Friday, September 27, 2024

SILVERWOOD: Great lessons learned

| March 6, 2022 1:00 AM

I believe that the Coeur d’Alene Press article about the ticket price watchdog website changing its ranking of Silverwood Theme Park has lessons in it for all of us:

1) Stephanie Sampson, the 20-something public relations manager, who loves her job and believes in the Theme Park’s mission, had the intelligence and motivation to challenge what she read and to make the website accountable for their decisions about who they listed had increased their prices the most.

They changed their ranking due to Stephanie giving them accurate, updated information! To me, she represents many of her generation that I meet quite often who are dedicated, hardworking and truly care about their customers! Too often I hear adults complain about her generation so I wish to counter that with my own experiences.

2) I think we could all do a better job of checking what we read for accuracy instead of accepting things that seem to match our own beliefs which usually slant one way or the other. If more us really searched for “truth,” perhaps we would not be as divided as we are! I realize that politics are not going away, but our young people, like Stephanie, also know how to do their research to find the correct answers. That gives me great hope for the future of our world being in better hands when their generation is in charge.

