POEM: Valentine for her
She is so generous and giving,
Of her time she is so abundantly charitable,
Her kindness gleams bright through her smile,
Her graciousness makes her so elegant and beautiful,
Her contented heart overflows with love,
The chambers to her soul secure her character,
Her eyes open up joy in others day,
And her gentle words are an absolute treasure,
Adorned with the beauty of truth and thoughtfulness,
She displays her beauty daily,
Taking constant strides of confidence,
And continuing in her giving and generosity,
Her beauty is indeed a jewel recognized,
One to which many strive to attain,
Her beauty is indeed innate,
My longing to express her I can not contain,
So I sketch into existences with words her essence,
Endeavoring so arduously to display her true beauty,
My weak words laced with sincere intentions do no justice,
In describing such a treasure such a lady.
Coeur d’Alene