Thursday, September 26, 2024

Supplement Quality: Is yours making the grade?

by Dr. Pamela Langenderfer
| March 6, 2013 8:00 PM

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is in regards to over-the-counter supplements.

People will tell me that they found CoQ10 for $10 and why would they pay more. The reality is that not all supplements are created equal.

Did you know that if a company says there is 500 mg of vitamin C that it may only have 100 mg? Did you know that some companies will put food dye, wheat, gluten, and other fillers in them that may cause food allergies or be harmful to your health? Did you now that some fish oils are contaminated with PCB's or mercury? Did you know that herbs can be misidentified? Did you know that some of the oils used as a base in Vitamin E, for example, are rancid? Did you know that so-called whole food vitamins may not actually be just food, many of these companies will add vitamins to a food base (which may or may not be organic) or use hormone-laden animal products.

What we strive for at Lakeside Holistic Health is to use companies that verify what they say is in a product is really in there. We look for companies who formulate products based on current research and who practice evidence-based medicine.

Why? Because as a physician, my first objective is to do no harm. My second is to use a product that will give me consistent safe results.

Here is an example from one of our companies and how they have taken steps toward quality assurance.

Every batch of raw material and finished product is independently tested for: bacteria, yeast, mold, authenticity - verifies identity the identity of each nutrient, potency - verifies potency claim on the label, chemical solvent residue, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aflatoxins - fungal toxins herbicide/pesticide/fungicide residue dioxins and PCB's.

The finished product is then tested for: label claim potency, microbiology contamination, and stability.

This is one example of what a good quality supplement company will do to ensure supplement safety and effectiveness.

Please join us on Facebook if you haven't already for current information regarding our practice and natural medicine in the news. If you have any questions about your current supplements, please contact us for a consultation.

Dr. Pamela Langenderfer is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She is the current co-owner of Lakeside Holistic Health, PLLC with locations in Coeur d'Alene and Liberty Lake. She can be contacted at (208)758-0568 or visit our website at