OPEN SPACE BOND: $250K good starting point
I am a P&Z commissioner in Coeur d’Alene.
I fully expect the Open Space Bond issue will come back but not until a realistic proposal and game plan from Kootenai County long range planners brings engaged solutions to the public. Taxpayers should not gift Kootenai County $50 million to implement a blank check for an obscure and undefined dream.
Providing funding of a $250,000 development program is a reasonable start point. Implement taxpayer surveys and outreach to users, landowners and developers; open workshops; input by all border cities providing a path where all interested parties can provide input, discuss options and buy into a shared future Open Space for all citizens, owners and visitors.
I would never give $5 million to a builder for my dream home without the reassurance of plans and details, specifications, timeline and budget. A blank check and closed control is a level of trust I cannot support for our often changing Kootenai County officials or departments. Neither should taxpayers.
Coeur d’Alene