy.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Lois Jeanette (Turbak) Bening, 86

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Matilda Marie (Kroeker) Reimer, 92

February 6, 2019 midnight

So many roles

The global wine industry is large. Really large. And as it has grown, it has become increasingly diverse in nature. Even for small wineries, international markets are now accessible. For wine producers from all countries, new markets are developing and exiting markets are expanding. Historically, we have mostly seen wine from the old-world appellations of Europe coming to the U.S. (now the largest wine consuming country on the planet) and other new-world markets. Now, though, we see the flow reversing, with wines made here in “the States” and in South America, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa showing up in the markets of Europe. Add in the growing demand from China and other parts of the Far East and Middle Eastern countries, and wines from pretty much everywhere are crisscrossing the globe.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Nancy Annette Carrier, 74

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Katie Fleming

February 6, 2019 midnight

NIC hoops: Like putting Mona Lisa in a garage

Al Williams can toss out plenty of good things about Christianson Gymnasium.

February 6, 2019 midnight

TRUMP: A possible script

I can only imagine the conversation between Donald Trump and Robert Mueller over the Trump Tower meeting and Tower Moscow.

Done the right way
February 6, 2019 midnight

Done the right way

COEUR d’ALENE — On any given night, with the right depth, anyone can provide the spark to get a team to a certain goal.

February 6, 2019 midnight

Fast-starting Lakeland 1 win from state

COEUR d’ALENE — Katy Ryan totaled 22 points, eight rebounds and nine blocked shots, and the top-seeded Lakeland Hawks started fast en route to a 51-37 victory over the third-seeded Moscow Bears in Game 1 of the best-of-3 4A Region 1 championship series Tuesday night at North Idaho College’s Rolly Williams Court.

Water polo, bowling, gymnastics and more
February 6, 2019 midnight

Water polo, bowling, gymnastics and more


February 6, 2019 midnight

An (un)common win for Lake City


February 6, 2019 midnight

How is your emotional and physical well being?

Are your fears about your health and the choices you must make keeping you from moving forward? When these concerns stop us, we need to take an inventory of old thoughts and be open to accepting new possibilities. One way to help in this process is by journaling each day and being very specific. Create a starting point by asking, where am I now? What do I want? What is the problem? And, what do I need? Take a look at your attitude; be still and listen, and create positive affirmations to help during the process. Look for the small gifts in each day. It is often the tiny things that can be the greatest gifts and a reason to be grateful.

February 6, 2019 midnight

Cd'A man sentenced to 4 years on heroin charge

R Derek Christensen of Coeur d’Alene is going to prison for four years — fixed.

February 6, 2019 midnight

WRITERS: Duelists are missed

Am I the only reader who misses the Gibson-Gressler feud? Gibson being the harsh voice of reason, and Gressler being the comic relief.

Group email goes awry in Cd'A schools
February 6, 2019 midnight

Group email goes awry in Cd'A schools

COEUR d’ALENE — Almost everyone who uses email, text and messaging apps knows the truth about group messages. They can be useful, but often, they are an annoyance.

February 6, 2019 midnight

WALL: Good idea then, now

There are some things I have a hard time putting my mind around.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Linda Darlene Hodge, 71

Medicaid expansion ruled legal
February 6, 2019 midnight

Medicaid expansion ruled legal

BOISE (AP) — The Idaho Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a voter-approved initiative expanding Medicaid in Idaho is legal.

No headline
February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

Paul Vernon Church, 85

February 6, 2019 midnight

Priest Lake landowners prevail in tax dispute

SANDPOINT — Nearly 30 landowners on the east side of Priest Lake have made the case that their parcels were being overvalued by the Bonner County Assessor’s Office.

February 6, 2019 midnight

Timberlake wraps up IML title


February 6, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 6, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Beliefs aren't facts

Jeff Crandall’s “My Turn” (The Press, Feb. 2) about the Dalton Gardens recall effort is certainly artfully argued, as we would expect from an attorney. But I encourage readers to pay attention to how many sentences begin with the words “We believe.” These words are a clever way to pave the road for advancing beliefs as facts. Beliefs and facts are not the same thing.

Tuesday, February 5

February 5, 2019 3:44 p.m.

Supreme Court rules Medicaid expansion legal

BOISE (AP) — The Idaho Supreme Court has ruled that a voter-approved initiative expanding Medicaid in Idaho is constitutional.

February 5, 2019 12:46 a.m.

St. Maries girls win district opener

DEARY — St. Maries opened a double-digit lead in the first quarter, then rolled to a 47-14 win over Orofino in their 2A District 1-2 tournament opener on Monday night at Deary High School.

February 5, 2019 12:06 a.m.

No headline

Vandals’ football signing day

February 5, 2019 12:03 a.m.

Tougher defense critical for Gonzaga


No headline
February 5, 2019 midnight

No headline

Donald E. Randall, 82

Today's ghastly groaner
February 5, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

A man working in a saw mill fell into the head saw and it cut his left side off.

February 5, 2019 midnight

Amador to discuss state budget in Cd'A

Rep. Paul Amador, R-Coeur d’Alene, will host a town hall meeting from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday in the Community Room of the Coeur d’Alene Public Library. The town hall will have a special focus on an overview of the Idaho state budget.

No headline
February 5, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dana Pannell, 77

February 5, 2019 midnight



All the right moves
February 5, 2019 midnight

All the right moves

While they didn’t immediately start their journey in high school wrestling at Lake City High, seniors Zane Monaghan and Devin Sorrelle are two big reasons why the Timberwolves are on a path to make some noise at the state 5A level this year.

Solutions sought for NExA
February 5, 2019 midnight

Solutions sought for NExA

COEUR d’ALENE — It has been more than two years since Bill Rutherford was tasked with creating a new type of school for the Coeur d’Alene School District.

February 5, 2019 midnight


Timber wolf. Western wolf. Gray wolf. All of these terms refer to the same animal: Canis lupus, the ancestor from which all domestic dogs descend. This creature has long been considered a symbol of power, strength in numbers and wits. Gray wolves are the largest members of the dog family, weighing 40-175 pounds and measuring 49-83 inches from nose to tail. While often grizzled gray in color (hence their common name), they can also occur with all-black or all-white fur, as well as anywhere between. They typically live 7-8 years in the wild, but can live beyond 12 years of age in protected areas, like Yellowstone National Park.

No headline
February 5, 2019 midnight

No headline

Opal C. Hammrich, 89

Frigid vortex hex is upon us
February 5, 2019 midnight

Frigid vortex hex is upon us

The polar vortex, western edition, is coming to a neighborhood near you.

English comes full circle
February 5, 2019 midnight

English comes full circle

One of Dan English’s little regrets is losing his North Idaho College letterman jacket.

No headline
February 5, 2019 midnight

No headline

Julius ‘Jay’ W. Walden, 83

February 5, 2019 midnight

It's a pig's year, people

Shout-out to you pigs: Xin nian kuai-le (happy new year)!

County  considers opioid suit
February 5, 2019 midnight

County considers opioid suit

COEUR d'ALENE — Kootenai County's new-look commission wants to explore whether the county should join a class-action lawsuit against opioid manufacturers.

Monday, February 4

Crash sends two to hospital
February 4, 2019 1:13 p.m.

Crash sends two to hospital

RATHDRUM — A Rathdrum woman and a Montana man were injured Monday when a tractor pulling two trailers collided with a pickup truck on Highway 53 near Atlas Road, east of Rathdrum.

February 4, 2019 11:03 a.m.

BIG GAME, BIG MONEY, BIG FUN: Super Bowl by the numbers

The 53rd Super Bowl game kicks off at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3, pitting the New England Patriots against the Los Angeles Rams.

The greatness of
February 4, 2019 11:02 a.m.

The greatness of

Samuel L. Jackson is the best (expletive deleted) actor working today.

Move over millennials - here comes
February 4, 2019 11:01 a.m.

Move over millennials - here comes

When Liam Donager’s parents finally granted him access to the internet at the relatively advanced age of 13, he says his world changed.

Health and fitness books to read in 2019
February 4, 2019 10:59 a.m.

Health and fitness books to read in 2019

Each year I try to do book reviews on key titles that cover health, wellness and fitness. Here are my top recommended reads for 2019. If you’re too busy to read, take the audiobook approach while you drive to work or go on a run. Either way, these books can be helpful in supporting your health, wellness, and fitness efforts.

Advice: The Common-sense dog
February 4, 2019 10:53 a.m.

Advice: The Common-sense dog

It’s not uncommon for me to receive emails from people who have adopted or purchased a dog, and roughly 4 to 6 weeks after bringing the dog home, they notice behavioral issues starting. The dog is now fearful, anxious, aggressive, possessive, or hyperactive, and owners are stumped because the dog wasn’t like that when they first brought it home.

February 4, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 4, 2019

Notice Inviting Bids Community Action Partnership is soliciting a Request for Proposal of Audit Services for the periods ending 12/31/18, 12/31/19, and 12/31/20. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked in accordance with the instructions on the proposal form. Proposals will not be accepted after 5:00 pm 2/15/2019. Request for Proposal's can be obtained from: Community Action Partnership Attn: Mark Schumacher 124 New 6th Street Lewiston, ID 83501. 208-798-4208 or Community Action Partnership reserves the right to accept or reject all bids. CDA LEGAL 1099 AD# 265946 FEBRUARY 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2019

February 4, 2019 12:03 a.m.

The polar vortex returns to North America

The infamous “polar vortex” made a return to North America last week. Temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees across the northern U.S. that led to several states of emergencies. Thousands of flights were canceled, and people were warned to stay inside to avoid instant frostbite.

February 4, 2019 midnight

Idaho working to decrease suicide rate

BOISE — Suicide rates in Idaho have consistently been among the highest in the nation, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The most current statistics from 2017 show Idaho is ranked fifth for suicide deaths.

No headline
February 4, 2019 midnight

No headline

Sharon Kay Prosch (Benjamin)

No headline
February 4, 2019 midnight

No headline

Here is this week’s list of suspected lawbreakers sought by Kootenai County police agencies and the sheriff’s office:

Today's ghastly groaner
February 4, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

One day a professor of psychology was greeting his new college class. He stood up in front of the class and said, “Would everyone who thinks he or she is stupid please stand up?”

No headline
February 4, 2019 midnight

No headline

February 4, 2019 midnight

School and Senior Lunches

Feb. 4-8

Hunting for answers
February 4, 2019 midnight

Hunting for answers

There are a few things Ed Schriever appreciates as much as a firm handshake, a vertical grained quarter of tamarack and results.

February 4, 2019 midnight

T-2 trickery: Seniors, beware deathly scam

According to the mailer, a form T-2 is supposed to be insurance covering medical bills and funeral expenses when you die. It’s also known as burial or funeral insurance, but beware if you receive a form T-2 in your mailbox because it’s a scam.

Sunday, February 3

Timberlake girls eating best veggies?
February 3, 2019 10:54 p.m.

Timberlake girls eating best veggies?

SPIRIT LAKE — Anyone can win.

February 3, 2019 12:35 a.m.

New tenant will be 'at home' in old Kmart building

The former large Kmart building at 201 W. Neider Ave. will become a new At Home store. (It’s actually spelled “at home” with no capital letters).

February 3, 2019 midnight

WALL: Not now, not ever

The Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain were for some time relatively effective because they also featured mined death strips with automatic and patrol gun fire. I believe we are not ready for this, yet. Otherwise “medieval” walls have proven in history to be ineffective.

February 3, 2019 midnight

WORKERS: Where are their rights?

We live in a time when employers can hide behind errors in legislation. Below is an excerpt from the FAQ section on the Idaho State Department of Labor:

February 3, 2019 midnight

TRUMP: Cause and effect

Fake presidents create fake news.

No headline
February 3, 2019 midnight

No headline

Donna Mae Bergman, 84

February 3, 2019 midnight

MSM: A serious disconnect

Just finished watching my 30 minute, daily dose of media hysteria. The hysteria centered on the arctic cold blast hitting the central U.S.

Elk heads,  and other oddities from bus trips - Part 2
February 3, 2019 midnight

Elk heads, and other oddities from bus trips - Part 2

Fourth in a series

Explain but don't advocate
February 3, 2019 midnight

Explain but don't advocate

Principals working in Coeur d’Alene public schools are being advised by their employer that they should never advocate for the school district’s upcoming levy, not even outside work hours.

Your beautiful self
February 3, 2019 midnight

Your beautiful self

COEUR d’ALENE — Competition, boredom and fear hold women back from appreciating their actual lives each day.

No headline
February 3, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dean W. Crook, 59

February 3, 2019 midnight

PARTISAN: Answer these, please

I know I am a newbie to participation in a political party, but I just don’t understand some things and I need to. Like what does the reader get from reading letters, like those written this morning by Tappero and Ginorio, that do not add facts, give their reasoning, or anything that would aid to understanding the pros or cons of an issue. Why even are they printed? Maybe the Coeur d’Alene Press should have a “letters for debate” section and “letters of emotional upchuck” section.

No headline
February 3, 2019 midnight

No headline

Richard Rocco ‘Rocky’ Borello, 92

Convenience, options continue to power Tullamore in Post Falls
February 3, 2019 midnight

Convenience, options continue to power Tullamore in Post Falls

Tullamore and its surrounding neighborhoods serve as one of the core residential hubs in Post Falls, and new construction and affordable living opportunities continue to fuel the growth.

February 3, 2019 midnight

HUNTER: Got what he deserved

Let’s get to the point regarding Mr. Wiley Hunter: He rented a vehicle to bring back a load of pot from Canada. He was caught with 75 pounds of the stuff in the trunk after a traffic stop.

February 3, 2019 midnight

No headline


February 3, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Reasons for recall

While I live blocks away from the Streeter development of pasture property in Dalton, I’m very concerned about our city officials’ refusal to enforce well-established zoning ordinances.

No headline
February 3, 2019 midnight

No headline

Robert ‘Bob’ A. Hart, 82

February 3, 2019 midnight

Hill gets steeper for school votes

In a public setting recently, a citizen was heard complaining about the injustice of using school buildings as polling places when school funding is on the ballot. It didn’t seem to matter when it was explained that changing standard polling places for these sparsely attended elections would likely diminish voter participation — a development that many conservative citizens would condemn.

February 3, 2019 midnight

Kellogg wins, wins and wins


Today's ghastly groaner
February 3, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Did you hear about the paddy wagon that collided with a cement mixer?

Milestone Announcements
February 3, 2019 midnight

Milestone Announcements


February 3, 2019 midnight

Thinking fast can save your bacon

The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to ask his congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. On top of it all, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play.

Saturday, February 2

February 2, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 2, 2019

NOTICE OF STORAGE SALE A Better Storage Solution 995 N. Boulder Ct. Post Falls, ID 83854 Notice is hereby given that 12:00PM February 8th, 2019, a public auction will be held for the purpose of satisfying a landlord's lien on the contents of 3 storage units. The units can be viewed a full week prior to the auction held at #502 Dustin Novak, 801 E. Medical Court, Post Falls, ID 83854 - Golf Clubs, Power Tools, Rocking Chairs, Trunks, Washing Machine #428 Dustin Novak, 801 E. Medical Court, Post Falls, ID 83854 - Planer, Snow Tires, Tools # 224 James Franz, 319 4th Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 - Tires, Furniture, Lamps, Coolers CDA LEGAL 1070 AD#263825 JANUARY 26, FEBRUARY 2, 2019

February 2, 2019 midnight

No headline

Strength coaches conference

UGM receives estate gift, buys neighboring apartments
February 2, 2019 midnight

UGM receives estate gift, buys neighboring apartments

COEUR d’ALENE — The Union Gospel Mission Center for Women and Children is expanding its campus to provide safe, affordable housing for residents completing the long-term recovery program.

Movers and Shakers
February 2, 2019 midnight

Movers and Shakers

CDA Library announces new Youth Services Librarian

Today's ghastly groaner
February 2, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

What’s the difference between a cranky 2-year-old and a duckling?

February 2, 2019 midnight

Minerath finds the mark when Viks need it

COEUR d’ALENE — In her third year as a varsity starter, Coeur d’Alene High’s Emily Minerath had her senior moment in Friday’s 5A Region 1 girls basketball opening round game.

Dalton  recall about  vision, not animosity
February 2, 2019 midnight

Dalton recall about vision, not animosity

I’m writing on behalf of Save Dalton, a growing group of concerned citizens leading the recall of the mayor and city council of Dalton Gardens. We hold no animosity toward the Streeter family or any of our elected officials. We simply have a different vision for our city; one that keeps Dalton rural and preserves the characteristics that make it so unique and desirable; one where city officials follow the rule of law, impartially enforce city ordinances, adhere to open meeting laws, engage in meaningful discourse and embrace transparency.

Driving home his message
February 2, 2019 midnight

Driving home his message

SANDPOINT — Friday, Reclaim Idaho’s Luke Mayville took off for one last drive across Idaho in the group’s forest green RV covered stem-to-stern with signatures and messages from supporters.

February 2, 2019 midnight

Finding a way to the finish

When it comes to this point in the season, at least from a prep sports perspective, each team is likely dealing with it.

Ajang comes up big for Genesis Prep
February 2, 2019 midnight

Ajang comes up big for Genesis Prep


NIC seeks new gym, science expansion
February 2, 2019 midnight

NIC seeks new gym, science expansion

COEUR d'ALENE — North Idaho College has taken the first step toward a new gymnasium and expansion of the Meyer Health and Sciences Building.

Ross Point Camp and Conference Center
February 2, 2019 midnight

Ross Point Camp and Conference Center

There are so many amazing Christian camps in the area and we will try to do them all justice over time. One camp that is fascinating, just by its location, is the Ross Point Camp and Conference Center in Post Falls. This camp, although less than a mile from Interstate 90 and Highway 41, sits on 60 acres of woodland and 3,500 feet of waterfront. It is a secluded oasis in the middle of an urban environment.

February 2, 2019 midnight

Rieken does a little bit of everything for Lake City

COEUR d’ALENE — In soccer, they refer to it as workrate.

Lutefisk and lefse dinner is Feb. 16
February 2, 2019 midnight

Lutefisk and lefse dinner is Feb. 16

The local Sons of Norway lodge invites the public to sample traditional Norwegian food and culture at the annual lutefisk and lefse dinner on Saturday, Feb. 16.

February 2, 2019 midnight



'7-lot  dream'  dashed Property owner  pulls proposal
February 2, 2019 midnight

'7-lot dream' dashed Property owner pulls proposal

COEUR d'ALENE — A landowner and developer whose zone change request for farmland near Fighting Creek drew fire from neighbors has withdrawn the proposal after a hearing examiner recommended that it be denied.

Friday, February 1

February 1, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 1, 2019

Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of Athol, Kootenai County Idaho, will hold a Public Hearing to consider any and all comments on the following: DH Holdings Annexation and initial zoning, a request by Casey Krivor, on behalf of DH Holdings, LLC for initial zoning and annexation of 6 parcels totaling approximately 135 acres into the City of Athol, for the purposes of residential development. The applicant has requested Residential zoning for the property. The subject property is generally described as Assessor Parcel numbers 53N03W-09- 6400, 53N03W-09-5800, 53N03W-09-5500, 53N03W- 09-5100, 53N03W-09-4500, and 53N03W-09-2600, por- tions of the NW quarter and SW quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, B.M. The location of the subject property is north of State Highway 54, east of Sheep Springs Road, north and west of the Northern Meadows subdivision. The complete legal descriptions for the parcels to be annexed are: Parcel 1 The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, lying West and Southwest of the Union Pacific Railroad (formerly Spokane International Railway) right-of-way. AND the North 249.03 feet of that portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, lying West of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, all in Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County Idaho. Said Parcel being depicted on the Record of Survey at Book 30, Page 23 of Surveys in the Office of the Kootenai County Recorder. Parcel 2 The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, lying West of the Union Pacific Railroad (formerly owned and operated by Spokane International Railway) right-of-way, said Parcel 2 being depicted on the Record of Survey by PLS 8792 on file at Book 30, Page 23 of Surveys in the Office of the Recorder of Kootenai County, Idaho. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 249.03 feet. Parcel 3 The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, lying West of the Union Pacific Railroad (formerly owned and operated by Spokane International Railway) right-of-way, said Parcel 3 being depicted on the Record of Survey by PLS 8792 on file at Book 30, Page 23 of Surveys in the Office of the Recorder of Kootenai County, Idaho. Parcel 4 The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. Parcel 5 The South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, being depicted on the Record of Survey by PLS 8792 on file Book 30, Page 23 of Surveys in the Office of the Recorder of Kootenai County, Idaho. Parcel 6 The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. All interested persons are invited to appear and/or comment on this proposed annexation and initial zoning request. The case file includes maps and a draft annexation agreement. The complete file is available for review at the Athol City Hall during regular office hours (9:00am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday and Fridays 8:30am- 12:30pm) The public Hearing will be held at Athol City Hall, 30355 Third Street, Athol, ID on Tuesday February 19 at 7:00 pm. The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who requires special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk at (208) 683-2101 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time if you require an accommodation. Lori Yarbrough City Clerk/Treasurer CDA LEGAL 1093 AD# 265491 FEBRUARY 1, 2019

February 1, 2019 midnight

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Suspect sought identity change
February 1, 2019 midnight

Suspect sought identity change

COEUR d’ALENE — Jennifer Narvaiz was trying to disappear a day before she appeared on screen in a Kootenai County courthouse video arraignment.

Hard loss? Try Netflix and sugar
February 1, 2019 midnight

Hard loss? Try Netflix and sugar

Do you think Sean Payton will watch the Super Bowl?

Today's ghastly groaner
February 1, 2019 midnight

Today's ghastly groaner

Did you hear about the fire in the shoe factory?

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

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Lenard Vernon Bunkelman

Library to host free Chinese Culture Experience classes
February 1, 2019 midnight

Library to host free Chinese Culture Experience classes

Three monthly classes sharing Chinese culture will be taught by Eazel Cai, a University of Idaho Chinese Language and Culture Instructor, beginning Thursday, Feb. 14, at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library.

The war on men must end
February 1, 2019 midnight

The war on men must end

D-Day at the beaches of Normandy, Iwo Jima, Vietnam, The Battle of Fallujah.

Piano lab at Ramsey pitch perfect
February 1, 2019 midnight

Piano lab at Ramsey pitch perfect

COEUR d’ALENE — Two former storage closets in Spencer Normington's music room have been converted into laboratories where science, music and education live together in perfect harmony.

Opt-out's only option: Keep it or kick it County moves March 28 hearing to NIC
February 1, 2019 midnight

Opt-out's only option: Keep it or kick it County moves March 28 hearing to NIC

COEUR d'ALENE — Keep the opt-out option on Kootenai County building permits or eliminate it.

Love is in the air
February 1, 2019 midnight

Love is in the air

COEUR d’ALENE — Get into the mood for romance this Valentine's Day with a lively love story set to the catchy tunes of ’70s supergroup ABBA.

February 1, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Fourth Street fiasco

I attended the Jan. 24 meeting at the Dalton City Hall on the Traffic and Improvements on Fourth Street. In the article of the Coeur d’Alene Press on Jan. 26, “A road runs through it,” Mayor Roberge and Mr. Gillis gave the impression that the project was going forward. The angry crowd of 100 people that attended was overwhelmingly against the improvements and applying for a grant on Fourth Street. These improvements would include curbs and sidewalks and then swales would have to be added. If these improvements are made, it would change Fourth Street from rural to urban which goes against our Comprehensive Plan.

February 1, 2019 midnight

If you asked a movie guy: 'Fyre,' Rami Malek, and more

Roger Ebert wrote many excellent essays on great movies, and he dedicated an equal amount of words to lesser films, even releasing collected book volumes of his most piercing cinematic takedowns.

February 1, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Traffic trouble ahead

In response to The Press article of Jan. 26 titled “A road runs through it.” I was at the Jan. 24 meeting at Dalton Gardens City Hall. I observed our mayor was present and two city council members were also present at the completely packed house with very concerned residents of Dalton about this unpopular Fourth Street project.

February 1, 2019 midnight

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Prep girls basketball

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

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John Carl Dreyer, Jr., 80

Medical costs clearly unclear
February 1, 2019 midnight

Medical costs clearly unclear

A new federal rule designed to make the prices of hospital procedures and services more accessible to patients may be confounding an already complicated situation for health care consumers.

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

No headline

Millie G. Moring, 80

February 1, 2019 midnight

Workforce conference slated for Feb. 22

Educators, businesses and state agencies will soon come together to discuss the future of Idaho’s workforce during a free half-day conference at North Idaho College.

February 1, 2019 midnight

Stand firm against any partisan push

Partisanship in America has become a pollutant, if not a poison. Ideological mass on the far left and the far right threatens to rip our country right down the middle, where the strength of cooperation and compromise reside.

Gennett takes over
February 1, 2019 midnight

Gennett takes over

COEUR d’ALENE — The lone returning player for Post Falls with much varsity experience, junior Colby Gennett took over in the third quarter for the Trojans on Thursday night.

February 1, 2019 midnight

SENTENCE: Not a real penalty

Tuesday, a Coeur d’Alene judge in Kootenai County sentenced Richard Sovenski to six months jail time for misdemeanor battery. He was charged and found not guilty of felony malicious harassment, which is Idaho’s hate crime law.

Fast Five with State Farm's James Perkinson
February 1, 2019 midnight

Fast Five with State Farm's James Perkinson

Tell us about yourself

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

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Bertha Eugenié ‘Betty’ Nutter (née Geofrey)

February 1, 2019 midnight

IDFG: Winter of the wolf

In response to Mr. Bartholdt’s article of Jan. 24 regarding the Idaho Department of Fish and Game moose and goat hunt reduction, I agree there is a need to reduce tags but take issue with the misdirection the IDFG regional biologist Ms. Wolf engages in with her comments solely focused on habitat, as if the lack of logging or a warm winter are what is causing the lack of moose or goats. Anyone who has spent any length of time in our national forests over the last 10 to 15 years can easily tell Ms. Wolf that wolves are overwhelmingly driving this need to reduce tags.

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

No headline

James S. Hamilton, 67

February 1, 2019 midnight

PARTY: Expose political philosophies

Eureka! A-ha! The scales fall from my eyes! Something definitive, hiding in plain sight, has been revealed by a Republican initiative in Idaho’s State Legislature to require candidates to disclose their political party affiliation in all local elections.

Trapping inhumane, even to big cats
February 1, 2019 midnight

Trapping inhumane, even to big cats

In reference to the Cd’A Press article by AP writer Keith Ridler on Tuesday, Jan. 22, “New Idaho wolf trap rules” may be misleading. It’s true that our traditional institutions are coming under fire, and trapping is one. The primary reasons are human overpopulation, consumption, social media and modern research. Idaho’s change stands out, being the fastest-growing state in the nation, with Boise becoming a tech hub and Cd’A an innovation center!

February 1, 2019 midnight

PARTY: Bring it on

In the Jan. 29 article, “Pick Your Party,” some local “non-partisan” City Council members objected to the proposed resolution stating national politics have no place in local affairs.

No headline
February 1, 2019 midnight

No headline

Dewey Philip Almas

Highway 41 interchange design surfaces
February 1, 2019 midnight

Highway 41 interchange design surfaces


February 1, 2019 midnight

CONSUMERS: Praise for columnists

I have been a fan of the Consumer Protection column since you first started it with Bill Brooks.

February 1, 2019 midnight

SCHOOLS: Cut number districts

I see tax and spend school districts are at it again, wanting more phony levies proposed. We’ve lived here more than 18 years and have seen many school levies, most passing, ripping more money out of taxpayers pockets!

February 1, 2019 midnight

Lakeside runs past Mullan


February 1, 2019 midnight

North Idaho College presents JazzNIC Festival Concert

The annual JazzNIC festival is almost here. The festival runs Feb. 4 - 6, with about 600 middle and high school students participating in jazz clinics. There will be a concert at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 5, in NIC’s Boswell Hall Schuler Performing Arts Center. The concert is free and open to the public.

February 1, 2019 midnight



Common sense doesn't trump building laws
February 1, 2019 midnight

Common sense doesn't trump building laws

An editorial in the Coeur d’Alene Press regarding a height variance generated letters to the editor. The problem is when roof trusses were placed on a structure, the building was 10 inches too high. When the builder realized it, he contacted the city.